We were conceived in our Mother's womb, pushed forth from her body, into a world, crying at the top of our voice.
We did not have a clue as to where we were. All we could do, was to cling tight to the smell of our mother. Even though we did not know or understood the word trust, yet we formed a bond of trust as we cling-ed very closed to the scent of her body.
As we grew, we also formed a sense of knowledge and independence, thus stepping out into a world of possibilities. Which leads me into my subject, which is A world of possibilities.
Yes, we know that most things in this world are difficult to acquire and achieve; they are also possible. Therefore, whenever you face difficulties, know that there are possibilities in all that you seek.
You must realize that All positive change in the world comes from our ideas of what we believe is possible.
People get what they want in life when they reach the point at which they can see themselves having what they seek.
Dream and imagine because Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future.The power of imagination makes us infinite.
Infinite: Exceedingly Great ... Not measurable.
Listen, Margaret Drabble said ...“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.”
Therefore, Take control now. Forget about the negative thoughts which others have told you – that you are too old or too young. Stop letting the thoughts of others rule your life; stop being weak and cowardly, blaming your lack of progress on those negative programs. If you begin now and become a do-er, you will have earned your right to remain here.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
~T.S. Eliot~
“Those who say it can’t be done are either the ones who have never tried or who have never succeeded.”
~Satish Thawani~
Remember, God has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.” God has equipped you with everything you need to Achieve and be Successful.
Now, it is up to you to go Look for the opportunities in the difficulties, not the difficulties in the opportunities.
These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!
thanks BE