Tuesday, December 8, 2015

~You Determine the Subject ... I can't~

Nude woman kneeling curled upWhen we honestly ask ourselves which person or persons in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with you in a moment of pain, despair or confusion, who can stay with you in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face the reality of your powerlessness during that time, is a friend who cares.

We all have secret sorrows that family, friends and the world knows nothing about; and when you choose to be on an island, alone and separate yourself from family, friends and the crowd, many times people call you cold, mean and selfish, when you are only sad and need time alone.  In that type of situation , to have a deep close friend during those moments, who understands without constant questioning, but to be there in silence close to you, ensuring that you feel their presence and closeness, is truly a favorable friend to have.

But know this: a true friend will and should always speak the truth to you in love, even when you are hurting, if it is necessary. I know that I'd rather be hurt by the truth, than to be comforted by a lie.

As beautiful as life is, it can be a awful, ugly or lonely place not to have a best friend or someone that you sincerely love, that just happens to be your best friend, that wants to be near you when your pain seems unbearable.

Over the years there is something else I've learned. I've learned that in life, its not the ladders you climb that makes us successful, but rather the service we offer in this life that truly make us great. I've also learned that we all love competition, I know I do. And, winning is fun, but should I truly be fulfilled by beating someone? Sometimes I wonder! Now, this was a very hard lesson to learn: Gratification at another's expense is not always a commendable truth, but building up others at my own expense is.

Lets face it, the most important relationship your you will ever have in this life other than God is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself. But, to have someone always in your corner, who understands your difficult times, who appears without being invited, who looks into your eyes without saying words, knowing the stare into your eyes ensures you a clear and concise understanding, that they are there for you.

I don't know if this makes sense. Heck, I couldn't even come up with a subject. Maybe the subject should have been ... {The Way I Feel} ... I hope you find some solace in this writing.

~I truly welcome your thoughts~

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

~*The hidden compartments of the mind*~

after sunset   Sgwd Ddwli
Two pictures: Representing the contrasts of the mind

Life teaches us so much, and sometimes it seems that we retain so little. I say this because we are creatures of habit. Meaning, we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Thus putting us in the same old familiar predicaments.

My mind seems to constantly run. I sit in the mist of a crowd, and I am only there in the physical, because my mind is somewhere else. Our minds can endure so much, and create an atmosphere that can allow us to cope with or escape.

Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.

First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door, (sleep).

Please note: The term swoon is the old fashion way of saying fainted, or temporarily lost awareness because of extreme anxiety.

Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door, (forgetting).

Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. Pretending everything is the same and nothing has changed. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind, and find a place of solitude. 

Last is the door of death. The final resort. And can end, in either Pain or Joy, eternal life or eternal death, Heaven or hell! What happens to us when we die is based on the life we lived while here on earth.

~I trust this makes sense to you, and has enlightened some portion of your life~

Monday, October 26, 2015

~The Power of Words II~

I believe that a person often become what he believes himself to be. I also believe that a person can become incapable of accomplishing certain tasks if he or she continue to say to themselves, "I cannot do it". On the contrary, if I believe I can do a thing and speak positive words concerning that thing, I will find a way to get it done.

We live and breathe words. We were created by God with Words. Words encourage and discourage us. Words can bring victory or defeat, joy or sadness. Basically, all that I'm saying is Words are very powerful, and they carry weight.  Life and death are in the power of words. So, please be careful what you say concerning yourself and others.

Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words also have power. Words can light fires in the mind of men. Words can cause tears to run from the hardest hearts. Yes my friends, words have power, life and death in it's grasps.

Margaret  Atwood said, "A word, after a word, after a word is power".

Words have power in and of itself. It comes from nothing into sound and meaning; it gives origin or life to all things. Therefore, be impeccable with your words. Speak with integrity, Say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your words  in the direction of Truth, Love and Peace.

Speak positive words over yourself and your children. Speak things that are not, as though they are.

Everyone of us are born with the gift of words. Just make sure you use the right ones.

~I hope this makes sense ... I welcome your thoughts~

Friday, October 23, 2015

~Opinions, Do They Matter~

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" Speech Broadcasts In Times Square For 50th Anniversary

There are so many things that are important in life. But, sometimes prioritizing those things can be very difficult.  However, this is what I've come to understand; life is too short to waste any amount of time wondering what other people think about me. Besides, if they had better things going on in their own lives, they wouldn't have time sitting around talking about me.

Whats important to me, is not others' opinion of me, but my opinion of myself. Not being concerned of what others think of us, is very difficult sometimes. I guess its fair to say, the first things we learn are the hardest to forget.

However, the person in this life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Even, when you are with others, you are still with yourself, too! So, while other's opinions can affect us, my opinion of myself should matter most.

Our time here is limited, and no one should waste time living someone else's life. There is a term called dogma, which is actually living the result of other people's thinking. Remember, you have an inner voice, so don't let opinions of other's  become so noisy until,  it drown out your inner voice concerning you.

There is a God ordain purpose for each of us. And, if we listen closely to our own heart's desires, and have the courage to follow your own heart's intuition, immediately, I believe we will be A-ok.  Remember, the term intuition means: The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

~Simply my opinion ... I welcome your thoughts~

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

~Negative Thoughts~

We've heard the term or phrase " you need to balance your life". Well, life is about a balance.  The good and bad, right and wrong, pretty and ugly and the highs and lows. we must understand that there is a key to happiness, and the master is up to you to act once you discover what it is.

Happiness comes from within. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are; happiness comes from within and you have control. You have the power to change your mindset so that all the negative, horrible and punishing thoughts that try to invade your mind can be replaced with positive, joyous and happy thoughts.

