Friday, May 27, 2011
To My Daughter Deidre.....Overcoming Fear...I Love You!!!
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
Most of us have been afraid one time or another. We can always look up the definition of fear, but do we really understand it?
Many of us have fear that we don't know we have and once that fear is upon us, it can seem so overwhelming.
The wonderful thing about God is this; He understands and knows all of our fears even though we don't. And the more time we spend with Him the more He will reveal to us about us.
You see, God always prepares His children for the unexpected and the expected.
Let's look at fear:
Fear is an aversion to a person, place, activity, event or object that causes emotional distress and often avoidance behavior.
I want you to hear this and apply to your mind and your heart.
God did not give you the Spirit of fear or intimidation, but a Spirit of power, Love and a sound and discipline mind. Timothy 1:7...Remember that.
All through the word of God we see victory after victory of men conquering awesome obstacles in their paths. And these victories were complished because they trusted in God all the way.
God calls each of us to engage in spiritual warfare at times. Whenever satan wants to come against God's children, he does so by trying to intimate through fear...
Take a look a David and Goliath. Look how big, arrogant and boastful he was. And remember, because God's anointing and fallen from Saul , he was unable to respond to Goliath challenge.
Listen sin stiffens the power of God in your life and obedience increases the power of God in one's life.
Also fear paralyzes and torments. That's why Saul could not respond.
However the anointing had fallen upon David, who was just a young boy, but the word of God's tells us that David was mighty in spirit...
David did not punk out because of Goliath's size, tone or his threats. As a matter of fact David saw Goliath through the eyes of God, who then saw Goliath as a pimple on a cheek.
David was righteous, the Spirit of The Lord was upon him. He defied Goliath challenging God' authority and His power.
1 - David rested totally in God
2 - He over came fear by totally trusting in God's power and not his own
These are some of the World, Flesh and the devil's fear ground
1 - Bills
2 - shakey relationships
3 - Lawsuites
3 - Unstable jobs
4 - The economy
I'm sure you have more to add. But you must stand firm in The Power of God to Overcome.
Never fear sudden calamity if you are walking uprightly before God. It maybe a preparation for a great victory that will bring praise and honor to God. Remember Deidre, these battles and training ground for greater victories to come.
I want to say this to you as well. So often when gain victory in a matter, we look for some monetary value. Please when your victory comes, let it bring glory to God and trust me whatever you need, God already knows.
Deidre, you are strong, gifted and reliable. Go and reach the destiny God has for you. Reach your potential.
I Love you...
Your dad,,,
Happy reading...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
To My Daughter Shana.....Avoiding Detours ... I Love You!!!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
These detours may be compliled by bad attitudes, wrongful accusations, selfish decisions, lying, deceiving, disobedience of some form, just to name a few.
Detours in the world's system are excuted to give us safer routes or to lead us down a spiral path.
They could be obstacles to prevent us from seeing or listening to the voice of God, as He gives us direction.
I'm reminded of a story of someone who exited the interstate to get gas. It was late and he was very tired. As he attempted to get back onto the interstate he couldn't find it, as it was very dark. He could not see any signs.
He made a turn that appeared to be correct, but it wasn.t. He continued down that road, he could see the interstate on the his left. However it soon became obvious it was not the entrance road but rather a frontage road. He continued to travel that road and determined that the road he was on was turning away from the interstate.
As it grew darker and darker the road then became a dirt road. He became frustrated and made another wrong turn. Then he decided to turn around losing valuable time.
Sometimes you have to go back to go right!!!
The moral of the story is this:
It is easy to make assumptions about the path we are on. If God's Spirit has not enlightened our reasoning, we are inclined to make the wrong choices. Our choices seem right at the time, but later we discover these choices have led us away from God because they were based on our own reasoning.
Acknowledge God in all your ways today. Lean completely on Him to reveal His direction for your life. If you do so, He will direct you to the desired destination He has for you.
Also the word of God states this:
II Timothy 3:16-17 ---- All scritpure is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous.
That the man {woman} of God may be complete, throughly equiped for every good work.
Lastly, the word of God lets us know when we are off track, where we have gotten off track, how to get back on track and how to stay on track.
Yet, you still have a free will to choose God' s will to stay on track or your will to get off track.
Always strive to be the best you can be, and that requires you trusting God with every aspect of your life.
Go and reach the destiny God has for you. Walk closed to him and he will free you of you. And then you will become more Him...
I Love you...
Your dad,,,
Happy reading...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
As I look back to see how far we've come as a class, one part of my heart is filled with joy and the other with sadness and contentment.
