Tuesday, February 25, 2014

~The Weight Of The World~

Hidden pain...
Often we either know people or have been in the presence of someone that we knew in our hearts were in emotional pain. We could feel and see their pain with our hearts and eyes. And still we were paralyzed as to what we should do.

Many people are simply hurting and wanting someone to simply take the time to ask "how are you"? "Can I assist you with anything"? "Would you care to talk"? or  a simple " You were on my mind and I wanted to call to say hello", or "are you okay"?

I'm writing this because of a recent event that happened. I was in a meeting and people were opening up and sharing what was on their hearts. All of a sudden a sister began sharing about the mental and physical abuse she encountered from her ex-husband.

As she began to open up, tears began to fall and she leashed out at her sister for something she had done sometime ago. The more she spoke, the more tears flowed and the more the tears flowed the hurt and anger came forth.

Listen, she was hurting inside, the pain was ever present, although this abuse happened some years ago. She had encountered a broken finger, broken arm and a broken toe from her ex-husband.

She went on to say she was living in her home feeling as though she was exiled. She stated that she just wanted someone to call her just to check on her, but no one did.

She said that she had thoughts of suicide, the tears continued to fall. All of a sudden, her sister attacked back, hitting the table and virtually calling her a liar and telling her that nothing she was saying was the truth.

But you know, if she believed that her sister offended her by something had done years ago, I believe the sister should have taken the time and compassion to hear her out and try to resolve the issue.

Bottom line is this, if you feel that I offended you, it doesn't matter how strongly I deny your accusation. Because in your heart that's what you feel I've done. Then I should listen and try to reach a point of reconciliation. Not attack back!

As the tears flowed and the pain and hurt were expressed back and forth between both sisters. I sat, looked and listened. I surmised that many people, men, women, boys and girl are carrying what they feel to be the weight of the world on their shoulders because their personal problems.

And, sometimes the heavier the weight they are carrying lead them to Isolation, depression and yes, suicidal thoughts that are sometimes carried out to completion.

Granted I'm not an expert on relationships, but I am an expert on hurt, pain, disappointment and suicidal thoughts. People need to reach out to those that are hurting and are in pain emotionally. AND, you cannot be afraid to get involved and so many of us are.

This could fall under the category of a family member or a friend or even a friend of a friend. Why are we so afraid to get involved? Why are we so paralyzed as to what we should do?

Get involved, but PRAY first that God will give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Remember, we have not because we ask not. Is there someone you know that could very well be in this same category?

Weight of the world in a relationship:
In a relationship, whether it be a husband, wife or a significant other, it is important to understand that your words have a tremendous impacting power in your wife's, husband's or significant other's life. Kind words need to be spoken to him or her. He or she has given his or her life to love and care for you, to partner with you, to create a family together, to help raise and nurture your children.

If you are always finding fault in what your partner is doing , always putting them down, then he or she will have serious issues in the marriage, relationship and in life.


Both husbands and wives and significant others today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because the ones they love and care for do not bless them with positive words. One major reason for relationships breaking down is due a wife, husband or significant other not feeling valued, needed, wanted or respected.

Start giving each other approvals, compliments, appreciations. Just start speaking positive, kind words and encourage one another.

There is so much more we could say and write on this subject, but time will not permit.

~Hey, these are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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