Remember, life is series of moments and these moments are always changing. These moments consists of good and bad, positive and negative. Yes, its human nature to dwell on things that are not conducive to our well being, but this channel must be broken!

Listen, moments are precious, so please don't let negativity linger in your mind and heart. As soon as negativity arrives you have the power the change it to positive.  Negative thoughts can create a crisis in anyone's life.

Late President John F. Kennedy made this statement in 1963, before he was assassinated.  "Crisis written in Chinese represents two characters:  The first is Danger, and the other Opportunity: So, lets be positive. By being positive we can save a life, change a mind, or turn a crisis into an opportunity.

Negative thoughts are the causes of all depression and stress. Therefore, never allow your mind to be infected with negative thoughts.

    ~Change your thoughts .... Change your Life...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Saturday, September 5, 2015

~The Power of Words~

Fabric Painted Chakras

We live and breathe words and this is why I know and believe that words are very powerful. I now understand that words travel and they carry weight. I do believe that life and death are in the power of the tongue. I also believe that success and failure lies in the power of the tongue as well.

Understand that life is under no obligation to give us what we expect, but the words we speak are. Words have the power to bring greatest of happiness or the deepest despair. Words can transfer knowledge from one person to another. Words can bring healing. The right words can lift a spirit up or destroy that very same spirit.

Therefore, speak with integrity, avoid using negative words that speak against yourself and others. Use the power of your words to speak truth, love and the will of God! Not knowing the force and power of words can be so detrimental.

The power of words can speak things into existence. We are reminded by God to speak things that are not as though they are!

The correct words bring understanding,  soothe emotions, create creativity, can cause positive imaginations, open doors of success and prosperity, bring healing and increase knowledge! The power of words can change any outcome in your life, good or bad. Just remember, negative words can bring defeat, misery, and even death. While positive words will  bring opposite of what I've just stated.

Are your words more Negative or Positive when you speak?

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Saturday, August 29, 2015


The very quality of life, whether you love it or hate it, is based upon how grateful you are towards God. It is one's attitude that determines whether life unfolds into a place of curses, blessedness or wretchedness. Think for a moment, looking at the same rose bush, some people complain that the rose has thorns, while others rejoice that some thorns come with the roses. It all depends on your perspective. Thorns on a rose bush are there for a purpose and most times we come out stronger after we've gone through a struggle.

Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He will make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He can deepen their joys, expand their visions, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, and pour out peace. And, these are only a few things that will take place once your life is turned over to Him.

I believe that each of us are here for a reason. And, when we allow the word of God to direct our lives those reasons are revealed. I believe The power of Jesus is working today. Indwelling every heart that gives Him access. There is not a problem on Earth that cannot be resolved. Our attitudes can determine success or failure in each of our lives.

Each morning I awaken my knees are bent, head bowed and I am acknowledging God Almighty. My prayer each day consist of asking God for wisdom, knowledge, revelation knowledge, understanding, Great Grace (Favor) in the site of God and man and that the Great power of God will consume my life. Remember, you are who God says you are, you have what God says you have, and you can do what God says you can.

As you move forward each day say this aloud:
A) I am Strong, Courageous, Humble, Full of faith and Powerful in the Lord.

 Remember, words are very powerful, and can many times make or break us. The word of God states that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Speak positive words into your life each day and in every situation and into the lives of your family. We are to speak things that are not as though they are. Its called faith!!!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

~Greatness Within~

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), in flight over water, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Your greatness allows you to fly high like the eagle... But fear and a lack of knowledge clips our wings and cause us to stay ground bound!

We have a fear of our own greatness,  a fear of others thinking that we are bragging on ourselves. But you must acknowledge who you are. And, walk the path God has preordained for you. We limit ourselves by our thought process.

I believe in all of us is a greatness that has yet to be discovered. I also believe that our first reaction is to doubt our greatness once it is discovered. So many of us, myself included, have played small for so long when it comes to our abilities and gifts.

We have shun our unique gifts and diminished our capacities just to what I call "fit in" -- and in the process have unconsciously disowned many aspects of our inborn, natural greatness.

I believe our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that scares us the most.

Is this true in your life? Do you fear some aspect of your own greatness?

What unique talents, capabilities and capacities do you have that you could acknowledge and appreciate more?

How can you demonstrate and cultivate those gifts more and express them with greater consistency in your everyday life?

Listen, your greatness is your birthright. God instilled this greatness in you from birth. ... Are you ready to claim it?

Before we gain knowledge of who we are our minds are an open book,  pages are blank and white. As we listen knowledge enters,  secrets are soon discovered and hidden things are found, words slowly fill the blank white pages of our minds as to how great we truly are. These imprinted words don't make noise as they are being written, but they make a powerful impact.

You have dreams you don't know about, but knowledge causes a knock on your door and now you see. Once you gain knowledge as to who you are, it will be hard to remain in the place you've lived for so long.

So, walk in your destiny. and if you don't know who you are yet seek God's face. Many times you can inquire of a good friend as to how they see and receive you. Start walking!!!

~See your greatness in you~

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

~When Things Seems Wrong~

We've all encountered issues in our lives. Some of these issues seems bigger than life itself, but are they? It is so easy to get lost in inside of problems, especially when these problems seem to cover us with fear. They appear to mount as high as mountains, as deep as the ocean and run as swift  as a river.

It's as though you are being swallowed up with no where to turn, and with each turn or wiggle you sink deeper. You worry, your heart pounds, you even lose your appetite. Your thoughts are consumed with whatever issues are. You seem to be paralyzed in thoughts and surrounded by fear.

Stop for a moment as ask yourself this question: Can I change my situation? If I can, then why am I worrying? Listen, life is passing you by while you are sitting around worrying about things you cannot change. Worrying about all the wrong things while time is passing you by.  The time you are wasting by worrying you can't get back. And when its all said and done you will realize that the mountain you've been climbing was just a little hill or maybe even a grain of sand.

