Thursday, December 29, 2016

~~~Let the Sun Shine through~~~

Sun shining into cave

As I write this, my mind recalls the little girls in Africa who were abducted and raped. Some even became mothers during their abduction. I think about the young children that can no longer play unattended in their own yard in fear of some rapist or pedophile attacking them.

I remember back in the 50's and 60's when young men were drafted to the arm forces. Many left afraid of the unknown and some didn't return. These young left home to fight a war they knew nothing about. Some returned returned blind, no arms, one leg or no leg at all. And for what?

Why do these things have to happen? Why don't we allow the sun to once again shine and reflect the rays of love that once existed?

Everybody knows, when little children play, they need a sunny days to grow straight and strong and our job is to let the sun shine through. Yes, I do believe the windows of the world are covered with rain; I also wonder when will the black skies turn blue again?

Think on this: The world is going through a storm right now. I know because I hear and see the results of on going wars! But, it is during the storm that we learn the lesson. We have a choice to let these storms make us or break us. We all need to take time to reflect on our choices in life. Many times we create our own storms by the choices we make individually and as a country.

I remember when boys grew into men, we started to wonder when our country would call. Please allow me to say this, we all know when men can't be friends, their quarrels often end in wars and the result is some has to die. We must let the sun shine through on our attitudes and dislikes and hatreds!

I've heard that whenever rain appears, it's really angel's tears ... How long must they cry?

Lastly, I Pray that racism will end, hate will turn to love, people will learn to live together, children can be children again!

 I've never seem white, black, brown or green blood. The only color blood any of us has ever seen is RED! So, Why can't we live together and... Let the Sun Shine Through...

Lets all JOIN together and put an end to Terrorism, Hate and Racism!!!

!!!Let The Sun Shine Through!!!
Sun shining through Tree

~I trust this reading made sense to you~

Sunday, December 25, 2016

~~When Disturbing News Come~~

Woman thinking what to write

I refuse to be shaken or fall into disarray when bad news comes. I will not let a bad report effect my joy or rob me of my peace of heart and mind! I will not allow bad news to discourage me or cause me to become afraid or fall into a fearful mode. 

I know that God has a plan to overcome every difficult situation. Whether it be poor health, a death or a lack of finances. Adversity will not defeat my life or cause me to fail in any category of my life. Whats  going on in my life and your life is no surprise to God. I know God will always make a way, where there seems to be no way. I cast every issue of my life on the Lord and you should do the same. Please read (1st Peter 5:7). 

I Will not worry, fear, or allow anxious thoughts to trouble me. God's Holy Spirit gives me insight, wisdom, and favor to navigate through this and all of my adversities!

God is my provider, my deliverer, and my strong tower, as describe in (Psalm 18:2 and Psalm 144:2). I've learned to live independent of circumstances.  The Holy Spirit gives me clear and specific directions concerning what I should do.

Our Lord Jesus has promised never to leave me or forsake me. Therefore, I will not let my heart be troubled. I will trust in God and I will boast in His Word! What the enemy has meant for evil, God will turn it into my good. I will patiently wait and see the salvation of the Lord.

As you can see, this was written in the first person. So, when you read this, see yourself and read this in the same manner. No Matter What the issue is in your life ... The victory has already been won! Refocus your thinking!

Sometimes I have to write words down and read them in order to see whats being said in my mind and then apply it to my life. 

I trust this writing help you as much as it has helped me

Saturday, December 3, 2016

~Circumstances and Despair~

XL solitude beach silhouette   Gloomy sunset

There are some old familiar acquaintances that I wish not to rekindle a relationship with. It has been several years since I've seem these old nemesis. And, reuniting with him was not my choice!

Circumstances in my life recently changed  and it cause a reunion. This reunion was not one I wanted to reunite with. These are people I knew slightly, and who are not close friends. But if you are weak these persons will control who you are, where you are going, and the way you feel.

The names of these people are are Circumstances and Despair. Yes, you heard right, Circumstances and Despair. There is a quote that says: "Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise."

I believe the boldest and bravest thing a person can do, is continue moving forward in life when they have the notion and desire to give up, due to their circumstances.

I don't care what happens in life, no matter difficult or troubling things seem to get, DO NOT enter the world of despair. I don't care if every window, door or entrance is closed on you, God will open a door or window or entrance just for you!!!  Don't stop, Don't quit, Do give-up! Be gracious and thankful, you were the chosen one! Because it could have been someone you deeply love that fell into a relationship with Circumstances and Despair, and they may not have been as strong as you to overcome, and may have taken the short path out ... and killed themselves. So, be glad its you and not them!

In Everything gives thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you!

Remember, you can loose it all, except one thing, Your freedom. Your freedom to choose your attitude in a given set of circumstances. You can always choose the right door to walk through.

Also remember, words are very powerful; so use positives words when you are having difficulties in your life. Sometimes walking from an issue is, in order; but walking away from an issue/circumstance is not giving up on life, you're just moving on to something more productive!

I trust all of this makes sense to you!!!

Don't be the person who always blames his or her circumstances for where they are, and who the have become. Don't trust circumstances to validate who and where you are!

Fight, and Fight... and when you are done fighting to strive to be a success; continue to fight and persevere to help your brother and sister. Regardless of Race, Creed or Color!  Because all of our blood is RED...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome you comments~


Apart and Alone
       {Which seat do you choose?} 

There are so many truths concerning life. I believe we should find certain truths that pertain to us as individuals, making them  principles by which we live.

The human face can mislead in thousand different ways, but the eyes never change. Therefore, I always start with a person eyes. You see, eyes don't lie. I view the eyes as the open window pertaining to the status or condition of a person's heart and mind. This is strange, but sometimes you can look into a person's eyes and see yourself. Not from the mirroring glare, but the hidden you that you withhold from others.

Sometimes I feel like I live in a city of mirrors.

There are so many things that are important in life. But, sometimes prioritizing those things can sometimes be very difficult.  However, this is what I've come to understand; life is too short to waste any amount of time wondering what other people think about me. Besides, if they had better things going on in their own lives, they wouldn't have time sitting around talking about me.

Whats important to me, is not others' opinion of me, but my opinion of myself. Not being concerned of what others think of us is very difficult sometimes. I guess its fair to say, the first things we learn are the hardest to forget.

However, the person in this life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Even, when you are with others or in a crowd, you are still with yourself, too! So, while other's opinions can affect us, my opinion of myself should matter most.

Our time here is limited and no one should waste time living someone else's life. There is a term called dogma, which is actually living the results of other people's thinking. Remember, you have an inner voice, don't let the noise of other people drown out your inner voice!

Marianne Williamson stated this:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

So, be the man and woman, boy and girl God has equipped you to be. Never attempt to be anyone except yourself. Trust God with all your decisions and be obedient when He advises you as to which way you should go.

I hope these few words help shape your destiny. Dare to be different...

~Your feedback on this subject is greatly appreciated~