Saturday, April 11, 2015

...~ Where Are We Headed? ~...


Paradox: is a statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true ( or wrong at the same time).  

More people are able to attend colleges, obtaining more degrees, but they are not wiser.We've increased our knowledge, but our decision making and judgment has a lot to be desired. The world has more professionals, better doctors and nurses, monstrous hospitals with the best and most up to date equipment, and we now have better medicines, yet people are sicker and the medications have so many side effects, until you can simply die from the side effects after taking the medications.

We talk of needing more exercise, we build state of the art exercise equipment, and we take pills to lose weight. Have we not become more lazy? But, in our minds we have become more active. I'm sure you've seen exercise equipment advertised on T.V. that allows to sit in comfort while you exercise. (AMAZING)... Where are we headed?

We watch advertisements on TV, we see creams and gels to make us look younger because we are in fear of aging. We are more concerned with the way our bodies look when people are looking at us. Yes, we want and desire fine bodies, beautiful faces, great hair and we reached to achieve it by any means necessary. But, we forget our purpose and how corrupt our hearts have become.

We've gone to school, acquired a good education to make a very good living, but our lives as a whole has fallen apart. Relationships have crumbled, communication with in those relationships have become silent. Yet, we make more money to buy what we want and less of what we need.  We travel to wherever we like. Take cruises, fly to different countries,  but we never think of walking across the street to meet and say hello to an old or a new neighbor. 

May I ask a question? Are we truly better off? Are we truly living more free today or in more bondage? What are we becoming?

Our lives are fast pace, consisting of microwavable foods and the thought of me, myself and I. We've become more selfish, self-centered and less compassionate for others. And, if we are compassionate we fail to express it.

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in amazement, because that little person soon will grow up and not be around.

Remember, to give a direct look in the eye and warm hug to the ones you love.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your friends and loved ones, and really mean it. You will be surprised of how much it means to a person when you ask them, can I help you with anything? Or are you really okay? Do you need to talk? We've drifted so far from showing kindness and concern.

Be willing to give good sound advise. Take ownership of situations you can handle.Remember to always be kind and loving. But, know when to be a woman and a  man of steel and velvet.

Let me explain
understand when to express steel = Firmness, Strength and straight forwardness.
understand when to express velvet=Tenderness, Love and sensitivity.

Maybe this song will enlighten you. Please listen to the words! Just copy and paste.

~These are my thoughts ... (Not the song) ... I welcome yours~

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