Do you know that what you've been worrying to obtain to resolve your issues were already within your reach? But fear and worry has blinded you, causing you not to see it.

When we realize that everything we will ever need God has already supplied, it makes everything including our worries seem so small.

Being not afraid is a secret of life. Fear paralyzes you to the point of not thinking clearly, causing you to close yourself off from others. With each fearful thought its like quicksand causing to to sink deeper in depression. Fear stunts your growth, narrows your ambitions, and kill your dreams.

Food for thought, when things seem to be going wrong, they just could be going right because when you are in God's plan or will, negatives things to you just maybe part or God's positive program for your life.

So don't fear, fret or worry. These will cause you to age and possibly die before your time!!! Your help is a prayer away, but only if you truly believe!!!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, July 20, 2015

~Everyday Matters~

Some may think that life is made up of jobs, meetings, lunches, etc.  People enter into your space and lives everyday. we say good morning, hello, good evening, good bye and good night. Some of these people stay around for a short period of time, some for months, some for years and some for a life time. Bottom line is this, people come, people stay and people leave. But, how does your life affect those that enter your life?

What you do everyday matters more than you know. The way you perceive yourself, your though process, your attitude towards others including family and those whom you work with on a daily basis. Yes, everyday matters...

No matter what we do, each instance contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, what we choose to say  or hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it contains the quality of our communication and in the quality of our everyday life.

Every single day is a good day no matter how bright or how dark it is, because each day brings an opportunity to start a new positive beginning in your life. The truth of the matter is, what you do matters. What you do each today matters. What you do everyday matters.

I've learned that what we do is recorded in God's book of life. Detail upon flawless detail. Everything we do everyday matters. Nothing is just trivial. It is all profoundly significant, and life is meaningful and full of purpose, making everyday matter. I believe that when you truly realize that everyday matters we will cease to minimize what is going on in our lives. We will see that everything we do has an eternal worth.

We must retrain our thinking capacity concerning ourselves. We are not just simple individuals with little or no impact on the world or the people that are in our inner circle. Understand that everything we do has import - (meaning what we do can affect other lives),  and God is involved in the details of our lives!

The illustration above shows an Eagle soaring and gliding to new heights. Let your life do the same. Don't continue in the same path everyday, thinking dull thoughts of yourself, the world and others. Understand that everyday matters and you truly make a significant impact on the world, family and everyone who enters your life, your space and within your overall inner circle.

 Be the best you, see each day as a new opportunity, seize the moment to make a difference. Honestly, you are very special.

You know what? It's difficult to think highly of others until you think more highly of yourself! Believe that God has placed you here for a specific purpose, believe you make a difference, and everything you do Everyday Matters!!!

Now, do this for me:
Think of someone in your family and outside of your family that you don't really care for. The secret to this is, usually the first names and faces that come into mind are the ones you do not like or care for. But, please hear this: Your beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts, good or bad. Negative thoughts of someone can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves a more pleasant surroundings within ourself and have a different and more positive impact on the people around us!

So, free yourself of bondage - think out of the box concerning you and your life - believe that you are special - believe that you make a tremendous difference wherever you go. 

*Everyday Truly Matters and how we live and think makes a tremendous difference*

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Sunday, July 12, 2015


There is a cliche' that says: "opposites attract." Being opposite is a positive thing, especially in a relationship. If both parties in a relationship are the same I don't think the relationship would be as exciting as it could be. You need to be different for the relationship to work. Being different doesn't mean you won't share the same likes. Love brings inconvenience to convenience.

Lets talk Equality:

Equality in a relationship does not means sameness. It means each person is valued for the contribution they bring to the table.  In fact, the very differences we have are perhaps our greatest strengths when they are recognized and used effectively instead of being at odds with one another.

All of us seek completeness when we feel incomplete. Therefore, the search begins to find that person to complete us, and when we do we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this person is the one.

However, when you're in a relationship and still feel incomplete, sometimes the companions are blamed. There is another cliche' which  states: "The grass looks greener on the other side." It doesn't mean that it is, but the search begins again for someone more promising and compatible.

This search can go on for years and years; while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives and help make us feel complete, we are ultimately responsible for our own fulfillment and happiness. No one else can provide that for us, and to believe otherwise is deluded ... which means (impose a misleading belief upon (someone) ... (deceive or fool yourself or someone else). And this can potentially  lead you to  eventual failure for every relationship you enter into.

Please don't get me wrong, your spouse, mate, partner ... who ever has entered your life as your companion should strongly contribute to your happiness and completeness and should make you feel very special, and you should fit together like a hand and glove, but you are the person to make you happy and complete. 

~The ultimate of course is God!~

...I hope this reading makes sense to you...

...These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

~Being Different~

~Somestimes its hard to except being different ... but you are~

All of us have a unique personality. We are different in the movies we like, foods we enjoy, people we enjoy being around and even the way we decorate where we live. God never made two things alike. No leaf on a tree is the same. If you don't believe me, then go to a tree in your yard and compare leaves. They are all different for a reason. Even identical twins have unique differences.  Thats because we are different. And, we are different for a reason. This is why it is so important to be who you are and not attempt to be or be like someone else. You have a responsibility to yourself to be you!

Each of us are unique in this life. Each of us live in a private world different to others who we associate with And, reality differs from person to person .  Never forget that you are one of a kind. Understand that there is a need in the world for your uniqueness. You have a purpose. And, if there were not a need for you and your uniqueness you wouldn't be here in the first place.

