Sunday, September 17, 2017

~*The Chess Games of Relationships*~


I enjoy talking with people and asking questions. Some people I have conversations with simply voluntarily divulge information. I had the pleasure of speaking with man on the subject of having an affair. I often visit Starbucks and I watch facial expressions. This particular guy and I would periodically engage in conversations. Sometimes I can sense if someone is going through a situation. Well he began to talk and conversation ensued. Here is the end result as he shared his heart, which was full of regrets!

Many affairs begin as innocent as two people simply connecting.  They may work together, or have become acquainted via church or school, etc. And, if your guard is not intact and your boundaries are not set, a new relationship can become activated and cause you to get involved in an entanglement you just might regret!

The amount of time you spend with that person, via social media, phone or face to face, you may discover a little to late that you have entered into an emotional affair. Affairs does not have to end in a physical relationship, but, it can be as detrimental as entering into the eye of an Hurricane, because both can lead to the death of something or someone, either emotionally of physically. Including a relationship.

Again: Emotional relationships can creep up on you and before you realize it, it has slammed you not only in your face, but also in the heart.

Eye contact is made, interest develop, a conversation began... History is recorded. Once again, this damage begins with curiosity, sharing personal, deep information that should be kept between two people that love each other. Emotional relationship develops attachments of the heart and can lead elsewhere!

If you've ever played or understand the game of Chess, then you should understand this:
Affairs are like a game of chess --- everyone is aiming to capture the Queen or King that isn't theirs, and if your opponent is worthy, she or he can make it past the pawns. Heck, she or he may even make it past your Knights. But every woman's last hedge of protection is her King. Now the minute the King and Queen starts taking each other for granted the opposition slides down or opens up.

The pawns seems harmless at first, but they can bring down the whole kingdom of a relationship, layer by layer.

Listen: Emotional betrayals cuts deeply into the heart of any relationship!!!

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours