Sunday, December 29, 2013

~Happiness ~vs~ What is Right~


  There is a cliche' that states "Love begins in a moment, Grows over time and Lasts for a lifetime".

 I've sat and thought, sat and listened, looked and wondered in the deepest depths of my own mind to sort this out.

 I'm aware that love brings joy and contentment and we know love can be very painful for some. But as stated "it is better to have loved, than to never have loved before".

 I've seen as you have relationships that seem to be strong,  inseparable and last for years. Then it seems all of a sudden the relationship begins to spiral down hill and then it is over. But believe me, it wasn't sudden, it was gradually falling apart.

It's the little foxes that spoil the vine. This means we allow little things that irritates us to go not discussed. These irritants build up and as they build they create a wedge within the relationship.

As this wedge widens, communication become fewer and irritation increases. As communication becomes fewer,,,, and this irritation increases, it can swiftly breakdown a relationship!

 Just remember, relationships fall into trouble when honesty and failure to communicate from the heart breaks down.  Relationships end when truth becomes a stranger and a lie becomes a last resort and a replacement for the truth.

Resort: ( A source of helpA person, place, or course of action seen as a source of help in dealing with a problem.

Word of advice:  If there is something bothering you or if you  see a different pattern going on with the person you love; my advice is to discuss this issue or issues as quickly as possible. If you want your relationship to continue.

Now, if you desire a change for your life without that person being with you in the same capacity, then let him or her know as soon as possible!

I have a question, what do you do when you have been with someone for several years and realize that you are in love with someone else. Truly love them, friend or lover, you lay your heart open to them.

 You give them a part of  yourself that you've given to no one else, and you let them inside a part of you that only they can hurt.

 You literally hand them the razor with a map of where to cut deepest and most painfully on your heart.

But remember you belong to someone else. What do you do?

My next question is this: Can you build your happiness on the unhappiness of someone else?

Should you stay with your commitment or should you follow you heart?

Well, I'm not Dr. Phil, but deep in my heart there is answer to be shared. However, I would love to hear your response to the questions that were ask first!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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