Listen, it doesn't matter how difficult or overwhelming life's challenges are, you are the one important person that can change a situation, because of who you are. We fail at being different
 out of fear and non-exceptance.  You have a gift, you are different, except this and relish the fact that God made you different from everyone else. So tell me, what's hard about you being you?  Except your failure to acknowledge you are different and that is a good thing.

Your life is a book. People enjoy reading good books. Good books tell good stories and good books tell the truth. The people that read good books are family, co-workers, even strangers. So, be a good book with an interesting honest cover!

This is the beginning of the second half of this year, will you except the joy and challenge of being different by being the good you that God has created? Show love, caring and concern. Be the patient person you are ordained to be. Be forgiving of others who have wronged or offended you. Truth be told, you may have wronged or offended them as well.

This is a topic that can get very deep. I have not touched the surface on Being Different. But my advice to you is simple: Be the different you the God ordained you to be... and make a difference whatever you go. (A GOOD DIFFERENCE).

Relationship wise:
This statement may sound strange, but the most important relationship you will have in this life is the relationship you will have with yourself; because no matter what happens;  you will always be with yourself... So know and understand who you are, except the difference in you and make a difference in the world and in the lives of those you encounter.

I thank God so much right now, for my being here and being who I am. I've learned to except me, have you learned to except you? If you are bad or have a bad attitude then change it. It's in your power to do so.

...Sometimes I wonder if people are afraid of themselves and of their own reality...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~
!!!Happy Fourth of July!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

~Matters Of The Heart~

Somestimes it is easier for a man to know other people better than knowing himself. And, sometimes the rules of logic simply does not apply.

I say that because, nothing ever goes away until we learn what we need to know.  I'm sure most of us have seen individuals fall into the same pitfalls over and over again. This is because they have yet to learn the lessons those pitfalls are trying to teach.

So often the things we need to learn are shoved under the pillows of our minds, thus we continue to fall into the same trap(s) over and over again. I've come to understand that life and circumstances are good teachers and friends, once we learn the lesson(s) they are trying to teach us.

The essence of life can be very challenging. These challenges can be labeled obstacles. And, the obstacles that life produces can way very heavy on the heart. But whatever decisions you make to resolve these obstacles, be determined and stand, even if your decisions were wrong!

Matters of the heart deals with so many things. It can cause you to sit, think and search to feel your soul. This I know for sure, things are simple when they are right. So, work to make things right in your life. And, if you have wronged someone or someone has wronged you seek to reconcile. (Even if you feel you are right and they are wrong). I didn't say you have to build or maintain a friendship, but keep you heart clear, clean and free!

Understand, there is an inner strength that allows you to face reality and reconciliation. God has equipped you with such a strength!

 I've come to know that there is a presence of not knowing for sure and there is an understanding of letting go of a matter if there is a need too. Life is very short. So live a stress free life. I hope this makes sense...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

...~Truth vs Lie~...

Beware, we always have to think about the decisions we make; not just for our own point of view, but how it affects other people. A lie's true power cannot be accurately measured by the person who believes it's deception when it is told, it is measured by the pain it produces once the truth is discovered.

No lie can live forever. A lie has a temporary life span. Personally I would rather hear the ugly truth than an obscure lie!

Lets look at truth: The truth can be messy. It's raw and can be very uncomfortable. And I guess sometimes you can't blame a person for resulting to less than the truth.

As I sometimes burn the midnight oil, I'm accompanied with pondering thoughts. These thoughts can sometimes reveal obvious and unknown truths. Truth can be painful, but it is still welcomed.

I understand the pain and discomfort of knowing partial truth. Yet partial truth can ignite the search engines of our minds and create curiosities.

After the truth is revealed to any of us, the next step is making a decision to change yourself and or the situation, because you cannot change anyone else.

I've come to understand that trust and truth are synonymous  and are sacred. And, when trust is violated it produces a gulf.  The gulf that is produced can make it very difficult to fully re-connect to the person or persons that told the lie.

I say this from the depths of my heart: A lie has no place, no home and is unwelcome wherever it shows up. The moment a lie leaves our lips it sprouts roots and spreads a cancer that is initially unseen, but eventually becomes visible and is deeply painful.

I use to be afraid of what I was unsure of, but no longer. Again, truth at best is in part. And, I believe knowing the complete truth of a matter can be more devastating. That statement makes me smile, because truth can sometimes bring pain and humor. But I still prefer the truth!

Making decisions is our God giving right. And, we all have the capability to make decisions.

Decisions can sometimes lead us down a path of good and bad; right and wrong, success and failure. I'd like to believe that most decisions are carefully thought out and then moved upon, but we know that is not always the case.

Non of us are infallible. Meaning we've all lied at one time or another. All relationships are built on this major ingredient, Trust. At least they should be.  And, if one lie can destroy a Nation, then we all should be aware of what it can do to a relationship.

My advice is this: Tell the truth...Always ... eventually the truth finds the the correct door to enter in. And, it usually enters at an inopportune time when the truth is revealed.

Love conquers  all. At least thats what the cliche' says. And I believe that it does. But I also say, feed the truth and starve a lie!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

~Facts of Life~

Germany, Baden Wuerttemberg, View of autumn forest

Now that my daily routine has changed, it appears that I have more time to sit, think and reflect! That being said, I believe that one of the greatest gifts given to us by God other than Jesus, is life. Another great gift given to us is the ability to learn.

As long as we live, we will be forever learning. Learning is a process by which grow. However in learning we are presented with the good and bad. Sometimes I wonder why is it that bad habits stick to us faster than good habits, but it does.

The simple true fact of life is that we become like those with whom we closely associate with ... be it bad or good. This also includes family. Remember, they may be family members, but family members may be associating with people whose life-style maybe in question and they can take on ways that are good and bad too. So, be careful of the persons you associate with, including family.

