Friday, September 29, 2017

~*Thinking And Realizing*~

Today I'm sitting and watching the ceiling fan go around and around. And I find myself counting the blades as the fan turns. The time is 02:13AM  and I know I should be asleep, but as you can see I'm not. For me this is quiet normal and it shouldn't be!

I discovered that if you want to know the purpose of a thing, you can't ask the thing or expect it to give you answer.

For instance, a car doesn't know it's a car or the features it has or it's ability. The way to know that is to contact the manufacturer or read the owner's manual. I guess that's the way it is with us and God!

God didn't just create us to be a Husbands, Fathers, Wives, Mothers, Sons, or Daughters. Nor to be a friends, Coaches, Drs. Teachers, Etc... Those are just roles that we must attend too and be very good at.  However, those roles are not who are as men nor you as a women. They do however aid in defining us as men and women.

Sometimes , I believe God allows life to turn us upside down, so we can learn how to live right-side up. And, when it's all said and done He will prove to be our One True Friend.

Adversity brings about a change in how we live and the things we do. I've learned that  I must die to my old way before I can start something new. A Caterpillar is a great example: It craws on it's belly until its time for that life-cycle to end. Then one day, the caterpillar stops eating, hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and spins itself a silky cocoon and it stays there until it's old life is over and the new life of flight has begun. It no longer crawls eating dust. It now flies, soaring higher than before.

I don't believe God close His eyes, but I do believe He allows us to stumble and even fall. But you know what, He always help us find a way to get right back up.  My life has had many twists and turns, ups and downs and I've made lots of mistakes; God knows all of them. I consider myself successful, because I believe God knew that I would learn from my mistakes. Even during this particular time when I became very angry with Him and left Him standing as I move away from Him.  He stayed close to me knowing that I would return home and back to Him.

God's love never dies no matter what. He Cares for each of us. Regardless of what you're going through in life, know that God's help is right next to you. Two simple words you can always utter when you can't say nothing else and they are Help Lord!!!

**What's in your life that keeps holding you back from knowing Him personally?**

I could go on, but I choose not too. However, I hope these few words help you in some sort of way!

~*Jesus is Truly the Way, the Truth and the Life*~

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!

Monday, September 25, 2017

~*Anger and It's Dangers*~


We all been angry and we've said things that we had never parted our lips.  However, words never die, they linger and what's in your heart will eventually come from your mouth. The tongue in your mouth no matter how small can destroy a person, for life. Read: Proverbs: 21:23; Ephesians: 4:29; Proverbs: 15:1.

As a believer, it is important to understand that you can have moments of anger and still remain right with God. But anger that hovers around in your heart can lead to an opportunity for Satan to enter.  The devil uses justification in our thought process... He whispers thoughts in our minds  by telling us "I wouldn't take that. Who does he or she think they are. You need to let them have a piece of your mind." These types of thoughts allows Satan the opportunity to setup a stronghold in your life. The word of God lets us know that it is an unwise person who allows anger to setup residence in your heart (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

We shouldn't except the devil's strongholds in our lives. More importantly, instead of responding to provocations negatively, which gives it fuel to burn, we should respond with forgiveness as the Lord has forgives each of us. If you have resentment, hatred, dislike or anger in your heart, you cannot come before God to find any type of justification for holding on to these things. The best antidote for these actions is to release it at once by having forgiveness in your heart! Please read: (Psalms 66:18 NIV) and (Proverbs 28:13).

It's very important that we shield ourselves by acknowledging these types of emotions and irritants  that we allow to enter our hearts. So, when someone says something to you that you don't like, remember this: (Help Lord) ...The Word of God makes it plain; that as we pray and seek His face, He makes us "quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger" (James 1:19-20 NIV). This create good fruit and this permits the fruit of the Sprit to flourish in the area of self control.

Harboring anger produces bad fruit. which produces very dangerous emotions.  We must take the right approach to anger.  Stand and fight anger with the word of God and a Desiring heart to walk in obedience. You can forsake anger by walking in the spirit of forgiveness!!!

*~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~

Sunday, September 17, 2017

~*The Chess Games of Relationships*~


I enjoy talking with people and asking questions. Some people I have conversations with simply voluntarily divulge information. I had the pleasure of speaking with man on the subject of having an affair. I often visit Starbucks and I watch facial expressions. This particular guy and I would periodically engage in conversations. Sometimes I can sense if someone is going through a situation. Well he began to talk and conversation ensued. Here is the end result as he shared his heart, which was full of regrets!

Many affairs begin as innocent as two people simply connecting.  They may work together, or have become acquainted via church or school, etc. And, if your guard is not intact and your boundaries are not set, a new relationship can become activated and cause you to get involved in an entanglement you just might regret!

The amount of time you spend with that person, via social media, phone or face to face, you may discover a little to late that you have entered into an emotional affair. Affairs does not have to end in a physical relationship, but, it can be as detrimental as entering into the eye of an Hurricane, because both can lead to the death of something or someone, either emotionally of physically. Including a relationship.

Again: Emotional relationships can creep up on you and before you realize it, it has slammed you not only in your face, but also in the heart.

Eye contact is made, interest develop, a conversation began... History is recorded. Once again, this damage begins with curiosity, sharing personal, deep information that should be kept between two people that love each other. Emotional relationship develops attachments of the heart and can lead elsewhere!

If you've ever played or understand the game of Chess, then you should understand this:
Affairs are like a game of chess --- everyone is aiming to capture the Queen or King that isn't theirs, and if your opponent is worthy, she or he can make it past the pawns. Heck, she or he may even make it past your Knights. But every woman's last hedge of protection is her King. Now the minute the King and Queen starts taking each other for granted the opposition slides down or opens up.

The pawns seems harmless at first, but they can bring down the whole kingdom of a relationship, layer by layer.

Listen: Emotional betrayals cuts deeply into the heart of any relationship!!!

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours

Saturday, September 16, 2017

~*Hope ... In The Fullness Of Time*~

Hope is a word that has  a very powerful meaning. It is a word that gives each of a sense of security that something good will come out of a tragedy or bad news. Note that the word of God states:  (Psalms: 112:7) "He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

In my years of living, I've discovered that God does nothing haphazardly or half-way! Every plan that God has is predetermined and carefully carried out at the precise time. Based on history, the present and the future, this statement holds true... All of God's plans are executed at the precise time.

This I know to be very true, God has a specific plan for each of us who desire His will to be performed in our lives. He works precisely to accomplish His will and goals in each of us, who believes in His word. Not only did He ordain the day of our birth, He also know what each day holds for us, as well  as the length of time we will live on this earth. Life is truly a gift from God!

Even though all of God's plans are good , the only way you and I will see His purpose fulfilled in our lives is to fully, completely submit our lives to Him. He gave us a promise: (Roman 8:28 NKJV) "All things work together for good to them who love Him and to them who are called according to His purpose".

Then God also said: Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV) "I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the Lord. Thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope".

My question to you is this: Do you truly trust God? Are you allowing Him to have his way in your life?

{Everything becomes full Circle in the Fullness of Time}

*~These are my thoughts ... I welcome your yours*~

Friday, September 15, 2017

~*A Purpose for Adversity*~

Adversity for many appears to be a tragedy for most! As humans we do not like adversity. We like it most when things go smoothly, without incidents!  But, that is not the way the human life is to be lived or can be lived... As a matter of fact, it is clearly impossible to live in a world without facing uncertainty, doubt, confusion and for sure, Fear!

I honestly believe that adversity comes to make us strong. Struggle is necessary. When I was around 19 years old, I heard a story between two men. They were out hunting and one found a cocoon.  If I may, I will give the men names. Lets call one James and the other John. James decided to take the cocoon home and he sat it on his dresser. The Moth in the cocoon began struggling too gain freedom. James decided to cut the cocoon to make it easier for the Moth to gain freedom. Finally the Moth gained it's freedom, but being fully grown, it couldn't fly.

James and John met again for another hunting expedition. During their conversation, John ask James "how the Moth in the cocoon was progressing". James  answered by saying " when the Moth came out and though it was fully grown it couldn't fly". John ask, "what did you do?" James replied "I cut the cocoon to make it easier for it to gain freedom."

It was at the time John told James, The struggle in the cocoon for the Moth was necessary to build up the strength in the Moth's wings to carry the weight of his body, but because you (James) cut the cocoon you handicapped it for life. It will never fly"! ...I hope this story makes sense too you.

The essence of this story is to help you understand that adversity is necessary for our strength and growth. It makes us stronger to face the next challenge. It allows us the opportunity to tell ourselves, "I've been here before and I know I can make it".

 There was a little old lady that taught me in a bible class. Her name was Mother Ruth Lindsey! We called her Mother Lindsey. She had a saying that went like this. "The world is a school room, but experience is the best teacher." How true this statement truly is! Experience teaches us a whole lot!

The great thing is that God is always with us. Jesus promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Please take the time to read: Psalms: 37:23-28 and Psalms 112:7. Hold these scriptures close to your heart. They will be a present help in the time of need!  One DAY...

