Friday, April 17, 2015

~Finding your Purpose~,

Psalm 139: 15 lets us know that God knows us inside and out. He knew you and me before we were ever conceive.

The world is a beautiful place, with beautiful scenery, and beautiful people. And everything that God made has a purpose. Which included every part of your body. If you don't believe, then injure a part of your body that you think is insignificant and you will see exactly what mean. This is because everything God has created fits like a puzzle!

You and I have a purpose in this life. However long we have to live on this side, we have a purpose! And, if you are going to discover how God wants to use your life and work, then you must understand and know why you were created. If you start trying to determine your purpose in life before understanding why you were created, you will inevitably get hung up on the things you do as the basis for fulfillment in your life, which will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

First of all, God created you (us) to know Him and to have an intimate relationship with Him. In fact, God says that if a man is going to boast about anything in life, "boast about this: that he (You and I) understand and know Me" (God), (Jeremiah 9:24). Man kind's relationship with God was lost when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Jesus' death on the cross, however, allowed us to restore this relationship with God and to have an intimate fellowship with Him.

The apostle Paul came to understand this when he said, "he gave up himself and all that he had to know Christ personally, and to experience Christ's resurrection power, to be a partner in His suffering, and go all the way with Him to death itself". Please read (Philippians 3:10).

I learned this definition of a christian back in 1974-75. "A Christian is one who has been taken into that secret by the personal experience of redemption. It's life is a centering around the Cross of God in Christ. It's characteristic or likeness is that we too must be crucified and live only that life hide with Christ in God." You (I) must die to who we are; that is the only way we can live and endure this christian life. (Galatians 2:20).

Lastly, establishing this relationship with God is vital to understanding your purpose. if you don't have this relationship with God, you will seek to fulfill your purpose out of wrong motives, such as insecurity, pride, money, relationships, guilt, or anger.  The list goes on and on, never reaching a resolved state.

God's desire for you and I is to be motivated out of love for Him.  To worship Him. To know His Resurrection Power in your life. As you develop your relationship with God, He will begin to reveal His purpose for your life to you. Be patient and trust the Holy Spirit's guidance!

God said:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord"(Jeremiah 29:11)

You have a unique purpose. Ask God to help you discover it.

I wrote this because I was compelled to do so. God's word will never return unto Him Void.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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