"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
These detours may be compliled by bad attitudes, wrongful accusations, selfish decisions, lying, deceiving, disobedience of some form, just to name a few.
Detours in the world's system are excuted to give us safer routes or to lead us down a spiral path.
They could be obstacles to prevent us from seeing or listening to the voice of God, as He gives us direction.
I'm reminded of a story of someone who exited the interstate to get gas. It was late and he was very tired. As he attempted to get back onto the interstate he couldn't find it, as it was very dark. He could not see any signs.
He made a turn that appeared to be correct, but it wasn.t. He continued down that road, he could see the interstate on the his left. However it soon became obvious it was not the entrance road but rather a frontage road. He continued to travel that road and determined that the road he was on was turning away from the interstate.
As it grew darker and darker the road then became a dirt road. He became frustrated and made another wrong turn. Then he decided to turn around losing valuable time.
Sometimes you have to go back to go right!!!
The moral of the story is this:
It is easy to make assumptions about the path we are on. If God's Spirit has not enlightened our reasoning, we are inclined to make the wrong choices. Our choices seem right at the time, but later we discover these choices have led us away from God because they were based on our own reasoning.
Acknowledge God in all your ways today. Lean completely on Him to reveal His direction for your life. If you do so, He will direct you to the desired destination He has for you.
Also the word of God states this:
II Timothy 3:16-17 ---- All scritpure is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous.
That the man {woman} of God may be complete, throughly equiped for every good work.
Lastly, the word of God lets us know when we are off track, where we have gotten off track, how to get back on track and how to stay on track.
Yet, you still have a free will to choose God' s will to stay on track or your will to get off track.
Always strive to be the best you can be, and that requires you trusting God with every aspect of your life.
Go and reach the destiny God has for you. Walk closed to him and he will free you of you. And then you will become more Him...
I Love you...
Your dad,,,
Happy reading...
this is absolutely great!
ReplyDeletethanks BE, very inspiring