Thursday, January 10, 2013

Change Your Thought Process!!!


I had the glorious opportunity granted by God to return home; to my place of birth, which is Hartsvile, SC.

As always, while driving home I began to reminisce on past events. On Wednesday, January 9, 2012 at 11:20 A.M. I sat down at my favorite coffee Shop, which the The MidNight Rooster. I sat in the same location as always and started writing.

As I begin to write I realized I have nothing but good thoughts, because life has been very good to me and so has this place I call home, {Hartsville}.

So often we dwell on bad events, but in reality, if bad events never occurred, I may not have  have discovered the word preseverence. So, I think on the goodness of God and how he has protected and guided me through hard times.

I think on God's goodness for bringing special people in my life, to aid in the navigation thereof.

With those thoughts I decided to think new thoughts. First, know this, God is very much aware of your needs. He is aware of how great your needs are, but he is not moved by your needs as much as He is moved by your Faith.

Thoughts are as follows!!!
  • I desire for God to increase my capacity to receive .. Abundance and More as it relates to Matthew 7:7, Luke 6:38 and Deuteronomy 28:8.. but read the complete chapter.
Understanding to get my eyes off of the Babylonian system, which is the world's system of aquiring riches independently of God.

Understand, God givies according to your capacity to receive. He can give more, but your capacity to receive can limit. Therefore, open your belief by increasing your capacity to receive.

  • Enlarge your Territory -- Growth and Expansion.
I (we) need to advance ... Help others ... live under God's command... Read: Ephesians 6:8. Don't respond in fear, respond in faith II Kings Chapter 4

  • I (we) need to Re-adjust & re-align your faith-Life .. God is not moved by my needs, He is moved by my Faith!!!

    Again, the Babylonian system is aquiring what you need, want and desire without God. Re-focus your faith on God.
When you and I honor God's word, especially as it relates to Deuteronomy 28, this is what will happen:
  • God will silence an adversary ... Prolong Battle will End.
  • Unusual and Supernatural Miracles .. will be demonstrated by God and even by you.
  • Financial Anointing ... Constant Anointing .. That abides ... (Hidden riches).
  • Total Recovery and Restoration.  
(Remember ... Riches not only include money, but knowledge and understanding as well. So, in all your getting, get understanding!!!
     Remember, not only is God a Redeemer of Time, He is also a Reedeemer of Finances, Health, Relationships and So forth and so on.

    I do not have an explanation as to why I started writhing this and the writing before this. But if I were you I would take heed just as I am.

    These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!

    Tuesday, January 1, 2013

    The Sovereignty of God / The Will of Man!!!

    The Sovereignty of God (Banner)

    I chose to write this for the New Year....

    God is complete Sovereign. He has put in each of us a magnificent apparatus. We call it the Soul. The Soul is made up of a volitional part called the will, a thinking part, which is the mind and the feeling part, which is the emotions.  

    Volitional: The ability to make conscious choices or decisions... or the act of exercising the will.
    Now when we exercise the will we are buying stock in the sovereignty of God! Which is The sovereignty of God.

    This may seem strange to you, but God has assigned you a destiny. Over which, by enlarge, so that He can interrupt it at anytime. You are sovereign. You can make either except or reject!

    You can rule it; you can make decisions, pleasing to Him (GOD). You can cast demons off that area in your life, in the name of Jesus. You can call excellence into existence. You can make demands of your soul. Your Spirit man can make demands of your Soul.

    His (God)Spirit in your Spirit, controlling the soul, which uses the body as the servant will make you a person of excellence.

    Make no mistake; what the world calls excellent is a way of achieving certain goals. Monetary or Power goals. But that’s the World’s definition of excellence.

    God’ form of excellence comes from the proper combination of word, what God has said; And Spirit, who God is, operating in His Word and through it today in us; and the power that comes forth.

    We are not excellent until we take advantage of all the gifts that have been offered to us by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

    Excellence is not you doing the best you can. Excellence is letting Him (God) do the best He can in your daily regular cooperation with Him.

    Lets examine this statement:

    In the midst of prospective suffering Jesus possessed His Soul (will).

    “In patience posses your Souls”… In other words, with stubborn decisiveness get a hold of yourself. Control your soul. Don’t let your Soul stay in a passive state. Take charge of it!!!... Read 1st Thessalonians 4:1-4

    Stop saying “ This is just the way that I am. Except me or reject me. I’m not going to change. Words are very powerful. Listen, if the way you are keeps you away from God's best, then your life is out of order! So, get rid of it. Give it up. And, if you are saved you are a new creature.

    In stubborn endurance get a hole of yourself! Endurance means to Stand.

    Every now and again you need to confront your soul (will). How long has it been since you have confronted your soul?  Read Psalms – 42:5; 142:1-7; 119:175; 19:7;16:10; 23:3.

    You need to confront your soul to see if there is anything lurking that is displeasing to God. Self evaluation is very important in this walk.

    We carry so much junk around and this junk gets very weighty. It accumulates. This accumulation breathes forth frustration, expressive dislikes, visual Attitudes, ETC.
    Take self inventory of your Soul. Read Psalm 103 and see how David was coaching his Soul to the right thing!

    What do you do when you began to get jealous, angry, when that fire begins to boil inside because you feel someone has wronged you? What do you do?

    Take inventory of your soul and clean up all the dirtiness that lurks around it. This includes suggestive thoughts.

    Take command.. Stop letting your Soul dictate to you. You dictate to it.

    Listen, the Heaven of Heavens belong to God, but the earth is given to the sons of men.

    There is a sense that  we call the shots. God has given us authority to do so. Just know when!

    Remember you are what you are because of how you and your soul (will) have interfaced. So, interface with your soul (will) in a positive way for God the Holy Spirit to be effective in your life.

    Command you Soul (will) to bless the Lord no matter what is going on around you. Say “ Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul and all that is within me Bless His Holy Name!

    Take control of your Soul (will) by yielding it to God!

    Purpose in your hearts when you attend Church that You do not intend to go home in the same condition upon which I came. Say to yourself - I intend to do what it takes to be changed from what I now am to the next level. I understand that it may take hardship, ; lost, betrayal and pain. But I desire to be changed!

     These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!