Moving forward, the first things we learn are the hardest to forget. Traditions pass from one generation to the next. If these traditions are good, then we want to maintain them; if they are bad, then we need to change them. I believe that each of us are equip to do great things in our lives. No matter what state you're in.

Fact of the matter is, know your strengths because sometimes people think that they know you. But in fact they may know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And, if you don't know yourself very well, you might even believe they are right. But, the truth is that's not you. Not you at all. Everyone don't have the right to speak into your life, so don't let them.

Remember this, when you are prospering your friends know you, but when you fall on bad times, you will truly know your friends!

We all have moments when we surprise our own expectations; Sometimes these moments are larger than life itself. I truly believe there is something great in all of us. This is why we hit back and refuse to give up. I believe each of us in our own way are heroes. But some of us can't see the forest for the trees.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, May 7, 2015

~ The Truth!

         ~Truth Sometimes is Locked up and Silent~

There have been times I have said things based on emotions and not intellect that I sincerely regret, even to this day.  But I don't regret the things I said nearly as much as the words I left unspoken.

Sometimes it's better not to verbalize, and deep down you hope it's understood. Also, words that comes from the heart don't always need to be spoken. Just learn to be quiet and  know when to speak with your eyes.

I'm learning to control words that I speak and I love speaking with my eyes or in silence. The eyes can also tell a story and answer questions without words leaving your lips. The old cliche' states: Silence is golden. And I say (sometimes).

I've come to understand that words are very powerful and they gain power when they are spoken.

So, whenever its time to speak, use flawless words, speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Try to cease from using words that speak negatively about yourself or someone else. Use the power of words in the direction of truth and love.

Find the courage to ask questions concerning things you do not understand, and express yourself clearly of what you do understand, truly want and desire.

Be the best you, understanding that your best will change from moment to moment. But ensure that you do your best to be understood, etc. Avoid criticizing yourself and regretting what you've done in the past.

Sometimes what I write  may not always make sense. But, I write any way from my heart. I hope this makes sense to you.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, April 27, 2015

~Trying to Impress~


              ~Notice the tree standing alone~
Standing in the waves

Most of us spend a great portion of our lives trying to impress others. The way we look, dress, speak, work, walk, etc. We spend more time looking to please, than to be pleased just being who we are. We attempt to change our personality, to be accepted. Instead, you should just be the best you, that you can be, regardless of anyone else's perception of you.

Whenever anyone try to be perfect, behind the effort lies a desperate need to be accepted. It is this same need that often drives us to take on more than we should. In trying to be perfect we work on the quality of our activities, crafts, jobs, positions, etc: Silent questions to ourselves are: Was that good enough? Did I impress them with how well I did that? Will they acknowledge my potential and my worth? Did they like the way I looked in that dress or suit?

In taking on too much, we stress ourselves and the quality of what we do. Another question, Did I do enough? We should never stress ourselves to please another. You excel by embracing who you are and acknowledging your true potential in being the best you.

In closing and please hear this: Some people are judged instantly by their clothes, their cars, their appearance, their race, their education, their social status. The list goes on and on. What sometimes frustrates me personally is that most people decide who another person is even before they speak to them. What's even worse, these same people decide who and what the status of someone else is, and don't even know who they are themselves.

We must cease forming opinions of someone before we get to know them and we must cease to live our lives based on others opinions/perceptions of us. Again, just be the best person that God has preordain  us (you) to be; Whether anyone approves or not. And, viewing the picture above, this also means, sometimes you must stand alone!

*Dare To Be Different*
~Have the courage~

Remember, if you cease to be you, then who's going to be you?

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Friday, April 24, 2015

~From The Heart~

Love birds

In life, I truly believe, at least once, you will find that special someone, who can completely turn your life and world around. You are able to tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.

You share hopes for the future, dreams that may or may not ever come true, goals that were accomplished and goals that were never achieved,  and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.

They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you aren't good enough, but rather they build you up and show you things about yourself that make you special and help you to see what a beautiful person you truly are.

There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you, because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk, become invaluable treasures and a  keep safe in your heart to cherish forever.

Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid. It’s like being young again. Colors seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter and excitement seems part of daily life, where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. That person can even make you laugh at yourself, when in the past you couldn't.

A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you.

You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like the color of a day,  a movie, a familiar image, a painting, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible.

You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate that will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.

And, even if they don't remain, be thankful that you had the opportunity just to know them  

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Neptunes Bellos in fog, Deception Island

We often say that the world if full of deceptions, and it truly is. But, so are we. The problem is, we don't see how deceived we are and how we deceive ourselves. Life shouldn't be as complicated as we make it. We stress ourselves out over foolish things that we think are vital to our survival. When, if we could stop, get quiet within, and think for a moment on what is truly important in life; I believe we would have lest diseases, sicknesses,  frustrations, angers, selfishness, criticisms, anxieties and stresses.

You see, most of our thought processes are kind of selfish. Don't get me wrong; strive to do your best, always. But know this, when God has something in store for you, it is not accompanied by anxiety or stress. Why? Because every good and perfect gift that God gives, comes from Him. And, it is acquired in peace, calmness and filled with joy!

Yes, we seek to obtain all that the world has. A reputation. Firstly we want others to know who we are. Secondly, a high position. Because we want power and money. Thirdly, relationships. But when relationships are obtained independently of God, it can lead you into ruin. Fourthly, wealth and so forth. Again, wealth obtain without wisdom can lead anyone into doom. It can give you a false sense of power and can lead to undesirable problems. The heart wants what it wants and in some instances, it will do whatever it can to obtain it's desires.

Deception: Beguilement, deceit, bluff, mystification and subterfuge are acts to propagate beliefs of things that are not true, or not the whole truth (as in half truth).

