Thursday, August 30, 2018

~*My Best Friend*~

To my best friend... Do you know who you are? If you don't , then maybe, just maybe by the time you finish reading this you will know who you are. 

If I could offer you a little advice, this would be it; Don't worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never cross your mind.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. This knowledge my not be understood until the power and beauty of your youth is faded. Believe me, in years to come, you will look back at pictures of yourself and remember in a way you cannot explain, how much possibility laid before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine. :)

Be careful whose advice you take, but be patient with those who supply it. The best relationships are ---The ones that last, and the ones that are rooted in friendship. 

May I add this:There is a battle in every man and woman... Two worlds that exist in each of us... one is evil and anger, and the other is Love and Hope...

You know which one wins?... The one you feed!!! So, my question to you is... Which one are you going to feed?

Know This:
My vow to you is this: to always hold you with tenderness.. And to have the patience that love demands... to be silent when words are not needed. And to speak with love, tenderness and strength, when words are warranted.

I believe its important to know when to be a man or woman of steel ...( to be Firm and Strong) And when to be a man or woman of velvet...(  Soft and Sensitive)...

*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours* 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

~*Standing Under The Sun*~

This Poem was written by my friend Aruna.  Aruna lives in India. I've never met her face to face, but I hope to do so one day. She is a very talented woman that can jot down a poem from her heart at a moments notice. I believe this is the second poem I have posted by Aruna.

many times a person can read what another has written from their heart and honestly feel them. Aruna has the potential to be a tremendous poem writer. 

To my friend Aruna, continue writing from your heart and share your words with the world!!!

From My friend to you:

How would you like to stand under the sun with its rays kissing your face....

The dancing gentle breeze ticking your senses.... 

The air has to say something about you today.... 

Did you ever give it a try to listen to your inner soul?

The tears of joy rolling like the wondering dolphins in the sea... Up above the sky like your dreams...

Catch them before they are about to vanish.... Squeeze them to blend a beautiful smile and a drive away the pain like never before... .........


"Close your eyes and feel the release of something wonderful"

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

~*Justice For All*~

See related image detail

State, Local and Federal Legislators, what are they doing about gun laws?  No one want to stand up and protest our gun laws. Democrats and Republicans continue to fight against each other.  Many legislators appear to be afraid to stand up for what is right. The President seems to be out of touch and when he speaks, he speaks with a lack of sincereness and division.

I watch the President's speech today concerning the shooting in Florida, where several teachers and students were killed. I watch the President very closely and it was as though he was reading from a script. Where is the heart of America? Why is the enforcement of gun laws so difficult?

I don't believe that the NRA is our issue. I believe our issues stems from the weakness in the men and women we voted for to uphold the laws and fight for the people who voted for them. I believe that money is not evil, but when greedy men and women are bought out and forced to defend the NRA and it's belief, that is where our real issue lies.

Further more, if we are not please with the way our Senators and Congress men and women are standing, then we have the power to VOTE them OUT!!!

  People we can enforce the law. We can enforce the law by OUR VOTE. We need to vote for men and women with Spines, those who are willing to Move beyond political divisions and stand up for right. The persons we voted for, work for us and not for the President or the NRA, etc...

So much time we spend is just lost. Please God, tell us what is right, tell us what is true. I mean there is no justice. The rich win, the poor are powerless. We become... Tired of hearing people lie. And, after a time, we become dead.... We think of ourselves As victims, and we become victims.

We Become Weak. We doubt ourselves, we doubt our beliefs, We doubt our institutions. And we doubt the Law!!!

But if we stand in unity, if we stand in the strength God Almighty has given us, we can help enforce the law by either making the individuals we vote for stand up for right or, once again, we vote them OUT!!!

Our vote is very powerful. Not some book, not some lawyer, not a marble statue in front of our institutions, or the trappings of the court. these are just symbols for our desires to be just. When WE standing in unison for truth and righteousness we become law.

If we are to have faith in justice, we need only to believe in ourselves and act with justice. I truly believe justice is in our heart. So, we need to vote in men and women who have not lost their conviction to be Honest and Fair no matter who opposes them.

Here is a quote: "When honest men and women stand around and do nothing, Evil prevail".

~*These are my thoughts... I Welcome yours*~