Thursday, April 23, 2015


Neptunes Bellos in fog, Deception Island

We often say that the world if full of deceptions, and it truly is. But, so are we. The problem is, we don't see how deceived we are and how we deceive ourselves. Life shouldn't be as complicated as we make it. We stress ourselves out over foolish things that we think are vital to our survival. When, if we could stop, get quiet within, and think for a moment on what is truly important in life; I believe we would have lest diseases, sicknesses,  frustrations, angers, selfishness, criticisms, anxieties and stresses.

You see, most of our thought processes are kind of selfish. Don't get me wrong; strive to do your best, always. But know this, when God has something in store for you, it is not accompanied by anxiety or stress. Why? Because every good and perfect gift that God gives, comes from Him. And, it is acquired in peace, calmness and filled with joy!

Yes, we seek to obtain all that the world has. A reputation. Firstly we want others to know who we are. Secondly, a high position. Because we want power and money. Thirdly, relationships. But when relationships are obtained independently of God, it can lead you into ruin. Fourthly, wealth and so forth. Again, wealth obtain without wisdom can lead anyone into doom. It can give you a false sense of power and can lead to undesirable problems. The heart wants what it wants and in some instances, it will do whatever it can to obtain it's desires.

Deception: Beguilement, deceit, bluff, mystification and subterfuge are acts to propagate beliefs of things that are not true, or not the whole truth (as in half truth).

Listen, you may or may not believe this statement, but  without God the heart does not know how to avoid deception, manipulation, or the art of control; although it can produce all the words in action that were just mention. The Bible states: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

Life is too short to be bogged down with the things I've mentioned. Seek peace, honesty, integrity. Deception can not only destroy those you attempt to deceive; it can also destroy you. Make up your mind. I hope this writing has place you at the crossroads of making a decision not to deceive or allow yourself to be deceived.

Note: There is another form of deception, and maybe we will discuss that in the very near future.

~These are my thoughts ... I  welcome yours~

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