Monday, December 1, 2014

~Love, Time and Loss~

Time concept still life

"Life is about time. And, time is everything in love and loss."

Time is the most precious gift because you only have a set amount it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your time.

It is not enough just to say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. Listen, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is T.I.M.E.

It's time to live with what we have and mourn what we've lost. Knowing full well that memories, though they are fond to have, life is still worth living!

Moving forward, have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. 

The truth is, we never know what life will bring us and we don't have as much control as we might think we have. But we can choose how we walk through life and how we spend our time.

Life is a gift from God to cherish; accompanied with time to manage!

~I hope this writing makes sense to you~

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Reach for your dreams ... Revisited!!!

I first wrote this on 07/09/11. I was sitting in church on Sunday 11/23/14, and this writing entered my mind to revisit. So, here it is again. There is always a reason why things are done. I hope you enjoy this reading!

"Some of this writing ... I have endured" {Personally}

The reason I chose this picture is because I wanted you to see that dreams can be accomplished, if we would but reach high and dig deep, with a mind that is as determined as a hungry Lion seeking his prey. And, and unwavering trust in Almighty GOD!

I've learned in life that when, it comes to having aspirations and setting goals, disappointment will occur, but the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one who endures until the end.

When I view the picture above I think of Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King and so many individuals who fought for and gave their lives for equality. To be treated as human being and not like animals and slaves.

The Bible makes it clear that the poor will always be among us, but God never intended for wealthy men to treat those who are less fortunate as slaves. We all serve someone. We are all servants to someone in this life, but not to the point of being De-humanized by another human being.

The picture above represents two scenarios. But first, lets us see just how far America has come.  How?

A young white girl, wearing on her shirt, the picture of a black man, whom she wishes to become President of these United States of America.

For so long racism has separated mankind. Where black men and women had to say "yassa  massa" (Yes Master) to these slave owners.

Where blacks picked cotton, cropped tobacco, chunked water melons, picked peaches, cleaned houses, ate the left-over food eaten and left on the plate of mass (Master) and his family.

Black men had to endure massa (Master) coming into their shacks desiring to be with their wife and daughters. Realizing there was nothing they could do about it.

Where they had to endure watching theirs wife and daughters being Impregnated by slave owners and then having to endure them nursing (Masters) children.

And the wives and daughters of these black men having to endure shame and embarrassment  to their husbands and and the daughters shame and embarrassment having to face to their fathers for having babies by these slave owners.

Yes, we as a people have endured an awful lot through the years. Yet God strengthened our ancestors and because of their strength we have survived, by the Help and Grace of God!!!

In life, the highlights we experience teaches us what is possible.

The hard times reinforces the consequences of not being true to our character, of not living up to our own expectations.

I believe we all have a responsibility  to each other. A responsibility to create more than we consume; A responsibility to build things that will out last us; A responsibility to find our own limits and push through them to accomplish even more.

Even when life challenges weigh us down, make us unrecognizable even to ourselves, we can always began again.

There is always time to thrive, As long as we have life, it is not to late to be inspired, It is no to late to change.

We are here to do good quietly; To shine in secret. To give when no one pats us on our backs or praises us.

To give of ourselves to someone, when they can offer nothing in return.

Yes ... There is no match for the Human Spirit!!!

So, reach for your dream ... Why? Because, if  Medgar Evers did not have a dream, if Martin Luther King did not have a dream, and the hosts of others not mentioned did not have a dream and reach so high that it cost them their lives, then the change with the young white girl wearing the T-shirt, with the picture of a black man- in the above picture, may not ever have occurred.

And The First Black President may still have been our hope. But today....this Great day!

  • Slaves are now freed

  • Blacks and Whites are now eating from the same table

  • Ours schools are now integrated

  • The First Black President is in Office  for A second term.... Where would he be without a dream, hope and without Change!!!

Dare to dream .. Dare to reach for your dream . . . Dare to believe in yourself and in God!!!

Lastly, to dream is good, but to reach and touch your dream is GREATER!!!

Also understand this, hope is a desire accompanied by expectation. Therefore, hope big,  desire strong and maintain high expectations.

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!

...    "YES WE CAN"  ...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Saturday, November 8, 2014

~Inside my mind~

When I was young, I believed that I could do anything. I believed in super heroes. My imagination was very strong. I could sit alone for hours and let my mind run free. My only responsibility was to me. And, what I could not acquire via imagination, I looked to my parents to make come true.

As children our imagination is stronger than actual knowledge. Myths were more potent than history. Dreams were more powerful than facts. Hope was always victorious over experience. Because as children we really did not have many experiences.  As children we laughed. And although we didn't know it, but laughter was the only cure for grief. You see, children are dreamers.

As a child I remember making a statement and my aunt Lila Mae heard it. I said " I will be so glad when I grow up." And my aunt said, "boy these are the best years of your life. Be a child as long as you can." Her statement was true in part based on my discovery.

I realize even as an adult I can still dream. I can still imagine. I can still hide myself in hope, in myths, and in laughter. All, while still dealing with reality.

We all must grow up. But that doesn't mean that we cannot be kids at some point in our hearts and minds.

I've lived long enough now to acknowledge that times, situations, relationships, and things overall changes. The question is, can you and I except change. (I'm smiling) as I allow my mind to roam.

So, now that you've reached adulthood have your imagination, Myths, dreams, hopes and laughter changed? If so why? Is it because you feel old, times have past you by, it's too late, you've missed your opportunity? (WHATEVER)!!! ... Hold On To Your Dreams.

Look, it's okay to listen to the don'ts, wont's, shouldn'ts, can'ts, too olds. And yes, I know this is broken english. But just listen for a moment ... Anything can happen, anything can be. And, as long as you are alive, think positive. Dare to dream and reach to make those dreams reality. Dare to imaging and see it come true. Dare to hope and see yourself triumph. Dare to laugh, for it will cure any grief. Nothing is as bad as it seems. NOTHING!!!

Even in death:
As a child I dealt with death differently. I thought that death was the end. (Smiling in thoughts)... However, as an adult I now know and  believe that love is much stronger than death! For in and through love a deceased love one lives in memory forever!

Now you have it: Childhood and Adulthood have advantages!

So, Imaging, Enjoy your Myths, Dreams, Hopes and Laughter...

As a very dear and close friend writes ... Live Like you were Dying!!!

Don't grow old in your mind. Don't grow old in your body. Don't grow old in your dress. ( But dress appropriately) LoL.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

~You have a choice~

Sometimes we all feel not cared for. And when that happens it can either make us sad, or it can frustrate us. But I would like to share something with you, if you don't mind.

It's easy to feel not cared for when people aren't able to communicate and connect with you in the way you may need. And it can be so hard not to internalize that silence as a reflection on your worth.

But the truth is, the way people operate is not about you. Most people are so caught up in their own responsibilities, struggles, and anxiety that the thought of asking someone else how they are doing doesn't even crossed their mind. They are not inherently bad or uncaring -they are just busy and self-focused. And that's okay. It's not evidence of some fundamental failing on your part.

It doesn't make you unlovable or invisible. it just mean that those people aren't very good at looking beyond their own world. But the fact that you are, and  despite the darkness you feel, you have the ability to share your love and light with others is a strength. your work isn't to change who you are, it is to find people who are able to give you the connection you need. Because despite what you feel, you are not too much. You are not too sensitive or too needy. You are thoughtful and empathetic. You are compassionate and kind. And with or without anyone's acknowledgement or affection, you are enough.

Moving forward. Sometimes when we are overwhelmed with emotions we tend to become isolated, impatient, irritable, anti-sociable.  

The great news is, God knows everything about you. Both good and bad, and He still loves you unconditionally.

Remember you have choices:
  • You choose to give away your love.
  • You choose to have a broken heart.
  • You choose to give up.
  • You choose to hang on.
  • You choose to react.
  • You choose to feel insecure.
  • You choose to feel anger.
  • You choose to fight back.
  • You choose to have or not have hope.
Lastly: "The only disability in life is a bad attitude."

~I hope this makes sense to you~

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

~The Truth About You~

If you are totally honest with yourself and take a good look at what's going on in your life, you'll discover what is actually unfolding. Therefore it stands to reason that if we attempt  and are successful in changing the outer effect of who we are but don't change the inner causation, we only create the same experience again.

The process of self-evaluation is a very good path to finding ourselves. If you're unhappy, realize that all unhappiness is caused by comparison. Did you hear that? All unhappiness is caused by comparison. We only feel unhappy when we compare what we have now to something else, compare ourselves to other people and what they have, perhaps when we were younger or healthier, or when we were with a certain person.

Where there is no comparison, unhappiness is impossible. Happiness exists when the mind is not removed from itself, when it remains in the present time zone, and when it declines to contrast itself with other times and conditions.

Imagine a sad, or unhappiness person sitting at home saying "I want to change my life," This person redecorates their home, then finds his or herself just as unhappy as before. So, they decorate several more times, and still feels no change in themselves.

Some people believe that they can change their level of happiness by changing their exterior scenery.What a mistake? Where and how can they correct themselves? If you have the answer to these question, then you have a powerful tool for personal growth.

So the truth about you is that you're not what you have and you're not what you do. You are spiritually whole, complete and perfect, and your success in life will be direct proportion to your ability to except this truth about yourself. I hope this makes sense.

Please note: This doesn't mean redecoration is not in order.

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

~His ways are different~

All things work together for your good.  When tragedies happen it is difficult to see how they could. The struggles that breaks our hearts in two often times blinds you from  this truth.

God knows what’s best for you always. And, His ways are definitely not like yours. Your way can get very dim. And during those times you honestly can’t see Him because you've allowed the hurt and pain to prevent you from doing so. But one thing you should always remember; You are never alone.

Why? Because the God you serve is too wise to make mistake. He is too good and too good to us to be unkind. So, when you don’t understand, and when you can’t see God’s plan, when you can’t see any traces of His in your situation; just trust The Mind and Heart of God.

You see, God has already prepared the master plan for your life, and over every situation that occurs in your life. 

Amazingly, He holds your future in His Hand. So don’t live as if you don't have hope. Your hope, your future, your circumstances, whether they are good or bad to you, God is still in control and what He has in store for you is found solely in Him. He has the master so learn to trust Him.

It's when you rely and trust solely in Him that you see a clear and bright present and future. He sees your beginning, your middles and your end. Like a tapestry, God is weaving every facet of your life. Keep in mind, God knew you before you where ever conceived in your mother's womb. He knows the path He has in store just for you.

So praise Him regardless of tragedies, hurt and pain that has creeped into your path of life. God is and forever shall be in control.

All things work together for your good. So Live as if you were dying. Live good, clean and be joyful that you are still here.

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

~His Secret Pain~ His hidden battles...

Timothy Hardtime Edwards
June 30, 1966 - August 4, 2014

There is so much I wish to say about my cousin. But, I honestly don't quite know where to start.  Each of us has a beginning and an ending. And, I believe that God has planned our destiny. However, many of us choose to walk a path opposite of what God has preordained. And, many times we choose paths that are a detriment to ourselves, our family and to those who associate with us.

The bible states in Proverb 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end there of is the way of death. This could mean physical death and or Spiritual death".

So, as you read this, ask God to open your hearts, to allow His Holy Spirit to indwell you to the point of you acknowledging where you are and where you need to be.

Please note: This article is about my cousin Timothy Tyrone Edwards...

Timothy "Hard Time" Edwards was the name his friends and some family members called him. But he was born, Timothy Tyrone Edwards, June 30, 1966 to Gloria "Huno" McLendon- Edwards and the late Enoch Edwards Jr my beloved uncle.

 I knew Timothy's name. I knew he was my first cousin. We would talk, but only in a passive way. We never held a deep conversation. However, I really didn't know him as I should have.

 You see Tim's older brother, my cousin Steve and I were much closer. More like brothers. Therefore, I spent more time visiting and talking to Steve than anyone else in the family. And, I still do.

 But this writing is strictly about Timothy. His struggles, hurts and hidden pain, that was really never discussed openly by him.

I learned of his struggles, hurts, and hidden pain only after his death. That being said, so often we pass judgement on people, based upon what we see and hear. Not what we actually know or understand. 

The name Timothy means "God's Honor; God fearing". When I see the meaning of the name of Timothy, I know God's plan was put in place at Timothy's birth.  Yet, somehow God's plan and direction for my cousin's life hit a conflict. But God is still Sovereign. His grace is still sufficient. It is up to us to accept all that God has to offer.

My cousin Timothy had a great personality. Great demeanor, very respectful, and one of the most humbled persons I have ever known. Even, when he was intoxicated. He was always polite when I saw him, and I have never heard a curse word come from his lips, even during his intoxicated episodes.

Timothy posessed all the attributes of a Godly man, based on his temperament and his attitude. But, he also had a weakness. A weakness that many men and women have, Alcohol. And when you combine Alcohol with secret pain and no sense of direction, destruction will soon follow.

You see, I believe that Timothy had a secret pain that led him to find comfort in alcohol. However, God states in 1st Corinthians chapter 10:13 that though we fall into temptation, which is a decision that we make, God has supplied us with power to overcome. (Please read it). There is no temptation alive that can overtake us, unless we give in to it. Timothy gave in to it.

Alcohol is a crutch to many, and a curse to most!

My cousin Timothy was intelligent, smart, loving, caring, forgiving, friendly, kind. But he was a enslaved to alcohol.

To bring you up to date, Timothy lost his wife to a drunk driver a few years prior to his death. I believe he never overcame this tragedy. Thus, the bottle became his open companion, while his secret pain continued to haunt and tormented him within, on a daily basis. You see, letting go isn't always easy when you truly love someone. And, when you are staring at a pillow where the person you love once laid their head. And now she's gone, because of a drunk driver.

I believe Timothy hoped  a thousand times for the return of his wife. I feel certain that the pain was intentionally overshadowed by his continual drinking. But, he had a heart, an intelligent mind, that somehow seemed to be overtaken by alcohol.

This is what I know to be true:
 I understand that to live is to be free, and not in bondage ... that to have true friends is a necessity ... that sometimes we must fight just to stay alive ... that to be happy, you just need to want ... I've learn that time heals ... that a grudge disappears with time ... that disappointment  does not kill ... that today is a reflection of yesterday. I understand that we can cry without shedding tears ... that true friends remain ... that pain can strengthen who you are.

I'm sure that Timothy dreamed of seeing his wife again.  Based on that, I've learned dreams don't have to be fantasies, because dreams can become reality ... that to smile you have to make someone smile ... that beauty is not what we see, but what we feel ... that there is value in the strength of achievement ... I realize that words have power, and sense words have power, I refused to call Timothy "Hard Time", because it was such a negative and degrading name to be called, after his mother, my Aunt Gloria gave him the name Timothy, which was ordained by God,  that means "God's Honor; God fearing". What a contrast!

I believe to accomplish is better than to talk ... that the look does not lie ... and my cousin had the look of being enslaved to alcohol.  I believe that living is learning from mistakes. And, we all can learn from the death of my cousin.

I've learned that everything depends on the will ... that the best is to be ourselves, and the person that God has ordained us to be.  That the secret of life is to live according to the will of God!

Sadly, I didn't understand Tim's reasons, or his pain, until after his death.

To those of us who are still alive, the word of God makes it very plain. And here it is: The eyes of the Lord runs to and fro, throughout the whole earth, beholding the evil and the good. There is nothing hidden from the eyes of God.

Remember, life is short, death is evident, so choose life and live it right!

Listen, with God there is nothing we can't do. We are over-comers. If you want to know how, just ask me!

...I love you (MY dear cousin)Timothy Tyrone Edwards ... Rest in Peace...

The sad thing is, I never told Timothy that I loved him. So please, remember to tell those whom you love, that you love them on a daily basis... Make it a point to do so! And, even more important, show it as well!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

~SandStorms of Life~

 Life consists of many crisis'.  And, sometimes these crisis' appear suddenly and out of nowhere.

As long as we live we will have problems. But I honestly believe our attitude can many times determine the severity of the outcome.

As we strive to live a good and decent life, we must realize that life's troubles are lurking in the wings. Therefore, in this writing, I hope to stress the importance of perseverance, determination, endurance, and trust. All of these elements are a necessity.

A few weeks ago I was in a Starbucks, which is one of my favorite hangouts. I was talking to a guy who was in Saudi Arabia. He was telling me how the sandstorms would appear out of nowhere. He said it seemed as though wherever he tried to run, it was as though the sandstorm would follow him.

As he was talking, I was listening. In the wee hours of the morning, about three weeks after our conversation, I began to reminisce on what he had said. As a matter of fact, lately I have been reminiscing on several places I've been. Why, I honestly don't know. But I can see each place I've been so vividly. Nonetheless, this conversation stood out in my mind.

Based on that conversation, I have determined that sometimes problems in life can be like a sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You fix one problem over here, and another problem pops up over there.

You try to change directions in the way you do things to avoid the trouble, but the sandstorms of life seems to chase you. You turn again in another direction, but the sandstorm of life adjusts itself to where you are. You ask yourself, why? Why me? But why not you?

Over and over you play this out in your mind, it's like a dance with life or death in the wee hours of the morning. A decision has to be made. Time is of essence. This storm isn't something that blew in from a far distance, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. And, at this point, all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so that sand cannot get in, and walk through it, step by step. Keeping in mind, that there is a lesson here to be learned.

Yes, I know, sometimes we can be our biggest enemy by running away and complaining. And, sometimes the pressures within can be so heavy, until you worry, and cease to trust.

Everything around you look dark black. There is no Sun, no Moon, no Direction, no Sense of time. Just the white sands of problems swirling around inside your heart and paralyzing your mind. When these problems arise, make no mistake about it; these sandstorms of life can cut deeply. And even make your heart bleed tears of blood. Make you lose sleep, even cause a lose inn your appetite.

The amazing thing about these particular Sandstorms that appear in your life, is that they are really about you. Regardless of the circumstances, they are about you. And these are the questions:

Will I:

  • Persevere?

Do I have:

  • Determination and Endurance to make it through?

Do I truly:

  • Trust God?

Now once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you manage to survive. You won't even be sure , in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is for certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm is all about. The strengthening, and preparing you, for the next phase of your life.

When these storms arises, it is designed to make you a much stronger, determined, persevering, and better you.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, June 30, 2014

~ ...Far away...~

 I often sit, close out my surroundings, and take private journeys in my mind. These private journeys cause me to smile, in spite of who I am. My mind is my comfort zone, my hiding place from a world that can be so chaotic, mischievous, and cruel.

My thoughts take me far away from a world that can be unforgiving, and places me in world of hopes and dreams. There are so many dreams I would love to see come to past. I sometimes fine myself  feeling lonely due to the many thoughts that run through my mind.

But loneliness is a temporary condition, a cloud that blocks the Sun for a spell and then makes the Sunshine seem even brighter after it travels along. It's like when you're far away from home or someone you love and you miss them, and it seems as though you will never see them again, but you will, and you do, and then you're not lonely anymore.

 I look back over the years and remember friends that have either passed away, while others, I  wonder where they are. Yet I cherish those who are still in reach.

I realized that things have changed from yesterday, today is still better. I may not like some things, but still today is better , and tomorrow will be even greater.

I know that time stops for no one, unless it is deemed by God. No one stays in one place. We are all constantly moving. Yet, I find myself moving even when my body is still. For I am constantly moving in thoughts. Again, my mind is me secret hiding place.

There are things that I know, but I don't share them. Why? because no one enjoy being lied too. So, I hide that knowledge in the banks of my mind.  And, as a cow chews it's cud under a shaded tree, I bring up the things I know to be true, and ponder them, and try to decide when to make my decision.

I believe now that everything has strings that leads to everything else. We're all tied together, in some way. We are all in a net, and the net is waiting , and we're pushed together into one single desire. You want something and that is precious to you.

I believe that when someone dies, a child is born. I believe that when a love one passes on, there is someone set aside to enter one's life. But the heart must be opened and attentive to receive them. I believe sometimes, things fall apart  ... so we can put them back together in a new way. It is time to make things right.

Lastly, I don't know the weight of everything I've said, but I can feel the weight of that one thing, so I keep it to myself. You know that things aren't going well for you when you can't tell anyone the simplest fact about your life. The one thing that bothers you more than anything else.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

~Every Picture Has A Story~

A portrait can take you to a secret place where only you can understand.

Remember this ... Every portrait painted, every picture taken with deep feelings, says more about the artist or photographer than the person sitting, or the image taken.

My eyes have seen many pictures, just as yours. Rarely does one forget a picture he or she has seen. You see, a picture is a visual diary. And just as we reopen a diary to read what we've written, our minds can recall from memory what we have seen.

Memories are moving pictures in which meanings are constantly in flux. The word flux here means ...condition of continuous change. I have surmised that rarely does two people see a picture the same.

We must understand, that there is a story behind everything, and there is usually a story behind every picture.

Stories such as, how a picture got on a wall, how a scar got on your face, legs or arm. Sometimes these stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking.

A picture to me is a secret about a secret.

Some things you will forget - Some things you won't. But it's not - Places, places are still there. If a house burns down, it's gone, but the place, the picture of it -stays, and not just in your memory, but out there in the world. What I remember is a picture floating around out there outside my head. I mean, even if I don't think, even if I die, the picture of what I did, or knew, or saw is still out there. Right in the place where it happened.

Sometimes staring at a picture can catch your imagination so much, until the story behind it leaps out at you, and it has to be told. It lets the images in your mind burst forth into words drawing a vivid picture that takes you away on a journey that would otherwise be impossible.

The mind is powerful organ. It can see an image, and have the ability to hold on to it for a life-time. And, it can take you places that would only seem possible in a fairy tale.

Behind every picture hides a true story. You just have to be willing to look, and look very deep.

I honestly hope that this writing makes sense to you. Use your imagination, use your mind. Think deeply. Remember a portrait of something or someone that caught your eye, and pierced your mind.

These pictures or images burned in your mind, once recalled, can make you silently smile, or inwardly cry!
Or, openly smile or openly cry...

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

~Crisis or Opportunity~

Your surroundings and circumstances can cause a crisis, but with the right attitude,  Opportunity can sprout in the midst of the circumstances around you.

{Change your thought process ... Change your circumstances}


We may not be able to control some events that happen in our lives, but we can determine if these events take control of who we are and how we are to live, moving forward.

Several years ago I was self-employed. I had an employee by the name of Percy Griffin, who later became a very dear friend and confidant. We all know what a confidant is: (A person someone trusts and discusses personal matters and problems with).

We use to call Percy Pops. That's because he was the elder on our team.  Percy had been through a lot. I recall stories he told me of things that happened to him.

As you know, in business and in life so many things can go wrong.  One day I had a major issue to occur. Wouldn't you know it, it was a big financial issue. One thing in particular I recall Percy saying to me during that time. He said "Bernie, don't look at the problem, think on a solution". These words still ring in my heart, loud and clear unto this day.

I learned through my friend, complaining don't help and being scare (afraid) paralyze you ability to think. If you cannot change what has just happened, then change the way of your thinking. You just might find the solution.

Remember, in an earlier blog I shared with you a statement made by the late President, John F. Kennedy in 1963, a few months before he was assassinated . He said Crisis written in Chinese represents two characters. (1) Danger and the other (2) Opportunity.

There are opportunities in everything that happens to us. We will only be able to see those opportunities when we cease to focus on the circumstances and start thinking on a solution.

Each of us have or have had dreams. We've seen these dreams fall by the wayside. But, you know what? There is always tomorrow to get started again.

I've had my share of ups and downs in life, just as you. I've felt the burden and pounding of my heart for something seemingly I could not control. I've acquired and I've lost. But thank God Almighty, I'm still here, just as you are, still here.

Moving forward, never look at your circumstances independently of thinking on a solution. Remember, fear is not from God. And, there is a solution to every problem, even if the solution is walking away and letting go.

Don't be afraid of the unknown. The only One that knows our future is God. But continue to persevere with the right mindset. Pray, Seek Him, Trust Him and trust the ability God has given you and in the person He has ordained you to be.

I was heading in another direction, but instead the road I was writing on lead me this way.

~I hope this makes sense to you. Nevertheless: These are my thoughts ... I welcome Yours.~ 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

~Defining Beautiful~

How do you define beauty in a woman?  Beauty for most is something very good to look at.  Someone or something pleasing to the eyes.

The initial stage of beauty in a woman is her physicality.  Such as, what she's wearing, her body shape or even her hair.  But should it begin there? Should it stop there? I think not.

I think the beauty in a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs and wears her hair.

The beauty in a woman is seen in her eyes, because this is truly the doorway of her heart, the place where love, sensitivity and compassion is stored.

True beauty in a woman is reflected deep inside of her. Her soul. It's the caring that she so lovingly gives, that passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. Meaning, as she ages.

I believe you can see beauty even when it's not pretty. I believe everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Most men look at the beautiful surfaces of a woman. But, there is no beautiful surface without a beautiful depth (Heart).

