Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Note from the Heart…

A Note from the Heart.......

Love is something so powerful that can’t be shook.

Once you’vevexperienced True Love, there is no closing the book.

Our chapter is just beginning,

And if the Lord is willing there will be no ending.

A never ending story.

Being united as one, one mind, one flesh, one spirit, one heart,

With something so strong, we can never drift apart.

Pure love, One love, True love is all I learned from you.

Because what we have is so right and so true.

No Matter how much you try to fight it,

My love will see it’s way through,

And always find its way back to you…


I Love Myself Some You!!!
A Note from the Heart

A friend ask if I would write a poem for her to place on her board at work. She gave me the title and the above is what you see.

After reading the poem above, do you remember when your love for that special person had you all happy inside? All you could do was think of them all day. You couldn't sit still and whenever your phone ranged, you would jump to see if it was {him or her}.
Your mind was bathing in adrenaline, you lost yourself as you gazed into their eyes.
do you recall the laughter? The holding of hands? The dinners? Do you recall going every where together, and enjoying it? You could talk for hours, even fall asleep on the phone... the many secrets you shared...

Do you remember when it didn't matter how long it took for them to get ready, because you were so in love?

If so, then what went wrong? how did you get off track? What did you cease to do? Did love really grow cold or did you simply loose your way in a world of survival? Or, could it be, that in the struggle to provide, you allowed your relationship to suffer?

maybe you just forgot what it took to get that person, and now, you've lost your way as to how and what to do to rekindle your love...
Did you allow the bridge of communication to collapse, and thus lost your way in understanding each other? Did you cease to be open and honest with each other?

Do you really know the person you are with, and if not, did you try to know them?

Listen up.... in relationships things happen, and when these things happen, usually the first thing that enters the mind is separation or divorce...

But, is it really over? does it have to be over? I have a saying and that is " water will always fine the low-end of any floor" meaning that, it doesn't matter how level we think a floor might be, should water flood your home it will always settle to lowest end.

All I'm saying is that we, for some reason, seemingly desire to take the lowest and quickest way out of a situation, instead of making an attempt to resolve it.

Why is that? We rationalize in our minds:

1 - He or She doesn't understand me.

2 - We've out-grown each other.

3 - We don't talk anymore.

4 - He has gained weight or She has gained weight.

5 - I'm not turned on anymore.

And so on....

Now... if you are married, you must understand that marriage is a three-way {3} contract. That contract is between You, your spouse and God...

Many have made mistakes in this area, some have rectified and reconciled , and for some, it is to late, because quick decisions were made and they are now with someone new.

To me the ultimate question is, does it really have to be over?

strong relationship involves open and honest communication. As you know:

" Communication is the bridge to understanding"

It is a must to be open & honest. Transparency is a must in any relationship or there will always be a division.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. Please read: Mark Chapter: 3:25 {read whole chapter}.

A relationship does not consist of me, my and I, but {Us & We}.

So, once again, as you re-read the poem above, do you remember now? do you wish to refresh your relationship? Is it to late?

Anytime there is a pulling away within your relationship, it will always lead to someone else squeezing in. Always-sooner or later. I promise you - this is a true statement.

One day, you will me someone, strike up a conversation, find it enjoyable - find that person interesting - begin to like that person - {The same way - when you met that special person you are with now and is now finding that relationship in turmoil.
We are not talking an abusive relationship. We are discussing being in love, and realizing that love has faded and making an attempt to rekindle that love as appose to watching it completely die.

We place a lot of emphasis on feelings. But you know, feelings fluctuate. One day you feel so in love and the next day you don't feel like anything. There were days I did not feel like a father, but that did not change the fact that I am one.

Fact of the matter is , I was and I am a Father. do you understand? This is not Rocket science that I am trying to convey. It is life.

The final decision is always on you. We have no way of knowing whats ahead for us in the future. All we can do is use the information at hand, to make the best decision possible.

So, be wise, seek God's face when it comes to making any decision.

Psalms-18:6 {read complete chapterIsiah- 65-24...

So, will the final decision be yours or God's?

as always, I do not have a monopoly on advice, if this does not apply to you, then let it go, but it does, then please hold on to this, ponder it and seek the face of God before you make any permanent decision.

Just a piece of advice... sometimes a quiet break for a short period from each other is good. Like taking a drive, going into a separate part of the house to read a book, or to watch your special program, and yes, even a visit to StarBucks, ETC.

Don't smother each other. Give one another breathing room. Also, don't get upset when your partner decides he or she wants to do something alone. Instead, welcome it...

Happy reading...

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