Listen, you may or may not believe this statement, but  without God the heart does not know how to avoid deception, manipulation, or the art of control; although it can produce all the words in action that were just mention. The Bible states: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

Life is too short to be bogged down with the things I've mentioned. Seek peace, honesty, integrity. Deception can not only destroy those you attempt to deceive; it can also destroy you. Make up your mind. I hope this writing has place you at the crossroads of making a decision not to deceive or allow yourself to be deceived.

Note: There is another form of deception, and maybe we will discuss that in the very near future.

~These are my thoughts ... I  welcome yours~

Sunday, April 19, 2015

~The Weight of Memory~

Still life

Life is huge and displays many signs that leads us in different directions. Some signs are straight forward and others directs to detours before getting to our desired destinations. Moving forward, some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. But, there are times when it takes more strength to know when to let go and then do it.

Life has a way of going in circles. Ideally, it would and should be a straight forward path ... We should always know where we are going, We should always be able to move forward and if necessary, leave detrimental things behind. If, we were able to do this, there would be nothing but the present and future. Instead, many of us constantly find ourselves where we started. When we try to move forward, we end up taking a step backwards. We carry everything with us, the weight of memories weighing us down, tiring us out, until we collapse and give up.

We forget things we try to remember. We remember things we'd rather forget. The most scary thing about memory is that it leaves no choice. It has mastered an incomprehensible art of forgetting. It erases, it distorts, it fills in blank spaces with details that don't and may never have existed.

But we remember it --- or choose to remember it. I've learned that the past is the foundation that holds our lives in place. Without its support, we would have nothing for guidance. We spend so much time focusing on what lies ahead, when what has fallen behind is just as important. Part of what defines us is not where we are going, but where we've been.

There are places and people we will never see again, and even though we move on and let them go or try too, they will forever, remain a part of who we are!

there are things that will never change, things we will carry with us as long as we live. But as we move forward and experience a cloudy, unsure future, we must find strength by learning to leave some things behind,

Listen, many of us want to believe in fairy tales and happy endings, but life is not always that way... Therefore, whatever memories and things you are holding on too, but realize that you need to let go; try and let go soon and Live, Always Love and Forever Laugh...

I hope this makes sense. As always, I welcome any and all comments.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~ 

Friday, April 17, 2015

~Finding your Purpose~,

Psalm 139: 15 lets us know that God knows us inside and out. He knew you and me before we were ever conceive.

The world is a beautiful place, with beautiful scenery, and beautiful people. And everything that God made has a purpose. Which included every part of your body. If you don't believe, then injure a part of your body that you think is insignificant and you will see exactly what mean. This is because everything God has created fits like a puzzle!

You and I have a purpose in this life. However long we have to live on this side, we have a purpose! And, if you are going to discover how God wants to use your life and work, then you must understand and know why you were created. If you start trying to determine your purpose in life before understanding why you were created, you will inevitably get hung up on the things you do as the basis for fulfillment in your life, which will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

First of all, God created you (us) to know Him and to have an intimate relationship with Him. In fact, God says that if a man is going to boast about anything in life, "boast about this: that he (You and I) understand and know Me" (God), (Jeremiah 9:24). Man kind's relationship with God was lost when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Jesus' death on the cross, however, allowed us to restore this relationship with God and to have an intimate fellowship with Him.

The apostle Paul came to understand this when he said, "he gave up himself and all that he had to know Christ personally, and to experience Christ's resurrection power, to be a partner in His suffering, and go all the way with Him to death itself". Please read (Philippians 3:10).

I learned this definition of a christian back in 1974-75. "A Christian is one who has been taken into that secret by the personal experience of redemption. It's life is a centering around the Cross of God in Christ. It's characteristic or likeness is that we too must be crucified and live only that life hide with Christ in God." You (I) must die to who we are; that is the only way we can live and endure this christian life. (Galatians 2:20).

Lastly, establishing this relationship with God is vital to understanding your purpose. if you don't have this relationship with God, you will seek to fulfill your purpose out of wrong motives, such as insecurity, pride, money, relationships, guilt, or anger.  The list goes on and on, never reaching a resolved state.

God's desire for you and I is to be motivated out of love for Him.  To worship Him. To know His Resurrection Power in your life. As you develop your relationship with God, He will begin to reveal His purpose for your life to you. Be patient and trust the Holy Spirit's guidance!

God said:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord"(Jeremiah 29:11)

You have a unique purpose. Ask God to help you discover it.

I wrote this because I was compelled to do so. God's word will never return unto Him Void.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

~A Mother's Heart~

Bright Flower

How can we truly explain a mother's heart, a mother's unconditional love. She's kind, patient, enduring, compassionate, AMAZING! Still words cannot justify her worth.

The heart of a mother is immeasurable, which you will always fine help and forgiveness! I vividly remember my father, He was kind, caring and he provided I assume the best he knew how. My father would oftentimes bring home treats for us to eat. My father was a major figure in our home, and when he left it devastated me. He and I never really talked about serious things. He left our home when I was 13 years old.

My mother was there. And although I did't appreciate some things that she did, she was still there. She kept us together in the hardest of times. Yes, there were times when we didn't know what we were going to eat, but she was still there. There were times I saw her crying, praying and asking God to provide food for her children (us). Needless to say, God provided. I believe mothers are divine and magical. They can soothe any pain and can comfort beyond measure. A mother's heart is a vast and glorious thing.

A mother is the truest friend we have. When trials and burdens are heavy, when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble and sickness surrounds us, still, she will cling to us, and by her love, wisdom and counsel, she will do her best to cause the clouds in our lives to dissipate or go away, and ensure that peace will return to our hearts.

A mother will stay up until the late hours at night till the wee hours of the morning praying,looking and waiting for her child to come home. She will give you her last just so you will have.  And, she will always PRAY!