~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours and your comments*~

Thursday, September 14, 2017

~*Letting Go*~ Part II

Letting go is a subject that pains many of us, or is it? We've all been in situations where a choice needed to be made to either stay or let go. this is true in jobs, relationships, Etc! However, for many of us letting go just may be the easy part, its the moving on part that maybe the most difficult and painful.

Sometimes we fight hoping to keep things as they were. But, predicated on the situation, things cannot remain the same. There is a point where you just have to let go and move on, because regardless of the pain, you have to let go and move on; thats the only way to grow and learn to live and except your new flight in life.

As you move on know this, you must forgive what has happened in the past. It must be over and done with! You must learn to release and let go. Don't hold a negative memory of what happened  or against anyone. It makes you small and this can sometimes lead to hatred. Trust me, you do not what hatred to ever set into your heart. We are all continuing to change and I hope for the better.

Listen, often enough in a relationship, one of you are going to be put in the spotlight to make a decision to stay or moving on and let go. Either way it goes, that decision will either make both of you or break one of you. So please make the right decision if you are ever in this situation. Don't result to trying to hurt each other either physically or emotionally!

~~~Love and Forgiveness Conquers All~~~

~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

~*Man ~ Woman & History*~

I remember back in the day how my mom depended on my dad to provide a living for us.  Every Thursday my father was paid. Bills got paid and food and other necessities were purchased. Well, for whatever the reason my dad and mom no longer liked each other and my day left us. Thus my mom became an independent woman, fighting to keep a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food in our stomachs. By the way, it was six (6) of us and seven counting my mom.

Thus birth the discussion ~*The Man ~ Woman & History*~:

History tells us that men have aways been measured by how hard they work, cultivated, create and how well they protected and provided for their wife and children. In older days, whether men realized it of not, they were seen as conquerers, providers and in some instances as heroes in the eyes of their wives and children.

But somewhere along the way that changed. Women started to become their own heroes and more and more independent. Maybe because their men or (man) forgot to be relic because they (some women) no longer cared to be protected anymore or maybe women had to become their own heroes and providers because of the pain they had to endure in life, by the man (men) they loved! I'm certain when men began to falter on their responsibilities, women became insecure. And, I believe the fight instinct that God instilled in them pushed forward.

Many women because of their situation, and maybe what they saw as young girls made them see the light of needing an education to better themselves as individuals and to prepare themselves as independent women, for just in case!

 Whatever the cause or reason, something took away a man's reason for being a man or providers and protectors for their families. Or, He (The Man) gave it away because  of reasons even he can't explain. But we know that someone or something told him he was no longer as important anymore and when that happened, it turned the world upside down!

Now we see women as CEO's of mega corporations. Board members of major companies, Super moms because they have become the bread winner in their homes.  I don't dare criticize women's accomplishments. I take my hat off and give them a bow because they have persevered through rough terrain to get to where they are today.

Women are Strong, Enduring, Nurturing, Comforting and, are Positive influences. God made them that way. Men pushed them to fight a good fight to burst through Victoriously.

Congratulations Women!!! You Are My Personal Heroes.  I thank God for my Mother ... (Jessie Louise (Pat) Edwards! She did a wonderful job for me and my siblings!

There is so much more we can say on this subject....... But not now. To be revisited!!!

~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~

Monday, September 4, 2017

{*The Struggles of Life*}~

~*Sometimes Struggles is a necessary fight  for New Life*~

Struggle is a word and situation we are all familiar with! But what is struggle: Struggle is "a forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack".

What is the most important struggle you've ever had to deal with? Whatever it is or was Don't be so quick to label that struggle as the hardest or the most important one.

Some of you may feel that the most important struggle is to find the most important quality in the man or woman you're going to marry.  Their ability to handle situations, their ability to make you laugh, is he or she reliable, trust-worthy, are they handsome enough or is she pretty enough. Can he take care of or support a family? We don't think that beauty fades, careers end, children grow-up, and move away, spouses get sick, struggles happen, family members die, senility sets in when you're sometimes, but the ability to smile and even laugh each and every day is the most precious gift God can give you to get you through all of what you may be going through!

I honestly believe that struggles are necessary to build up emotional strength and trust in God and the ability He has given us fight.

Sometimes struggles can be violent. Yet we must be violent enough in a good way to take what we need by force. That statement I would love to explain if you don't understand. So, if you request an explanation, just ask send me a request and I will be happy to explain! :)

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours