I was born and raised in a very small town in the state of South Carolina named Hartsville. I grew up in a 2 bedroom home. There resided My Mother - Father - Three Brothers and Two Sisters. We never once thought that our home was to small.
As a matter of fact I rather enjoyed our home and I felt it was a very nice place to live. As a child my imagination could reach the highest mountain. In the midst of problems I could hide myself within my mind.
I saw life , well heck ... I really don't recall giving life much thought. I just lived and dreamed.
I enjoyed my friends and I still reminisce on things of old. I now wonder how I truly survived certain things.
Even when in the 8th grade, when Gangrene had setup in my body, due to an acute case of appendicitis, I just focused on the pain. Not a thought of death. And yes, I could have died. However, it was at that time I began to see life a little different.
Each of us have different views when it comes to life and each of us have different opinions as to how we should live it. This attitude has long been to opinion of mankind.
However, we do know that there is a way that seems right to a man, yet the end result can sometimes end in death based upon our decisions and attitudes.
Life as I understand is truly a gift from God. Yet we treat is as if it is expendable. I'm also aware that life at anytime can become very difficult and Life at any time can become very easy.
Good or bad, there are seasons on life. It all depends upon, how you take on life and adjust to these seasons!
We've all ask ourselves this question when thing go wrong or have gone wrong: Where did I go wrong? How did I get here? Well, at least I've ask myself these questions!!!
Also in life:
We all go through rough times and disappointments, but realize that we’re all in the midst of creating our own story of triumph through the decisions we make and the actions we take every time life knocks us down. It’s in attempting to reach our dreams that we develop the necessary skills and mentality to overcome any roadblocks that lie ahead of us.
Don’t let a moment of defeat define your life’s outcome. No matter how many failures you’ve had, you still have it in you to create the greatest comeback story of your life.
Be prepared, because this could be tough, but by challenging and demanding more from yourself, you will make your life easier in the process. There aren’t a lot of things tougher to mentally handle than not reaching your dreams because you didn’t give it your all. The regret alone will be far more challenging to deal with than just going all out to begin with.
Every hit life throws at you can either strengthen your resolve or weaken your determination. If your dreams are important to you, then stand your ground and make it clear that you will not be denied. Make it clear to anyone that stands in your way that they better be prepared because you’re going to give it and them all that you have.
Until your last breath, you must fight. Fight for what you believe in. Fight for your dreams. Fight for the people you love. Fight because you refuse to let life’s challenges hold you down. Fight with everything you have because if you don’t, you’ll lose everything. You’ve got one life to make it happen. Backing down is simply not an option.
Remembering not to waste any of life's precious time. Know that there is something to be gathered out of each moment.
We are here for only a short time. We are only passing through. This is a true statement .. "Life has wings and the golden moments quickly passes by"
I would like to put a little pin here: Life is truly not difficult, it is a Joy. Often, when difficult times hit us, it is usually because:
- We've failed to listen
- We refused to trust
- We choose to do things our own way
- We fail to pray (Seek God's guidance). Read Jeremiah: Chapter 29:13
- We followed the crowd
- We were given wrong advice
- Know one taught us
Epic: A long series of events characterized by adventures or struggle.
These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!