The break-up of a relationship is a difficult event that all of us go through at one point or other in this journey of life. It is like living through hell on earth and impacts us on so many levels. Initially it arouses a variety of negative emotions in us like loss of self-confidence, self-loathing, guilt, bitterness, anguish and anger. However, eventually it can get us to a better a place and into a more loving relationship.
So, even though it may seem impossible right now you can recover from your break-up and find love again.
When letting go of a relationship, it requires weighing the Pros and cons, having an honest evaluation of the relationship and pin pointing the problem areas to see if they are worth working out.
Check to see if fundamentals are there such as Love, Trust, Respect, Friendship and Communication.
And, if they are not there, then you really don’t have much of a chance to survive, if these thing cannot be built upon.
Is it fair to the person and the relationship to continue?
Facts must be weighed against emotions. Evaluate what you are putting into it and what you are getting out of it.
- Is it love, sex or friendship, or is it all three? or could it be emotional security?
- Is that person a vital part of who you are?
- Do you really want to continue living without them?
- Can you live without them? I think these are pertinent questions.
The hardest thing to let go, is someone you have loved so much, for so long and so deeply. Someone you have shared much of your life and you always thought he or she would forever be there.
Once you build this attachment, it is like a habit to you, how your day will be is dependent on how your relationship is going to be with that other person for that day. It is an investment to put your heart completely to another person that when it fails, you go into emptiness. You began to feel like a shell of a person.
When you are apart minutes are like hours, days are like months, and months are like years. it is difficult because you built a world around this person. Listen...If you must breakup, if the relationship cannot work, then let it go, but with a good attitude.
However, it can work if the love is strong enough...
~And...both are honestly willing~
Rules I think you should follow: if you Should part...
- You cannot erase the past; you must let it go.
- You cannot change yesterday; you must accept the lessons learned.
- You cannot stop time or stand still in a world racing around in circles;
- you must dance with the wind and sing with the songs that are playing.
- Let whatever mistakes you have made remain in the shadows of times gone by,
- and let love be the answer to the mysteries of life, because love in itself is a mystery...
From a personal point of view certain things takes time and can linger seemingly almost forever...
However, I believe the storm, no matter how severe will cease. I believe the rain will soon be over. I believe God will see each of us through. He has to because sometimes pain can be unbearable.. And confusion can creep in...
"There are four kinds of people in everyone's life; those that Add and Multiply; Subtract and Divide".
I'm sure the one you loved added and multiplied, yet circumstances has caused the two of you to subtract and divide. I say this because there has to be a reason for your letting go.
Therefore...... "Life is truly a journey. Travel it safely, honestly and with a purpose"
And Always Be honest to Yourself and to the one You Love... Always.
Because, if you love her and she loves you, then you are in tune with each other and being in tune indicates that one can sense when something is not right and when truth is not being spoken...{Believe it or not}.
Remember... always listen to what I am saying with a sifter in your mind. If what I'm saying is not consistent with the truth, then cast it out, but if it is and it applies to you, then ponder it and continue to examine yourself, just as I am examining myself.
True love will always prevail, even if it means "Letting Go ....... or .... Holding On!!!
Love can start very early and it can last a lifetime...
Happy reading...
many thanks BE..
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