Kate Angell stated this: "Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates".

Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't matter how attractive a woman or anyone else is. The statement above by Kate Angell is the absolute truth.

Moving forward, A friend sent me a picture of her and her grand-daughter. I replied "Nice; beautiful picture". She replied by saying "not. Don't lie".

She was sitting in a chair holding her grand-daughter. She looked tired, her hair was not fixed, just combed back. I said to her "why would I lie, why would you say I'm lying"? I went on to say to her, you're looking at the physical, I'm not. I'm looking at a grand-mother, holding another generation in her lap. I saw a very beautiful picture.

She later caught on and could see that beauty runs deeper than the physical.

Lastly, Just because something is beautiful doesn't mean it's good. Equally, just because something is not beautiful to you, doesn't meant it's bad.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, May 12, 2014

~Defining Moments~ ... Events that can Change Your Life!

Each of us have had defining moments in our lives. Some of these defining moments have been enlightening, exciting, mysterious and life changing.

For Moses, it was the burning bush.

For Peter, it was walking on water.

For Paul, it was being blinded and spoken to by Jesus on the Damascus road.

For Shadrach, Messach, and Abednego, it was walking through the burning furnace untouched.

For Daniel, it was deliverance for the lion's den

For Joshua, it was parting the Jordan river and crossing into the Promise Land.

Listen, there have been many defining moments in the lives of human beings that changed their lives forever.

We could go on and on. Each of these men of God had years of preparation leading up to their defining moments. These moments forced these men of God to be involved in something beyond their human experiences. It took them outside their own understanding. God had to move them outside their own boxes. And when He did, their lives were forever changed and never the same.

You may be in one of three stages of life. You may not had your "defining moment" yet - God maybe preparing you with many important life experiences. You may have had your defining moment and you are living out your calling. Or, you may be toward the end of your journey and you may have already experienced what I'm speaking of. We are all called to a relationship with God; and we are called vocationally. ( That means to work). Which is often ushered in by a defining moment. And there can be more than one defining moment, each pointing you down a path that God has predestined from the foundation of the world. Believe it or not,  God knew who you were even before your father and mother ever consummated their relationship.

The secret of a great life is often a man's or woman's ability to discern the defining moments give to him or her. Understanding them, and learning to walk in the paths that leads him or her to his or her ultimate destination.

Once you have had a defining moment, you are different and will never be the same. Pray that  you have eyes to see and ears to hear when The Spirit of God brings a defining moment into your life.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome Yours ...~ 

Monday, May 5, 2014

~When God Seems Far Away~

Why, O Lord, do You stand far off? Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?" - Psalm 10:1

 One of the great mysteries of God is His ways. Some of His ways almost appear to bring us into the most difficult places, as if He were indifferent to our circumstances. It would appear that He is turning His head from our sorrows. These events in our lives have a particular objective to perform for us. That objective is to bring us to the end of ourselves that we might discover the treasure of darkness. "Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness" (Job 30:26). 

When we are taken into these dark periods, we begin to see light that we never knew existed. Our sensitivities become heightened and our ability to see through spiritual eyes is illuminated. Unless we are taken into these times, our souls never develop any depth of character. We do not gain wisdom, only knowledge. Knowledge is gained through understanding; wisdom is gained through the experience of darkness.

After we go through these periods, we discovered that God was, in face, with us throughout the entire times. It does not feel or appear the He is there when we are in the midst of the dark periods. However, He is there walking with us. He has told us countless times that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

However, when we are in those dark periods, it does not feel like He is there because He does not rescue us from the circumstances. He does this for our benefit in order that we might become more like Jesus. Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered (see Heb. 5:8). What does that say about you and I? We too will learn obedience through the things we suffer.  Embrace the dark times and gain the wisdom that God intends for to learn during these times.

Trust me, just like you  I've gone through dark periods and yes, it appeared that God was not there. But Deep in my soul I knew he was, but I still became frustrated with Him because it did not seem that He was going to move on my behalf. But, He allowed my circumstances to be worked out and in my favor.

God is.......

~Please, your feed-back is welcome~

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

~Times and Changes~

The paradox of our time in history is that things change and along with change we need to develop broader viewpoints. 

So often we want to stay in a place where we are comfortable and where we deem peaceful. We want to keep things as they were. Never seeing the importance of thinking out the box. 

But with change comes a new perspective, a new thought process. 

I have learned when times are changing and the future is unclear, fear is the biggest motivator.  When fear enters our hearts and minds know that we are much stronger than fear could ever be.

President John F. Kennedy said these words in 1963.
"Danger written in Chinese represents two characters:
  1. Danger 
  2. And the other is Opportunity
Please hear this: Change = opportunity if you have the stomach for it.

Ask yourself this question, when are you tired  or learning new stuff? Be someone that understands that change is inevitable. And, if there no change, then there is no growth.

Also, change is accompanied by lots of noise. People murmuring, complaining, Etc. This is because people by nature are fearful of the unknown.

Don't you get distracted by the noise around you. Stay focused and move forward.
Remember, when change comes it gives us:
  • A time to reflect.
  • A time to be thankful.
  • A time to welcome changes and except new challenges.
  • A time to be focused and not allow distractions to send us in disarray.
  • A time to cease from complaining.
  • A time to call for teamwork. (Find someone you can trust and share your fears. Trusting that he or she will aid in keeping you encouraged). Remember to reciprocate.

Change is good. It brings with it Challenges, Innovations, Opportunities, Successes.  

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, April 17, 2014

~The work place~ and My Attitude...

"Can we find anyone like this man, one whom is the Spirit of God?" (Gen. 41:38

Most of us have a concept as to how the workplace should be. But, few of us understand God's point of view of the workplace with you and me in it. I sincerely hope that this will enlighten you and change what maybe a bad attitude into a good attitude.

The bible says that God has defined the place and time in which we are to live. "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance" (PS 16:5-6)

 God has uniquely gifted you to bring His presence and power in the area of your calling. Once you begin to realize this, God will use you just as He did Joseph with his employer, Pharaoh. Your life should be a testimony of the power , creativity, and and servant-hood of Jesus that it impacts your employer to the degree that he or she say the same thing about that Pharaoh said about Joseph: "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?".

 When God accomplishes this in your life He gives you authority in your workplace. You will begin to see others drawn to you. You may begin to be ostracized as well. This too is part of your calling. Do not fear this. Embrace it.

