Thursday, July 2, 2015

~Matters Of The Heart~

Somestimes it is easier for a man to know other people better than knowing himself. And, sometimes the rules of logic simply does not apply.

I say that because, nothing ever goes away until we learn what we need to know.  I'm sure most of us have seen individuals fall into the same pitfalls over and over again. This is because they have yet to learn the lessons those pitfalls are trying to teach.

So often the things we need to learn are shoved under the pillows of our minds, thus we continue to fall into the same trap(s) over and over again. I've come to understand that life and circumstances are good teachers and friends, once we learn the lesson(s) they are trying to teach us.

The essence of life can be very challenging. These challenges can be labeled obstacles. And, the obstacles that life produces can way very heavy on the heart. But whatever decisions you make to resolve these obstacles, be determined and stand, even if your decisions were wrong!

Matters of the heart deals with so many things. It can cause you to sit, think and search to feel your soul. This I know for sure, things are simple when they are right. So, work to make things right in your life. And, if you have wronged someone or someone has wronged you seek to reconcile. (Even if you feel you are right and they are wrong). I didn't say you have to build or maintain a friendship, but keep you heart clear, clean and free!

Understand, there is an inner strength that allows you to face reality and reconciliation. God has equipped you with such a strength!

 I've come to know that there is a presence of not knowing for sure and there is an understanding of letting go of a matter if there is a need too. Life is very short. So live a stress free life. I hope this makes sense...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~


  1. Hello, Norris, this is my first visit but I can guarantee it will not be my last. Keeping that open and clean heart is not always an easy thing to do, but it is absolutely necessary to live with joy and that all elusive peace we all seek. I applaud you for finding yours. Good job!!

    1. Hi Doris,
      I trust all is well with you. I hope to see you one day very soon. I love you.

      Your favorite cousin,

    2. Hi Doris,
      I trust all is well with you. I hope to see you one day very soon. I love you.

      Your favorite cousin,
