Thursday, April 12, 2012

From Caterpillar to Butterfly.....

caterpillar pictures, butterfly pictures, butterflies picture
How significant is your life? does your life really make a difference? The secret to this answer is really not a secret at all; because you are here to live a life of glorious purpose. The glorious purpose begins when you know that everything matters.

And.... everything that you do or don't do really does matters. 

When you become the person that God ordained you to be, even before you were ever conceived in your mother's womb, then everyone around you will be affected.

When you understand your purpose, not only will you thrive, others will also. Because, life decisions become wiser and more cautious .... as a Man,Woman, Girl, boy, leader, manager and co-worker.

And don't forget as friends too...

We must understand that what we do and the way we do it matters... even to those that we associate ourselves with.

When we know our purpose every result of our actions immediately improves....

Deciding to do the right thing and when to do it will make all the difference!

How far forward would I need to go in your life to show you the difference your life makes to others, when you are walking in the right paths as you should?

When you and I understand and follow the butterfly effect, generations yet unborn, whose very lives will be affected, shifted and shaped by the very moves you make and the actions you take starting now and will last a lifetime.

There has never been nor will there ever be another person like you. That makes you very special, so never try to be anyone else but you!!!

God has never made two things alike. Even, every leaf on a tree is different. This includes identical twins as well. For there are always distinguishing marks to indicate a difference.

Your spirit, thoughts and feelings, even your ability to reason and act, all exist in no one else, as it does in you.

You were created to make a difference. You are greater than Platinum or Gold. So, what will you do with your life starting now?

Now..... lets look at the life of a caterpillar... it is necessary that the caterpillar stay in the cocoon long enough to fully develop.

Listen.. the caterpillar crawls, eats dust, could get stepped on, moves slow and could easily get eaten.

The state of the caterpillar must continue, until it is time for Metamorphosis to begin. The caterpillar enters a cacoon and remain there until the change comes. If the caterpillar exits the cocoon to soon, it will never reach its full potential.

And when you and I do not follow the process presented to us by God, our parents and those that truly love us,,,, well, many times we don't reach our full potential either.

Listen ... The struggle for the Caterpillar in the cocoon is necessary to build up the strength in its wings, in order to carry the weight of its body during flight.

God understands the necessity of this process. That is why we are allowed to experience difficult, often life-changes events.

But we must continue to grow and develop to be what we are destined to be. As with the butterfly, every move is calculated, designed and ordained for us to grow and develop.

Again.... what you do matters and it affect others.

Just for a moment think of people who have made a huge difference in this life. And in your thinking, imagine if those people never stepped out of the box in their thinking or used their God given talents.

Eli WhitneyGeorge Washington CarverMartin Luther King Jr.GandhiMother Teresa, Steve Jobs,  Megar EversPresident Obama, President George W. Bush and so many others that went through struggles, pressed their way and still made a huge difference in life.

They stepped out of the box in their thinking and in their actions and dared to make a difference. And so can you!!!

Dare to dream, dare to be whom you were ordained-destined to be. You Can Make A Difference!!!

Now, you may think this is crazy. But, you remember George Wallace. The one time racist Governor of Alabama. He went through a life changing event when he was shot and became paralyzed for the rest of his life.

George Wallace's attitude changed after that incident and he became the governor of Alabama once again. Voted back into office and respected by many blacks.

This was a life changing event for Governor Wallace... but the end of his legacy was different from the beginning of his reign as Governor. In a positive way!!!

You are special, so please be like the caterpillar and make the necessary changes to go into flight and be the person you were destined to be and touch lives.

You go through difficult times, life changing events but you must continue the struggle to become that person, that can make a change for the better and become just as beautiful as the butterfly. And, then take your flight and make a difference.

The butterfly effect is known as the law of sensitive dependence based upon initial conditions.

Struggle is still necessary for change to take place. So welcome any and all struggles and always remember, God is always and forever close!!!

Metamorphosis: a complete or marked change of physical form, structure, or substance.

Reign: The period of time during which somebody, especially a king or queen, rules a nation.

Has your metamorphosis began?

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Truth About Freedom...

  I was sitting and thinking based on a conversation I had with someone this past Sunday dated April 8, 2012.

The discussion was concerning Trickery, Freedom and Lies.

Trickery as it relates to the economy and freedom as it relates to finances and lies as it relates to cost.

So, I looked up the word freedom and this is what I found:

Freedom: "A state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions".