 We should not be seeking to remove ourselves from the pressure cooker of life, but use that pressure cooker to reveal the power and grace of God through our lives to others. It is here that we will received our inheritance as we fulfill our purposes in and through our work life call.

Please keep in mind, Pharaoh was against God, but he saw the Spirit of God in Joseph because of:
  1. His attitude when it came to his job.
  2. His dedication when at work.
  3. His work ethics.
  4. His willingness to handle any task presented to him and not complain.
A: Please note: It is okay to inquire.

 Today ask God to give you supernatural wisdom and discernment to express the Spirit of God through you to your employer.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, March 6, 2014

~Things Change~

In life things change. We may or may not like it, but things change. Good or bad, things change. There is positively no doubt in my mind that everything happens for a reason.

People either change, leave or die, so that you (I) can learn to let go.  We all know that things go wrong and when there are righted we can take a deep sigh of relief.

I've heard talk of sand storms that continuously change directions. You change directions but the sand storms of life chase or follow you. Well sometimes the fate of life's issues or problems are like that.

Over and over you play this out, like some mind game with urgency just before dawn. Sometimes these storms can change the way you think and act.

Sometimes these storms can change the very essence of who you were, your life style, your mindset and even your financial status. But, some storms you cannot run from. Some storms you walk through and deal with the pain. The pain of decisions because you were thrust into it.

You may get cut and bleed. The sandstorms of life can clog your vision, but when you cannot see, you must feel your way through.

Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you, but does it?

When these sand storms arise in our lives, our first instinct is to go into shock, get scared and cry. Which is okay and long as you get a focus. Some sand storms are allowed in our lives to strengthen us, to take us on a new journey, to let us see who we truly are. 

This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. 

Note: giving in does not mean you are giving up. This giving in means, you have excepted  what has happened, but not your mindset is in survival and conquering mode.
There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. 

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.”

~Personal Victory~

But trust me, when a sand storm of this nature comes your way, you will have no choice then to focus on God, His Son Jesus and the ever presence of His Holy Spirit through prayer and praise to make it through!

I hope this reading makes sense to you. I've been there and no doubt will I will enter the Sand storms of live again. But this time you and I will be stronger!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Are you Secured By Him?

I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God, in Him I lean and rely and in Him I confidently trust. Psalm 91:2

I won't try to explain why I'm being compelled to write on this level  of subjects, but I'm humbly honored and pleased to have this glorious opportunity.

I know what I'm about to say has or will affect us. This inevitable.

Insecurity has or will happen to each of. When it happens there is a great fear that accompany it.

Once fear enters it distorts the ability for us to think clearly because we are focused on that thing whatever it maybe.

The goal of the enemy is to distract us from focusing on the power of God in our lives. Once the enemy which is the devil gets our attention we fall into disarray. This means we get very scared, feel very insecure, focus on the issue at hand and not the provision that God has provided already!

We simply do not think on God's solution, we think on the problem and we've all been there. I know I have and it is a terrible place to be.

Moving forward, I want to share something with you that if adhered to, will bring success into your and the life of those around once you share your victories.

Until we know the the security of God, we are in danger of becoming a stumbling block to other souls. We must understand what it means to be secured in God. And if we don't understand the security of and by God, of what use can we be to those who are crushed by sorrows, pain and hurt of which we know nothing?

Listen, these are the sacrifices of God:

  • A broken heart, broken beyond an patching up. The word of God says this and this is Jesus speaking "He meaning God Me(Jesus) to bind the broken-hearted".The heart which has been bound up and secured by the Lord Jesus Christ will never get on a bus or train of selfishness, There is no selfishness left in it.
  • Jesus said "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you."
This is a very powerful statement made by Jesus.

This is a life comforted by The Lord Jesus: It is a life that says,
  • For my Lord I live;
  • By my Lord I am strengthened;
  • And in my Lord I am secured.
Are you hurting? Feeling insecure? Afraid?

Go to The Books of Isaiah 61:1,2; Philippians 2:1,2.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, February 27, 2014

~To Know and To Do~

"I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection...." - Philippians 3:10

If I asked you the purpose for which God made you, what might you say? You might give a lot of answers that required some action on your part. You see, most believers believe that it is what we do that makes the difference in being a Christian. Many believe that if they do good things we are okay.

The Christian walk is easy , but it is not easy because we don't know how or we refuse to yield ourselves to Christ and to the power of His Holy Spirit. We fail to understand that it is in our yielding we gain the strength and power to walk effectively. 

 However, the simplest answer to that question relates to one primary thing: fellowship. The most important thing God desires from us today is to have a deep and intimate fellowship with each of us.

You see , even in our secular lives, when we love someone we want to spend time alone with that person. By spending time with the person we love, we get to know them better and more deeply. We began to understand them. Their likes and dislikes. their needs.

Christ is no different. Because if you love Him you want to spend more time alone with Him in Fellowship, Praise and Prayer. Then, the more time we spend with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him the more we understand Him and Love Him. Lastly, the more we understand and love Him the more we desire to obey Him.

The apostle Paul said he wanted to know Christ, and by knowing Christ he could experience the power of His resurrection. I find this to be the hardest thing for many of us workplace believers to do. 

So often it is much easier to be busy with the urgent (or even Christian) activity in church, than spending quiet times before the Lord. Before we realize it, days have passed since our last quiet time with Jesus.

Jesus understood how important quiet moments were with His Father. Listen to what the word of God says.

 "After He had dismissed them, ( meaning the multitude of people He was preaching to) He (Jesus) went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone" (Mt. 14:23). 

This is why many of us stay midgets in the Lord, because we don't spend enough time with Him in fellowship and in prayer. 

The more mature I become in my relationship with the Lord, the more precious this time becomes to me. It is a time I look forward to almost daily. It offers me a time to reflect, to share my concerns with my Lord, and to hear Him speak. 

Set aside time daily to fellowship with The Lord Jesus in prayer and praise. It will changed your prayer life.

 I have come to understand that Jesus views us as His friend and He wants to spend time with us. We are depriving Him of His time with us when we put Him aside for other matters. 

Interesting things happen when we spend time with Christ and make prayer a priority:  By praying to Him before we focus on urgent matters, will make those so call urgent matters fall into place and seem minor.

Are you taking the time to get to know Him today?
As a believer, God has provided the Holy Spirit for you and I so that we can experience the power of the gospel that allows us to live the Christian life.