I've still not expressed the worth and value of a mother. How can I? How can I truly describe  mother's heart? Remember, it's immeasurable. The worsts of criminals were put to death and their mother's heart still yearns for them to be here, even after their most vicious crimes.

I have not scratched the surface...

~A Mother's Heart~

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Saturday, April 11, 2015

...~ Where Are We Headed? ~...


Paradox: is a statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true ( or wrong at the same time).  

More people are able to attend colleges, obtaining more degrees, but they are not wiser.We've increased our knowledge, but our decision making and judgment has a lot to be desired. The world has more professionals, better doctors and nurses, monstrous hospitals with the best and most up to date equipment, and we now have better medicines, yet people are sicker and the medications have so many side effects, until you can simply die from the side effects after taking the medications.

We talk of needing more exercise, we build state of the art exercise equipment, and we take pills to lose weight. Have we not become more lazy? But, in our minds we have become more active. I'm sure you've seen exercise equipment advertised on T.V. that allows to sit in comfort while you exercise. (AMAZING)... Where are we headed?

We watch advertisements on TV, we see creams and gels to make us look younger because we are in fear of aging. We are more concerned with the way our bodies look when people are looking at us. Yes, we want and desire fine bodies, beautiful faces, great hair and we reached to achieve it by any means necessary. But, we forget our purpose and how corrupt our hearts have become.

We've gone to school, acquired a good education to make a very good living, but our lives as a whole has fallen apart. Relationships have crumbled, communication with in those relationships have become silent. Yet, we make more money to buy what we want and less of what we need.  We travel to wherever we like. Take cruises, fly to different countries,  but we never think of walking across the street to meet and say hello to an old or a new neighbor. 

May I ask a question? Are we truly better off? Are we truly living more free today or in more bondage? What are we becoming?

Our lives are fast pace, consisting of microwavable foods and the thought of me, myself and I. We've become more selfish, self-centered and less compassionate for others. And, if we are compassionate we fail to express it.

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in amazement, because that little person soon will grow up and not be around.

Remember, to give a direct look in the eye and warm hug to the ones you love.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your friends and loved ones, and really mean it. You will be surprised of how much it means to a person when you ask them, can I help you with anything? Or are you really okay? Do you need to talk? We've drifted so far from showing kindness and concern.

Be willing to give good sound advise. Take ownership of situations you can handle.Remember to always be kind and loving. But, know when to be a woman and a  man of steel and velvet.

Let me explain
understand when to express steel = Firmness, Strength and straight forwardness.
understand when to express velvet=Tenderness, Love and sensitivity.

Maybe this song will enlighten you. Please listen to the words! Just copy and paste.


~These are my thoughts ... (Not the song) ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

~You Decide ~

Lonely rainbow

Love is a force that no one can contain. It is an untamed force that completes each of us in different ways. And, sometimes when you try to understand it, it can leave you lost and confused. You forgive those who hurt you, you still care for the one who dismantled your heart, and you still reminisce about the good times you had together. You find yourself listening and thinking in silence about that person, and that silence can be so loud until you can feel the very beat of your heart.

Human nature dictates that we should dislike the person who has hurt us, but love says to forgive and to reach out to them, even though they deeply hurt you. Love is a miraculous force that is sometimes unexplainable.

When you  deeply care for someone, it's like planning a vacation. You plan everything out carefully. And, one day you make a wrong turn. There is a detour and you end up in some crazy place where even a map can't get you out (back to each other). It hits you gradually, you're lost. Part of you is hurting, part of you is angry and part of you still cares for that person.

Then there's the solitude segment. Solitude can bring out the worst in you. It gives you time to think, think and think on the nature of things. Allows you time to examine what went wrong, what happened.

It is so strange how someone can be an intricate part of one's life one day and be gone the next. But, if you are going to be honest, truly honest with yourself, then realize that there were signs indicating something was wrong. Not in all cases but I can almost promise you in most. I often make this statement:  A man will always show you who he is, if you open your eyes and heart to see.   Go ahead, reminisceThink about the good times, fool yourself and forget about the bad times. And I'm sure there were a few bad times. And the few bad times hurt and cut you deeply.

I believe no one should maintain a relationship that is detrimental to their mental, physical, and emotional health. It's unhealthy.  A man and woman has the right to choose who they want in their lives. And, that person may not be you. It does come a time when moving on is in order. Endure the memories, pain, hurt and disappointment. But, life moves forward, the clock of time does not fail to tick, tick, tick.  There is a question: "How long does the pain lasts?

The answer, the pain will last as long as you allow it too. The power is yours! The power is in your control. You control what your heart feels. The pain that you allow in your heart, the pain that you hold on to, is all in your control.

This choice is your yours. I know this is easier said than doing. But the statement still holds true: The choice is still yours. That time table is in your control.

It's safe to walk forward and not backwards. When you spend your efforts looking back, you just might miss the gift that God has placed in front of you.

Review the picture above. There is always a rainbow after a storm. But sometimes we miss it by looking back and holding on to pain.

I hope this makes sense. If it does, then choose to look forward and LiveLove and Laugh like you were dying.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Sunday, April 5, 2015

What are you looking for?

True Love or a Fantasy?

Some of us spend  a portions of our lives looking for the reason as to why things should change. And, the other portion of our lives trying to make things remain the same.

We spend hours thinking of how things might have been. We wrestle in our minds wondering should I have done this or that. What if I didn't do that? We spend hours trying to bring what we call the good times back again.

Sometimes our lives seem to be in order.  We are living a typical life style. Things in our home are almost perfect to us. We have routines in place, with no thoughts of interruptions. Then all of a sudden something happens out of the ordinary.