There are some known truths about obtaining freedom and that is:

Fighting for freedom has caused countless loss of innocent lives and it has made many RICH, while leaving  many living in POVERTY.

If anyone said that freedom was free, has opened their mouths to The Biggest Lie I have ever heard.

Freedom never has and never will be free!!! Now you can take that to the Bank. What I've just stated is free from me to you and this has cost me the burden of stating it.

In the fight for freedom, those who sit at the top tell lies to cover up lies, while men and women have and are sacrificing their lives.

So, you tell me is freedom really free?

Lets talk about the American Dream now
Financially, we are in bondage as individuals and as a country, because we've lied our way into it debt and now we are trying to lie our way out of debt.

I'll tell you A Truth ...... The Fight For Freedom has never been nor will it ever be free. There is a great cost for freedom. But it shouldn't be!!!

From slavery to old wars, from Old wars to New wars the cost for freedom is still too high.

The American dream was to have a family and own a home. Even in that, what we thought was a glee of freedom was based on a lie in what was known as Balloon Notes, which in reality put those individuals and the country in bondage. I call it the Freedom of Trickery and The Financing of Bondage!!!!

By the way --- This is a result of Balloon Notes:

We could talk for hours, days even months on this subject and still find more to share.

My question to you is: Are we really free? Are you living in true freedom? {REALLY}!!!!

For me, this subject is a burden. It makes my heart very heavy, even to the point of my breathing becoming difficult.

There is so much I wish to say, but I can't write it. I believe if given the opportunity I could speak it, but not without being emotional and some-what bitter.

For freedom to many was falsely stated based on a LIE!!!  --- And the cost was GREAT!!!

While you lay in your bed tonight .... remember the husband  whose wife is no longer laying next to him, the wives whose husbands are no longer laying next to them, the sons and daughters who can no longer embrace their parents and the parents who can no longer embrace their sons and daughters.

Base on The fight for Freedom.... There must be wars .... According to some!!!

Tell me again ... That freedom is free and I will call you a LIAR!!!

As individuals we must share in this freedom fight fiasco as well. People perish because of a lack of knowledge. And, we parish because we dare not stand for that which is right.

Fiasco: Humiliating failure....

We allow others to dictate our fate and for that we are the blame...

These are some of my thoughts, but not all, because I could not continue... But I welcome your thoughts!!! and I look forward to your comments!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Their Eyes .... The Window into their hearts...


 It is often said that The eyes are the windows of the inside of ones Soul (Heart, Mind). Whether this is true or false, the eyes can express pleasure, pain, dissappointment/grief and joy just to name a few attributes.

The body language our eyes are capable of is very diverse.

The picture above depict two friends, with different DNA, different personalities, yet they share a trust, love and respect for one another.

To me the friend on the left displays a look of approval  with reserve as she looks into the camera, while the friend on the right has a looked of curiosity and restraint.

Both their eyes tell a story..... one I would love to hear!!!

I look into their eyes and I see the need for companionship and love. I see strength, perseverence and determination.

Eyes can tell us a lot about a person. Our eyes are probably the only facial feature that shows really, the emotions and thoughts a person is having.

Actually human communication is largely non-verbal and the eyes have a huge range of expression that conveys messages almost constantly. You can read emotions in the eyes.

The eyes are piercing and sometimes very deep. When looking for the people of whom they seek. Your eyes tell people a lot about you.  

We can talk and share for a very long time about eyes and the message they can deliver, still we can never conclude The power & secrecy of the eyes.

Reverting back to the above picture. In my eyes I see two women with no doubt different back-grounds, having different needs, wants and desires. But they share a something in common.

I'm convinced, it does not matter where you are from, your family back-ground or financial status. Friendship can reach and span across an Ocean...And when friendship is real it can last for a lifetime.

Listen up ... Love nor Friendship has boundaries.... For love & friendship can go where no man has ever gone before. Love & friendship will cause a person to lay his or her life on the line for the other.

A friend once said to me... "it doesn't matter where you live, but how you live" its the conditional state of ones heart.

I understand that these two beautiful young women met in college and they have maintained a friendship that is stronger than Oak.

As I gaze into their eyes, I see love for one another, I see a genuine friendship, a sense of caring, a closeness that their eyes reveal towards one another.

I'm a Black American male and these two young women are  from India. Even though I don't understand The Indian culture,  I know that people are people, and people are the same wherever you go.