Today, if you have not done so, invite the Holy Spirit to fill your life to overflowing so that you can be a witness in your home,  workplace, church. 

I know this was long, but I was compelled to write it. 

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

~The Weight Of The World~

Hidden pain...
Often we either know people or have been in the presence of someone that we knew in our hearts were in emotional pain. We could feel and see their pain with our hearts and eyes. And still we were paralyzed as to what we should do.

Many people are simply hurting and wanting someone to simply take the time to ask "how are you"? "Can I assist you with anything"? "Would you care to talk"? or  a simple " You were on my mind and I wanted to call to say hello", or "are you okay"?

I'm writing this because of a recent event that happened. I was in a meeting and people were opening up and sharing what was on their hearts. All of a sudden a sister began sharing about the mental and physical abuse she encountered from her ex-husband.

As she began to open up, tears began to fall and she leashed out at her sister for something she had done sometime ago. The more she spoke, the more tears flowed and the more the tears flowed the hurt and anger came forth.

Listen, she was hurting inside, the pain was ever present, although this abuse happened some years ago. She had encountered a broken finger, broken arm and a broken toe from her ex-husband.

She went on to say she was living in her home feeling as though she was exiled. She stated that she just wanted someone to call her just to check on her, but no one did.

She said that she had thoughts of suicide, the tears continued to fall. All of a sudden, her sister attacked back, hitting the table and virtually calling her a liar and telling her that nothing she was saying was the truth.

But you know, if she believed that her sister offended her by something had done years ago, I believe the sister should have taken the time and compassion to hear her out and try to resolve the issue.

Bottom line is this, if you feel that I offended you, it doesn't matter how strongly I deny your accusation. Because in your heart that's what you feel I've done. Then I should listen and try to reach a point of reconciliation. Not attack back!

As the tears flowed and the pain and hurt were expressed back and forth between both sisters. I sat, looked and listened. I surmised that many people, men, women, boys and girl are carrying what they feel to be the weight of the world on their shoulders because their personal problems.

And, sometimes the heavier the weight they are carrying lead them to Isolation, depression and yes, suicidal thoughts that are sometimes carried out to completion.

Granted I'm not an expert on relationships, but I am an expert on hurt, pain, disappointment and suicidal thoughts. People need to reach out to those that are hurting and are in pain emotionally. AND, you cannot be afraid to get involved and so many of us are.

This could fall under the category of a family member or a friend or even a friend of a friend. Why are we so afraid to get involved? Why are we so paralyzed as to what we should do?

Get involved, but PRAY first that God will give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Remember, we have not because we ask not. Is there someone you know that could very well be in this same category?

Weight of the world in a relationship:
In a relationship, whether it be a husband, wife or a significant other, it is important to understand that your words have a tremendous impacting power in your wife's, husband's or significant other's life. Kind words need to be spoken to him or her. He or she has given his or her life to love and care for you, to partner with you, to create a family together, to help raise and nurture your children.

If you are always finding fault in what your partner is doing , always putting them down, then he or she will have serious issues in the marriage, relationship and in life.


Both husbands and wives and significant others today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because the ones they love and care for do not bless them with positive words. One major reason for relationships breaking down is due a wife, husband or significant other not feeling valued, needed, wanted or respected.

Start giving each other approvals, compliments, appreciations. Just start speaking positive, kind words and encourage one another.

There is so much more we could say and write on this subject, but time will not permit.

~Hey, these are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Freedom-A-Reality of Self~

Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. (Synonyms)

For many freedom is to do what you, go where you please, the right to choose and live where you desire. All this is external. Externally is where many of us live. We acquaint freedom with the statement I just stated.

But the freedom I'm speaking of consist of reality of self. Because when we come to grips with who we truly are, then and only then are we truly free.

To me, please notice, I said to me ... The most important kind of freedom is to be what and who you really are. You trade in your reality for role play. You trade in your sense of ACTING.

You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. Why?

Listen, there cannot be a large -scale revolution in your life until there is a personal revolution, on an individual basis or level.

It's got to happen inside first!

For true change starts on the inside. The mind acknowledges what is true and what is a lie. The heart must agree. Thus starts the revolution in your life.

We constant say to ourselves, "I need time for my self". But in spending more time for and with ourselves, many times we still fail to allow the real us to come forth.

Spend more time being you and less time trying to create an image that is not you!

Remember, it's okay being the true you. It's okay to be afraid, It's okay to cry, It's okay to show hurt and It's okay to share your fears, hurts and concerns!

Be you, Be true and allow yourself to experience freedom within.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, February 17, 2014

~Too Busy too Pray~

you must hear and understand what you are about to read. It is imperative that you comprehend, because by doing so you will gain a new appreciation about the need and privilege we have to pray to God.

~When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you will learn to Pray and then you will hold this reading close and dear to you hearts and mind and one to stand in the gap!~

What you are about is a key to success and I believe the one of the most important keys to success you can own and share:

 Now what you are about to read does not mean that you are to be poor, have nothing and not have the best. As you read ask God to open your hearts and minds to understand what is being said here because I believe this writing is anointed by God.

No Angel was ever invited to share this high privilege. No archangel was ever invited into  the throne room of the universe. Only redeemed humanity has this privilege. And many of us are too busy to pray. why --- were are busy watching television, sports, hunting, fishing boating or engaging in business. we are so busy with care and pleasures of this wonderful life. Trying to keep up with trends in new cars, new homes, new appliances, new furniture, that we do not have time to pray.

We can describe a modern American as a person who drives a bank -finance car over a bond financed highway on credit card gas to open a charge account at a department store so he or she can fill their financed home with installment purchased furniture. May this not also be a description of many modern professing Christians? And may this not be one reason why Christians have so little time to pray?

Perhaps some may be thinking : Are we not to have anything ourselves?The answer is no. Christ is to be all and in all. You are not your own. You were bought with a price ( 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20). "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all in to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

If you can buy a new car, the new home, the new furniture, the new gadgets, hold down two jobs, and so on, for the glory of God ---well and good. But if we didn't have to have such a high standard of living would we not have more to pray? If we were not so drunk with travel, pleasure, vacations, and recreations, would we not have more time to pray?  If we were not so enamored of sports and entertainment, would we not have more time to pray?

Enamored: means captivated, charmed, or fascinated by someone or something.

