Sunday, April 5, 2015

What are you looking for?

True Love or a Fantasy?

Some of us spend  a portions of our lives looking for the reason as to why things should change. And, the other portion of our lives trying to make things remain the same.

We spend hours thinking of how things might have been. We wrestle in our minds wondering should I have done this or that. What if I didn't do that? We spend hours trying to bring what we call the good times back again.

Sometimes our lives seem to be in order.  We are living a typical life style. Things in our home are almost perfect to us. We have routines in place, with no thoughts of interruptions. Then all of a sudden something happens out of the ordinary.

During these times so much is going in our minds, and we get confused, we feel so much hurt, pain and sometime anger. A life-style that was once in order is suddenly in chaos and disarray.

But, these times are design to make us strong. We must fight to look beyond our circumstances to see the rainbow behind the clouds. Usually after a major storm God has a way of rewarding us with a beautiful element of surprise. There are lessons lessons to learn when we go through hurt, pain and the loss of someone we love. Once the pain subsides and we began to see clearly, we then understand that God has a plan for lives and He is directing us in the path He has pre-ordained.

We must learn to thank Him even when we can't see nor understand His purpose!!!

Each of us have a destiny. Each of us will no doubt reach our destiny in different ways. Sometimes our destiny is obtained through pain and disappointment. I hope you hear this. God sometimes allows pain to ignite destiny in our lives. We must learn how to Praise and Thank Him even though we don't understand!

 All of us have a had a measure of disappointments to invade our lives. These disappointments can create depths of pain that make our tomorrow unbearable.

Our first motivation is to alleviate the pain and disappointments. And, sometimes we do this by drinking, sleeping, working or simply making our selves busy.  Even acting as though we are okay and trying to prove to others that we are strong. We see ourselves in a place we never thought we would be. Then after a season of extreme and sometimes emotional hurt and pain, a second phase begins. This phase should move us to discover a new and deeper  relationship with God.

Once we start seeing the rainbow through all the disappointment and pain, we will begin to discover things about ourselves and about God we never knew. Gradually, there is a calm. We've endured the storm. Our minds, and attitudes switches to a willingness to move forward. We move from pain and disappointment to loving peace and contentment.  Because there is a transition of the heart that takes place.

Understand, there is a process called refining when it comes to Purifying gold. Once that process is completed, you will see a beautiful piece of jewelry. Keep trusting, keep fighting, persevere, because hard, bad, painful, and disappointing times don't last forever.

Truly God can move you from a place of Pain to a place of calm and peace. There are so many secret things God has reserved for you as a result of the crisis you may find yourself in.

Lastly, please remember; your tears, pain and circumstances does not move God. What moves God on your behalf is your faith in Him and His ability to pull you up. That's the honest truth.

~God is purifying you~
...So seek his face - Endure - Persevere ... Never allow yourself to engage in a pity party...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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