Monday, November 15, 2010

A letter to a friend...

Somewhere Within

Somewhere Within we all have closets where we hide our most intimate thoughts, wishes and desires. And also in these closets we hide our greatest nightmares as a result of our past.

Somewhere within we become embarrassed of our past because of the decisions we’ve made. We sit in silence, reminiscing, visualizing with an aching heart wishing we could change some of the things we have done.

We punish ourselves by looking back grimacing with hurt. However we fail to realize that the past we cannot change, and yes many times our past will sometimes come back to haunt us, but when we realize what God has done through his son Jesus, then we will understand the true meaning of forgiveness. {However there is a process to understand this}.

There are so many reasons why individuals commit adultery, {have affairs}, {Cheat} etc.

One reason is because of insecurity, the need to be loved, the need to feel important, low self-esteem, confused, loneliness, desire and lust. Only you know your reason, or maybe what you thought your reasons were, are not those reasons at all.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof can sometimes end in death of life, death of relationships, and death of hope. But God has always been a forgiving God. Once we come to him in a sincere manner and ask for forgiveness, then we are forgiven. Any guilt remaining comes from the devil, and you. Again {there is a process to understand this}.

Before you were ever conceived God knew the type of person {you} would be.

Have you ever looked Somewhere Within? Deeply within! Have you ever wondered why {you} make the decisions you make and have made? Have {you} ever wondered why {you} continue to invite or allow the same types of people into your life? Have {you} ever wondered why after a period we seek change, and grow tire of certain people {you} allow to come in? Have you? Do you find yourself going back to the types of individuals? Have you asked yourself why?

Somewhere Within there is the real you crying to be unveiled, desiring to be Awaken by the Dawn. Wanting to come home to reality, by removing all of the dead skeletons in our closets!

Somewhere Within we cry and no one sees, Somewhere Within we hurt and no one feels the pain except {you}, Somewhere Within we yell out for help, but no one hears. But wait – God does. His hand is extended towards you. Reach out and grabs His hand and let Him lead you to his secret place, so that there you can dwell, and hide under the shadow of The Almighty. {There is a process to understand this}

Somewhere Within we must clean out our closets and let God have His way, where we no longer hold our heads down because of shame, but we can lift our heads up because God has forgiven us.

Forget those things which are behind and reach forth to those things which are before, and press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Lastly {There is a process to understand this} If you really want to know… ask.

So often we live in a fake status. We try so hard to present ourselves as someone we are not. However, when it is all said and done, and when we peel back the banana then and only then do we see the real person that we really are. Aren’t you tired of pretending, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired, do you not desire to be real and honest with yourself? Then search somewhere deep within and be open and honest with yourself and let God help you to be the person He desires.

Somewhere within let today be the last walk with the old you, and let the new you come out.


Happy reading

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