We have more leisure than ever before---but less time to pray. We are not only cheating God and the world but we are cheating ourselves. By our failure to pray we are frustrating God's high purpose in the ages. We are robbing the world of God's best plan for it and we are limiting our rank in eternity.

Also, we are robbing our children, grand-children, the sick, the lame, the blind by not praying. Again, prayer is a privilege, an honor and our right to enter the throne of The Living God!
and the devil hates it when we pray because prayer thwarts his plans.

God said " I looked for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none". (Ezekiel 22:30).

Today is February 17. I sat in my chair, at my desk to work. The Spirit of God impressed me after I read the Word of God to Pray and Praise Him. My flesh was reluctant, but my spirit within was stronger. As I began to pray and praise God there came a sharp pain at my heart. The pain was painful and getting sharper but I would not stop praying and praising God.

While I continued praying and praising God I saw in my spirit this emblem ---). I do not know if I was about to experience a heart attack or not, but in my spirit I saw this as a spear --- and this as a shield ) which protected my heart from what could have been fatal. Finally the pain went away.  But what if I wasn't obedient  and refused to pray and praise God. Could this pain have been fatal? Was God protecting me from what could have happened. It was too easy to be obedient that disobedient. Pray and praise Him then not.

You may or may not believe me or you may or may not understand. But hear and understand this: DON'T cheat you, your family, friends, the sick, lame, and the blind from your praying from them. Prayer is our strongest weapon against the fiery darts of the devil. Prayer covers you, your children, grands, your home and all that you are associated and not associated with.

So ....... Pray without Ceasing!

I honestly welcome your feedback

Saturday, February 15, 2014

~The Mind and Relationships~

All relationships began with eye contact or a feeling in the heart. From there our minds compute what our eyes have seen and proceed to make a decision on pursuing or not.

There is a relationship between the eye contacts we make and the perceptions that we create in our heads.

A relationship between the sound of another's voice and the emotions that we feel in our hearts, a relationship between our movements in space all around us and the magnetic pulls we can create between others and ourselves.

All of these things (and more) make up the magic of every ordinary day and if we are able to live in this magic, to feel and to dwell in it, we will find ourselves living with magic every day.

These are the white spaces in life, the spaces in between the written lines, the cracks in which the sunlight filters into. Some of us swim in the overflowing of the wine glass of life, we stand and blink our eyes in the sunlight reaching unseen places, we know where to find the white spaces, and we live in magic. 

Our minds can take us wherever we desire!

The mind is so creative. It is so imaginative. It can take you places where our bodies have never physically gone. It can send you into a space where no man or woman has ever gone before.

When the mind is at peace in a relationship and the heart agrees the sky is the limit with that person.

The mind can make you believe you are rich or think you into the poor house. It is the mind which help create the world around us. We can hide ourselves in our own private world, via our minds.

The mind as stated, “Is a terrible thing to waste” So, think positive.

Listen, our hearts set about finding other hearts the moment we are born, and between them, they weave nets so strong and tight that you end up bound forever in hopeless knots, even to the shadow of someone you knew and loved long ago, in your imaginary mind!

Love is beyond reason. Love is not measurable in words. Love cannot be partial; it cannot have owners. Love is essentially beyond definition or concept.

I hope this writing makes sense to you, if not, please let me know...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

~A Key To Success~

Back in 1970, I was attending a Church revival where the preacher was speaking on success from God's point of view. As he began to talk I began to write. The preacher  began to give the definition of success from a biblical stand-point and I began to write like a thirsty Camel drinking water.

I memorized the definitions in 1973 because the definition caught my attention and got my mind and heart pumping for this knowledge.

 This is what I remember the definition of success is, as a believer in Christ:
  • Success is having all that you need and the capacity to enjoy it.
  • It is the ability to get God into action at the point of your needs.
There are so many stories in The Bible that prove the definitions above are truly God's will for each of us.

Now, if you and I can get God to move on our behalf at the point of our needs, then we are far more richer than Bill Gates or Warren Buffett could ever be. Why? Because The God who made Heaven and Earth, who knew you and I before we were ever conceived and protected us once we were conceived and growing inside our mother's womb is working on your (my) behalf and at the very point of our needs. That makes you and I very RICH.

Listen to this: This is the same God who took you and I out of our mother's womb; made us trust while on our mother's breasts. We were cast upon Him (God) from birth. From our mother's womb He has been our God and has never been far from us.

I just describe God to you. Please read it again, because He has our best interest at heart and you and I were destined to be successful. You must believe that. We were not created to for failure.

Tell that to your children, spouses, friends, to yourself, ETC.

Moving forward: This is what I believe about you; I believe that you are great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world. This power will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence, if you allow. Now, that's what I know for sure.

This something within you, you cannot always explain, but there is an inner drive that continues to draw and pull and push the greatness out of you.

That something is the very Spirit of The Living God, that we must learn to trust totally.

Along with that:
I advise you of this, stop sharing your dreams and goals with people who try to hold you back, even if they're your parents, siblings or so called friends. Note: Always make sure your friend is your friend.

If you are the kind of person who sense's there is something out there for you, beyond whatever it is you are expected to do - if you want to be Extra-ordinary  - you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you, you're not extraordinary or this or that is out of your reach.  If you listen to them, you probably will become as ordinary as they expect you to be. 

Hang around positive people, people who encourages you, have your best interest at heart and is not afraid to speak truth to you whether you like it or not or want to hear it or not. Associate with people that speak health, wealth, positiveness, prosperity into your life. That will have your back and stand by you even when you are wrong, but never condone your wrong, yet will still encourage you to strive to do what is right.

Lastly, before success comes in any man's or woman's life, he or she is sure to meet with temporary obstacles and perhaps some failures. When obstacles or failures enters a man or a woman's life the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.

Quitting is what many men and women do when obstacles, defeat or failures come their way. But remember, the darkest time of the day is just before daybreak. And, many times success comes one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken you. In other words, along with success comes perseverance and determination.  So, take the next step anyway.

This is the bottom line and its just this cut and dry ... Trust God, Trust God and continue to Trust God. Depend on Him in every situation. His Spirit, His Holy Spirit is that something within you, but only if you allow Him to enter into your hearts and take full control, as you surrender all of you!!!

True Success awaits you. This writing is not meant to sound good, interesting etc. It was written for you to take charge of your life, by surrendering to Him. After all, He sent His Son so that you and I can have true success while we are in life. This is true success.

Read The Book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 8.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~