Saturday, November 8, 2014

~Inside my mind~

When I was young, I believed that I could do anything. I believed in super heroes. My imagination was very strong. I could sit alone for hours and let my mind run free. My only responsibility was to me. And, what I could not acquire via imagination, I looked to my parents to make come true.

As children our imagination is stronger than actual knowledge. Myths were more potent than history. Dreams were more powerful than facts. Hope was always victorious over experience. Because as children we really did not have many experiences.  As children we laughed. And although we didn't know it, but laughter was the only cure for grief. You see, children are dreamers.

As a child I remember making a statement and my aunt Lila Mae heard it. I said " I will be so glad when I grow up." And my aunt said, "boy these are the best years of your life. Be a child as long as you can." Her statement was true in part based on my discovery.

I realize even as an adult I can still dream. I can still imagine. I can still hide myself in hope, in myths, and in laughter. All, while still dealing with reality.

We all must grow up. But that doesn't mean that we cannot be kids at some point in our hearts and minds.

I've lived long enough now to acknowledge that times, situations, relationships, and things overall changes. The question is, can you and I except change. (I'm smiling) as I allow my mind to roam.

So, now that you've reached adulthood have your imagination, Myths, dreams, hopes and laughter changed? If so why? Is it because you feel old, times have past you by, it's too late, you've missed your opportunity? (WHATEVER)!!! ... Hold On To Your Dreams.

Look, it's okay to listen to the don'ts, wont's, shouldn'ts, can'ts, too olds. And yes, I know this is broken english. But just listen for a moment ... Anything can happen, anything can be. And, as long as you are alive, think positive. Dare to dream and reach to make those dreams reality. Dare to imaging and see it come true. Dare to hope and see yourself triumph. Dare to laugh, for it will cure any grief. Nothing is as bad as it seems. NOTHING!!!

Even in death:
As a child I dealt with death differently. I thought that death was the end. (Smiling in thoughts)... However, as an adult I now know and  believe that love is much stronger than death! For in and through love a deceased love one lives in memory forever!

Now you have it: Childhood and Adulthood have advantages!

So, Imaging, Enjoy your Myths, Dreams, Hopes and Laughter...

As a very dear and close friend writes ... Live Like you were Dying!!!

Don't grow old in your mind. Don't grow old in your body. Don't grow old in your dress. ( But dress appropriately) LoL.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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