I often stand and stare into a mirror, looking at myself eye to eye. I often ask myself this question..."who am I?, why am I here?, what is my purpose?. My answer is to Love God with all my heart and to serve Him with every fiber of my being and to serve and help mankind.

These two young women for some reason have become dear to my heart. I've never met them face to face, but if I were to choose my friends, I believe based upon what I feel and looking into their eyes,I could trust them to be honest and sincere friends.

Why do I say this? Because the eyes are the windows of our souls and again the eyes reveal so much about each of us. Their eyes tell me that they are real, sincere, honrst, sensitive and caring young women and I would be proud to call them my friends and have them sit at my table and share dinner.

These two young women are destined to go far in life. They will achieve great accomplishments and leave an imprint of greatness wherever they go.

In their search for companionship, their need for love .... I pray God will send that special man to love, cherish, provide and protect them for the duration of their lives.

I pray that they will be the best wives, the best mothers and the best friends and lovers their husbands could ever hope for.

I pray that these two young woman will have a life long friendship and will always be there for each other in a time of need, because true friendship is so hard to come by!!!

I sense something special about these two women...... I see so much potential!!!

Their eyes says so much about each of them ..... May God Bless Them Both.....

For they are very SPECIAL!!!

Now ... what do their eyes say to you?

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So often we desire to make changes in our lives but are unable to do so. Many times are unable to because of economical and other person circumstances. One of those circumstances and many times the number one circumstance is fear.

Fear paralyzes our thought process, thus making us ineffective to proceed. Fear can be overcome by simply stepping out by faith and believing that God will always be there to catch us when we fall.

However, for this step to take place, we must have a relationship with God to understand and know that he is always with us.

I remember so clearly when I was self-employe. I received a service call at The Columbia Theoligical Siminary in Avondale, Georgia. The lady that I was assisting and I began to engaged in conversation.

In that conversation I began to tell her that I was self employed and I shared some of my fears. She said to me " Bernie, my husband is a minister and we received a calling to come to Georgia to serve God". 

She went on to say -- "We were fearful, but stepped out in faith and believed God would take of us and He did".

She continued by saying. "Bernie, you will never know The Grace of God, untill you step out in faith."

I never forgot our conversation to this day. I never saw her again, but her words Ring Loud and Clear in my heart.

I've added to her saying, by saying this ... "One will never know if he or she can swim playing in shallow water. You must get out into the deep, where your feet cannot touch bottom to know if you can truly swim".

If there is one thing that most people are afraid of, it is to take risks. Many people tend to be hesitant as it relates to the decisions made concerning their lives.

Confidence is basically a strong belief in yourself and your abilities.... is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis, which means (is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. ) or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.

Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as those without it may fail or not try because they lack it and those with it may succeed because they have it rather than because of an innate ability.
(Innate means: Existing in one from birth)

Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. Arrogance or hubris in this comparison, is having unmerited confidence.

John Dewey said these words: As is our confidence, so is our capacity. in other words the stronger our confidence the greater our accomplishments.

John McAfee said this: "Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom". So embrace confidence, walk and talk with confidence.

Listen: The true test of self-confidence is the courage to be open and honest...

We all know that life is a perpetual struggle. It calls for gigantic courage and strength. It really does!!! If  you don't know we are known as creatures of illustration and more importantly this life calls for confidence in ones self.

Believe this or not .... without self-confidence we are like babies in a world with insensitive people that will chew you up and spit you out at the drop of a penny!!!

Whatever your desires, needs and wants, please don't be afraid to pursue, persevere and believe in the ability God has given you.

When you allow your confidence to build and express itself, that will no doubt open the door for someone else who has been struggling with the same issue, because you will detect that and assist them in overcoming certain fears that smothers confidence in one's self.

Dare to stand, dare to speak out, dare to step forward and dare to believe in the ability the God has given you!!!

In a world as chaotic as this,  Confidence is a must. Please don't let fear paralyze you and stop you from achieving your goals and desires!!!

Remember, confidence gives us and others a different view of who we are ... and it helps us with-stand the rocks that are thrown, because our inner strength developes an outter shield of protection.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Oprah Winfrey said, “Often we don’t even realize who we’re meant to be because we’re so busy trying to live out someone else’s ideas. But other people and their opinions hold no power in defining our destiny.” (O Magazine, November 2009)

Confidence is a very powerful tool: Does this picture depict what confidence really is? If it does, then how do you see yourself?

These are my thought ....... I welcome yours!!!