Friday, July 22, 2011

"What makes a man a Man!!!!

I was again talking to a friend and the thought entered my mind, "What makes a man a man". I thought and tried looking up ideas to relate to my subject. But then I thought. I don't need to look for other's thoughts on this matter; I can reminisce based on my childhood and look within to determine "What makes a man a man".

I started thinking about my father. As a child, whenever my father would come home from work, my brothers, sisters  and I would always run to his car to greet him home. It was always an exciting time when came home.

He brought home a sense of stability, security and strength. Even though my mom and dad's marriage did not survive, my dad's presence was  positively felt. {In our early years}.

Moving on ... I was in the 8th grade when my mom and dad separated. That was a very devastating time for me. It was so devastating that my 8th grade math teacher came to visit my mom to tell her my grades were dropping  drastically. Oh, I was an A student in Math in the 8th grade only! :)

My mother explained to Mrs McMath  {my math teacher} that she and my father had just separated  and that could have been the reason, which it was. My teacher cared about me.

Later on I met a teacher who's name is Mr. James Redmond. Mr. Redmond was my Driver's Ed and History teacher. He was also a neighbor. After my dad left us, Mr. Redmond became a father figure to me. He gave a sense of worth, security and a sort of protection when I was around him.

After finishing High School I would visit him often. One day I went back home to Hartsville, S.C. to visit my family and I stopped by to see my old friend, father figure and, teacher Mr. Redmond. I began to explain to him just how important he was to me and how much I needed him in my life back then.

He said and I quote "Edwards, I had no idea of the role I was playing in your life back then, but I am glad to know that I helped you so much, and you have proven my worth to you, by always coming by to visit me each time you come back home".

I don't recall to many other men being in my life that made such an impact, except my instructor at DeVry Institute of Technology, which was Mr. Adolphus Sams,  who always encouraged me by saying "Edwards you will do well in this industry".

I guess Mr. Sams was correct, because the industry I am in, is the industry that I am still in and I guess you can say I was successful.

Now, let's examine what I've just stated concerning "What makes a man a man".


A man gives the people and family around him a sense of Stability

He brings a sense of  Security

He brings a sense of  Strength

He shows that he Cares

He displays Confidence

He Protects

He provides

He makes wise Decisions

He Prays

He has a way of making others feel good about themselves

He has Integrity

He admits when he is Wrong

He is quick to say I'm Sorry

He is patient

He is a Giver ... and don't look for repayment

He is forever learning

He is always a Thinker

He Sacrifices 

These are just a few examples that depicts the attributes of a man.

Listen.....I no longer wonder what you are about to read below,,,, Now I know!!!

Well, what make a man I once wondered. Is it his Origin, when he comes to life? I don't think so!

It is the choices that he makes. ------ It is not how he start things, but how he decides to finish them.

I understand now, that a man becomes a man only when he secures himself with Honesty and Integrity.

I've said this in a previous blog and that is: .... Somehow I believe, that  a man becomes mature, when he no longer allow these two choices to co-exist: and that is to allow The spirit of a boy to over-ride The wisdom of a Man!!!

I am so thankful for the people God allowed to enter my life, from my youth and as an adult.

Remember this..... Age does not constitute being a man. Wisdom dictates that!!!

These are my thoughts ..... I welcome yours!!!!!!!

Happy reading......

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reach For Your Dream .........

"Some of this writing ... I have endured" {Personally}

The reason I chose this picture is because I wanted you to see that dreams can be accomplished, if we would but reach high and dig deep, with a mind that is as determined as a hungry Lion seeking his prey.

I've learned in life that when, it comes to having aspirations and setting goals, disappointment will occur, but the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one who endures until the end.

When I view the picture above I think of Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King and so many individuals who fought for and gave their lives for equality. To be treated as human being and not like animals and slaves.

The Bible makes it clear that the poor will always be among us, but God never intended for wealthy men to treat those who are less fortunate as slaves. We all serve someone. We are all servants to someone in this life, but not to the point of being De-humanized by another human being.

The picture above represents two scenarios. The first lets us see just how far America has come.  How?

A young white girl, wearing on her shirt, the picture of a black man, whom she wishes to become President of these United States of America.

For so long racism has separated mankind. Where black men and women had to say "yasser  massa" to these slave owners.

Where blacks picked cotton, cropped tobacco, chunked water melons, picked peaches, cleaned houses, ate the left-over food eaten and left on the plate of massa and his family.

Black men had to endure massa coming into their shacks desiring to be with their wife and daughters. Realizing there was nothing they could do about it.

Where they had to endure watching theirs wife and daughters being Impregnated by slave owners and then having to endure them nursing the children.

And the wives and daughters of these black men having to endure shame and embarrassment  to their husbands and and the daughters shame and embarrassment having to face to their fathers for having babies by these slave owners.

Yes, we as a people have endured an awful lot through the years. Yet God strengthened our ancestors and because of their strength we have survived, by the Help and Grace of God!!!

In life, the highlights we experience teaches us what is possible.

The hard times reinforces the consequences of not being true to our character, of not living up to our own expectations.

I believe we all have a responsibility  to each other. A responsibility to create more than we consume; A responsibility to build things that will out last us; A responsibility to find our own limits and push through them to accomplish even more.

Even when life challenges weigh us down, make us unrecognizable even to ourselves, we can always began again.

There is always time to thrive, As long as we have life, it is not to late to be inspired, It is no to late to change.

We are here to do good quietly; To shine in secret. To give when no one pats us on our backs or praises us.

To give of ourselves to someone, when they can offer nothing in return.

Yes ... There is no match for the Human Spirit!!!

So, reach for your dream ... Why? Because, if  Medgar Evers did not have a dream, if Martin Luther King did have a dream, and the hosts of others not mentioned did not have a dream and reach so high that it cost them their lives, then the change with the young white girl wearing the T-shirt, with the picture of a black man- in the above picture, may not ever have occurred.

And The First Black President may still have been our hopes. But today....this Great day!

  • Slaves are now freed

  • Blacks and Whites are now eating from the same table

  • Ours schools are now integrated

  • The First Black President is in Office  .... Where would he be without a dream, hope and without Change!!!

Dare to dream .. Dare to reach for your dream . . . Dare to believe in yourself and in God!!!

Lastly, to dream is good, but to reach and touch your dream is GREATER!!!

Also understand this, hope is a desire accompanied by expectation. Therefore, hope big,  desire strong and maintain high expectations.

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!

Happy reading...    "YES WE CAN"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Why ......Do .. We .. Lie........ !!!

"What does it mean to lie?," "Are secrets the same as lies?," "Why do people lie?," "What are the consequences?," "Can you lie to yourself?,"

Can one live an ethical life in an ethical world?

We lie at times to save face, that is to make ourselves look good or not guilty.  We lie to shift blame.

Whatever the reason we lie. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, and sometimes we lie for so long until it can feel like the truth.

Maybe we are the person that we con the most. We all do this. We all keep a little bit of ourselves hidden.

Because, it we didn't, then we would have to look at who we really are, and if we didn't like ourselves then we would have no one to blame except ourselves.

So, the question is, does my lie excuse who I am or what I've done.

Listen, if someone is deeply in love with you, then the lie you tell can truly destroy a person's life.The lie you tell can cripple a person's ability to love again. And ..... when that happens, it becomes a terrible thing to take away someones ability to trust and love again.

Especially, when that person have given you all that they have .... Their Heart, body and mind.

Remember, love is one of the most important things that we have. Both to love and to be loved.

Hey look .... Love is Simple, but people are complicated!

I believe that no matter how bad a thing looks or is, the truth is always the best route to go. Especially, when a relationship is at state, when love is about to really be tested.

It is noted that the eyes are the window to the soul. In other words, when you lie, the eyes reveal so much  when looked into by the one who deeply loves you. Because when love is real, he or she has the ability to see what you are attempting to hide or coverup. Provided he or she really want to see.

I guess  looking in a mirror before we lie can be a good thing.

As you know, there is so much more we could say about lying, but whats the use? We know the effects a lie can cause....  A good lie or a bad lie can hide the truth for a very long time!!! It is like climbing a ladder.
And Never Reaching The Top!!!

So the question is Why Do We Lie?

 These are my thoughts ..... I welcomes yours!!!

Happy Reading ...