Thursday, June 27, 2013

~~~You are Special~~~

This blog writing is primary for those who have been hurt in relationships or have been made to feel inadequate within their relationships.

I simply want you to realize that you are someone special and that you  have a special place in life.

Let no one make you feel inadequate or less than in your relationship! Don't allow yourself to be subject to verbal, mental or physical abuse... 

 ~~~You are Special~~~

Understand that you were destined to be successful in life and you need to think more highly of yourself and demand respect.

 Many of us travel different roads in life. Some of these roads are good, bad or indifferent. Nevertheless, we've traveled them.

Some of the roads we've traveled are very beautiful some are not. Nevertheless we've traveled them.

In our travels we meet people. Some people we meet are good / nice and some are not. Nevertheless we've met them.

Some of you have entered into relationships and were sometimes made to feel not good about yourself. Also you may have gotten  the impression by your significant other that he or she is doing you a favor by being in your life.


Well, I want you to realize this about your self. Therefore I wrote this in the the first person.

  • I might not be someone's first choice, but I'm a GREAT CHOICE...!!!
  • I may not be millionaire but I'm VALUABLE...!!
  • I don't pretend to be someone I'm not because I'm good at being ME.
  • I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past but I'm proud of whom I am today...!!!
  • I may not be perfect because I don't need to be.....
  • Take ME as I'm.... or Watch ME as I Walk AWAY...!!!
Listen,  God created you. In Him you are a perfect human being. You are a beautiful person. Except this about yourself, no matter what someone may say negatively about you!!!

~Don't loose yourself in someone's abuse and negativity towards you~

 ~~~You are Special~~~

These are my thoughts ...... I welcome yours!!!