you must hear and understand what you are about to read. It is imperative that you comprehend, because by doing so you will gain a new appreciation about the need and privilege we have to pray to God.
~When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you will learn to Pray and then you will hold this reading close and dear to you hearts and mind and one to stand in the gap!~
What you are about is a key to success and I believe the one of the most important keys to success you can own and share:
Now what you are about to read does not mean that you are to be poor, have nothing and not have the best. As you read ask God to open your hearts and minds to understand what is being said here because I believe this writing is anointed by God.
No Angel was ever invited to share this high privilege. No archangel was ever invited into the throne room of the universe. Only redeemed humanity has this privilege. And many of us are too busy to pray. why --- were are busy watching television, sports, hunting, fishing boating or engaging in business. we are so busy with care and pleasures of this wonderful life. Trying to keep up with trends in new cars, new homes, new appliances, new furniture, that we do not have time to pray.
We can describe a modern American as a person who drives a bank -finance car over a bond financed highway on credit card gas to open a charge account at a department store so he or she can fill their financed home with installment purchased furniture. May this not also be a description of many modern professing Christians? And may this not be one reason why Christians have so little time to pray?
Perhaps some may be thinking : Are we not to have anything ourselves?The answer is no. Christ is to be all and in all. You are not your own. You were bought with a price ( 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20). "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all in to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
If you can buy a new car, the new home, the new furniture, the new gadgets, hold down two jobs, and so on, for the glory of God ---well and good. But if we didn't have to have such a high standard of living would we not have more to pray? If we were not so drunk with travel, pleasure, vacations, and recreations, would we not have more time to pray? If we were not so enamored of sports and entertainment, would we not have more time to pray?
Enamored: means captivated, charmed, or fascinated by someone or something.
We have more leisure than ever before---but less time to pray. We are not only cheating God and the world but we are cheating ourselves. By our failure to pray we are frustrating God's high purpose in the ages. We are robbing the world of God's best plan for it and we are limiting our rank in eternity.
Also, we are robbing our children, grand-children, the sick, the lame, the blind by not praying. Again, prayer is a privilege, an honor and our right to enter the throne of The Living God!
and the devil hates it when we pray because prayer thwarts his plans.
God said " I looked for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none". (Ezekiel 22:30).
Today is February 17. I sat in my chair, at my desk to work. The Spirit of God impressed me after I read the Word of God to Pray and Praise Him. My flesh was reluctant, but my spirit within was stronger. As I began to pray and praise God there came a sharp pain at my heart. The pain was painful and getting sharper but I would not stop praying and praising God.
While I continued praying and praising God I saw in my spirit this emblem ---). I do not know if I was about to experience a heart attack or not, but in my spirit I saw this as a spear --- and this as a shield ) which protected my heart from what could have been fatal. Finally the pain went away. But what if I wasn't obedient and refused to pray and praise God. Could this pain have been fatal? Was God protecting me from what could have happened. It was too easy to be obedient that disobedient. Pray and praise Him then not.
You may or may not believe me or you may or may not understand. But hear and understand this: DON'T cheat you, your family, friends, the sick, lame, and the blind from your praying from them. Prayer is our strongest weapon against the fiery darts of the devil. Prayer covers you, your children, grands, your home and all that you are associated and not associated with.
So ....... Pray without Ceasing!
I honestly welcome your feedback
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