During these times so much is going in our minds, and we get confused, we feel so much hurt, pain and sometime anger. A life-style that was once in order is suddenly in chaos and disarray.

But, these times are design to make us strong. We must fight to look beyond our circumstances to see the rainbow behind the clouds. Usually after a major storm God has a way of rewarding us with a beautiful element of surprise. There are lessons lessons to learn when we go through hurt, pain and the loss of someone we love. Once the pain subsides and we began to see clearly, we then understand that God has a plan for lives and He is directing us in the path He has pre-ordained.

We must learn to thank Him even when we can't see nor understand His purpose!!!

Each of us have a destiny. Each of us will no doubt reach our destiny in different ways. Sometimes our destiny is obtained through pain and disappointment. I hope you hear this. God sometimes allows pain to ignite destiny in our lives. We must learn how to Praise and Thank Him even though we don't understand!

 All of us have a had a measure of disappointments to invade our lives. These disappointments can create depths of pain that make our tomorrow unbearable.

Our first motivation is to alleviate the pain and disappointments. And, sometimes we do this by drinking, sleeping, working or simply making our selves busy.  Even acting as though we are okay and trying to prove to others that we are strong. We see ourselves in a place we never thought we would be. Then after a season of extreme and sometimes emotional hurt and pain, a second phase begins. This phase should move us to discover a new and deeper  relationship with God.

Once we start seeing the rainbow through all the disappointment and pain, we will begin to discover things about ourselves and about God we never knew. Gradually, there is a calm. We've endured the storm. Our minds, and attitudes switches to a willingness to move forward. We move from pain and disappointment to loving peace and contentment.  Because there is a transition of the heart that takes place.

Understand, there is a process called refining when it comes to Purifying gold. Once that process is completed, you will see a beautiful piece of jewelry. Keep trusting, keep fighting, persevere, because hard, bad, painful, and disappointing times don't last forever.

Truly God can move you from a place of Pain to a place of calm and peace. There are so many secret things God has reserved for you as a result of the crisis you may find yourself in.

Lastly, please remember; your tears, pain and circumstances does not move God. What moves God on your behalf is your faith in Him and His ability to pull you up. That's the honest truth.

~God is purifying you~
...So seek his face - Endure - Persevere ... Never allow yourself to engage in a pity party...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, April 2, 2015

~Letting Go~


“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.” - Gandhi 

~Decisions ... Decision~
Sometimes it's very difficult to make decisions or changes. Sometime we feel the need to make our changes or decisions after we see what others do. This shouldn't be the case. We should be strong enough to make decisions that will benefit us as individuals. I honestly do not think that is a selfish statement. There is a cliche' which states: "To thine own self be true."I believe you should always be true and honest with yourself. In doing so, you may hurt others, but you as an individual must b free to live your life in peace, harmony, fulfillment, and completeness.

I'm not a counselor nor am I trying to be Dr. Phil. I'm just writing from my heart,

Relationships can be difficult. And, it can be very difficult to leave a long term relationship, even when your inner wisdom tells you it's time to let go. Listen, you can choose to let go and endure the pain of leaving behind the familiar to make way for a new chapter in your life, Or, you can stay and suffer pain that slowly eats away at your heart and soul, like an emotional cancer. Until you awaken one day and realize that you are buried in a dysfunctional relationship. You owe it to yourself to know when to let go.

Listen, there is a difference between saying goodbye and letting go. Goodbye is permanent. However, letting go is okay with never seeing this person ever again ... being okay with with never knowing how their life turned out; because you have made a conscious decision to let go and free yourself. It does not mean you no longer care. It simply means it's time for you to move on and live. You may never fully get over this person and that is okay as long as you live your life.

Time doesn't necessarily heals all wounds. But, it  affords you the opportunity to overcome and live in spite of the pain of letting go the one you once loved and may still love.

Sometimes the strongest thing you will ever do is let go of someone you love. But if they are  not fully completing and fulfilling your life, then it's time to let go. Yes, it may be painful, you may suffer guilt, and you may second guess yourself, but for your own sanity and quality of life, the decision to let go may be right for you. 

Don't look back, move forward and walk to your freedom.

~I hope this was an enlightenment for you~

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When God Seems Far Away

green landscape and sunbeam

"Why, O Lord, do You stand far off? Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?" - Psalms 10:1 

One of the great mysteries of God is His ways. Some of His ways almost appear to bring us into the most difficult places, as if He were indifferent to our circumstances. It would appear that He is turning His head from our sorrows.

These events in our lives have a particular objective to perform for us. That objective is to bring us to the end of ourselves that we might discover the treasure of darkness. "Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness" (Job 30:26). When we are taken into these dark periods, we begin to see light that we never knew existed. Our sensitivities become heightened and our ability to see through spiritual eyes is illuminated. Unless we are taken into these times, our souls never develop any depth of character.

We do not gain wisdom, only knowledge. Knowledge is gained through understanding; wisdom is gained through the experience of darkness and by asking. After we go through these periods, we discover that God was, in fact, with us all along. Therefore, we walk by faith and not by sight. Meaning, it doesn't matter what we do not see, or what we feel; we must learn to trust God promptly.

He is there walking with us. He has told us countless times that He will never leave us nor forsake us. When we are in those dark periods, we can't rely on feelings. We must rely on fact that God's word is true. Faith, I believe that God's word is true. My feeling are a result of the fact accompanied by my faith in God. He does not always rescue us from the circumstances. Sometimes we will have to go through them.

He does this for our benefit in order that we might become more like Jesus. Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered (see Hebrew. 5:8). What does that say about how you and I will learn obedience? Embrace the dark times and gain the wisdom that God has in store for you during these times.

Again: Our circumstances do not move God. Our faith is the ingredient that get God into action.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~