Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stress in the workplace…

Are you stressed?
We all know what it feels like to be under stress, yet most of us don’t know why we experience this condition. During intense times our bodies release adrenalin and steroids. We get a rush of anxiety. We understand that stress causes headaches and tension. It also causes high blood pressure and it can lead a heart attack.
There is something called Fight or Flight response, which was designed to help us defend ourselves. It was placed in us from birth. We learn to persevere, and we are suppose to know when to give up.

This is call wisdom…
The fight or flight response is healthy in small doses. The Fight or Flight is just what it says. Either we are going to fight our way through stress or we must determine when we need to run from it, or not allow it at all.

First let us define stress: Physical, mental or emotional strain or tension. Also, Stress is your body’s response to worry, unease, or demands.

Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel anxious or scared, frustrated or angry.
Stress will at some point and time affect most of us and as you know stress is not good for the heart.

Sense we are aware that stress is dangerous, why do we allow it? Why can’t we control it, avoid it? Is it because it should be apart of our daily lives, because we enjoy it? The answer is no and we can prove it.

Oh, just a secret between you and I. Stress accompanied with an unknown health issue can be very deadly

But first let’s talk about stress in the workplace. Are you happy at work? Do you enjoy getting up in the morning or at night to go punch that magnificent clock? Do you rise up saying yeah; it’s time to go to work?

If I’m smart, I would say, hum, no. I doubt that very much. Yet each of us rise each morning and we go through the same routine. Get up -{I hope you pray}, use the rest room, brush our teeth, wash our faces, put on a pot of Java, eat breakfast, jump in our car, hit the traffic, get frustrated because of so much traffic, and now the driver in front of you is going to slow. All of this brings on stress.

Oh, wait, now you are at the office and you say to yourself, “this place makes me sick”. Is this you?

So often we blame stress on the workplace, and true enough the workplace can be very stressful. There are so many demands and to us the pay does not compensate for the work we do or for the stress we endure.
We drink cups of coffee over and over again, we sit in front of our laptops, starring at the screen, answering and sending email. The demands keep coming and we allow stress to continue to build.

Please notice, I said we allow...
We take our lunch break and the work that has to get done is still fresh on our minds. {What in the world is a person to do?} Now, does this sound like you?
Again, we blame the workplace for our stress, but is it really fair? Let’s think for a moment. Is it really fair for me to blame my job, for me allowing my job to stress me out? My personal answer to my own question is no. I should not blame my job for me allowing my job to stress me out. No sir or Ma'am.
Please understand, our job is a means of supply, but God is our main Supplier.

Let’s look a little farther. The word of God says:
Philippians 4.6,7: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the piece of God which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
In others, don’t be stressed or worry about anything, and trust God as the source for all your needs.
Philippians 4:19: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
We all need to learn how to relax and live stress free lives, and remember it is you that allow your job to stress you out. You, not your job!

learn to exercise, eat properly, take your vitamins. Research what vitamins and foods are good for stress.


Meditate for at least ten minutes or more a day on pleasant things, relaxing things, loving things.
And learn to Manage Stress in The Workplace...

These are my thoughts..... I welcome yours!!!

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