Wednesday, December 25, 2013

~A Holiday Message~

In life we go through so many circumstances. Sometimes these circumstances can be devastating.

However, I've lived long enough to know that there is no problem on earth that Heaven cannot resolve.

So regardless of what you are experiencing, remember the previous statement and trust that His Son, Jesus Christ can resolved them.

Remember, there is nothing to hard for God to do!!!

Whenever there is a complication in your life or circumstances do nothing until you can see Him, not sometimes, but always. (Isaiah 1:10).

Can you see The Lord in your thinking? If not, suspend your judgment or actions until you can.

Can you see the face of Jesus in your affections? If not, restrain them until you can. Can you see God in your circumstances? If not, do nothing until you can.

Our Lord can trust anything to the man or woman who has seen and been with Him.

The Word says "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth". (Colossians 3:2) You need to gather your impulses and fix them.

I've learned that The spiritual life is not impulsive; we are impulsive when we walk in our flesh and are not in a spiritual state.

In every experience the standard is our Lord Jesus Himself., and He was never impulsive; impulse was the one thing He always checked. Impulse has to be trained and turned into intuition by discipline.

~I hope these thoughts fine you in an healthy state~

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