I'm saying that because, when we are young we strived to be successful, find love and contentment, which is a very vital part of success and failure.
Then as we aged, those things that we fought so hard to achieve has become mere memories, except for those we love and care for so deeply.
After all, when all is said and done love will last longer and those we care about and those of care about us will be the real subtance that truly matters.
Many of our friends has sinced crossed over and are no longer with us. In our minds, some died to young, but when you love and care for someone death is never timely, and always seems to soon.
So, who's to know what might have been, for you have left behind a life and time we will never know again.
Some of you seemingly never had a chance to get started, because death found you so early in life.
And... some of you suffered in pain causing death be become a friend.
So, listen to what is said below and let me know what you think!
But, you read Remember, Imagine and Think...About your life and where you are at this moment. Think about what and who is important to you and what should be important at this time in your life...
Think of friends and family members whom you have love and are now gone!!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There is a time for love and laughter; the days will pass like summer storms;
The winter wind will follow after, but there is love and love is warm.
There is a time for us to wonder, when time is young and so are we.
The woods are greener over yonder, the path is new and to some the world is free.
snow will come and the geese are calling, you will then need a fire against the cold.
So, do your roaming in the spring time and find your love in the summer Sun; The frost will come and bring a harvest and then you can sleep when the day is done.
Time is like....... a river flowing with no regrets as it moves on. Around each bend the shinning morning you greet the friends you thought were gone.
And, of all the friends we know who has passed, we will see them again when the breath we take will be our last.
Life for all of is like a vapor. We are here today and we are gone tomorrow. So please live your life to it's complete fullness.
Do that which is right, Love and respect yourself, value your friendships and cherish your love ones.
Because time just slips away, and your are left with yesterday's memories.
To my friends that have crossed over...I will always think of you and smile...And be happy for the time I had with you... I will never forget the memories we made.
I will never forget the times when you were there for me and when I was there for you.
You will always be remembered, Because there is no word as sad as good-bye.
So, I will say to you good night - I will see you in the morning!!!
{For we all will travel this road one day }
Life for all of is like a vapor. We are here today and we are gone tomorrow. So please live your life to it's complete fullness.
Do that which is right, Love and respect yourself, value your friendships and cherish your love ones.
Because time just slips away, and your are left with yesterday's memories.
To my friends that have crossed over...I will always think of you and smile...And be happy for the time I had with you... I will never forget the memories we made.
I will never forget the times when you were there for me and when I was there for you.
You will always be remembered, Because there is no word as sad as good-bye.
So, I will say to you good night - I will see you in the morning!!!
{For we all will travel this road one day }
Gary Bevel-Presley Pauley-Chales 'O' Jackson-Miranda Holmes Sumblin-Angela Carolina-Alphonso McLeod-Dennis Roderick-Deborah Bright Austin-Randy Wheeler-Henry Wright
Betty Davis-Irma Blackstalk ---Just to name a few....Please remember those I may have missed.
These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Letting Go.......or....Holding on!!!
The break-up of a relationship is a difficult event that all of us go through at one point or other in this journey of life. It is like living through hell on earth and impacts us on so many levels. Initially it arouses a variety of negative emotions in us like loss of self-confidence, self-loathing, guilt, bitterness, anguish and anger. However, eventually it can get us to a better a place and into a more loving relationship.
So, even though it may seem impossible right now you can recover from your break-up and find love again.
When letting go of a relationship, it requires weighing the Pros and cons, having an honest evaluation of the relationship and pin pointing the problem areas to see if they are worth working out.
Check to see if fundamentals are there such as Love, Trust, Respect, Friendship and Communication.
And, if they are not there, then you really don’t have much of a chance to survive, if these thing cannot be built upon.
Is it fair to the person and the relationship to continue?
Facts must be weighed against emotions. Evaluate what you are putting into it and what you are getting out of it.
- Is it love, sex or friendship, or is it all three? or could it be emotional security?
- Is that person a vital part of who you are?
- Do you really want to continue living without them?
- Can you live without them? I think these are pertinent questions.
The hardest thing to let go, is someone you have loved so much, for so long and so deeply. Someone you have shared much of your life and you always thought he or she would forever be there.
Once you build this attachment, it is like a habit to you, how your day will be is dependent on how your relationship is going to be with that other person for that day. It is an investment to put your heart completely to another person that when it fails, you go into emptiness. You began to feel like a shell of a person.
When you are apart minutes are like hours, days are like months, and months are like years. it is difficult because you built a world around this person. Listen...If you must breakup, if the relationship cannot work, then let it go, but with a good attitude.
However, it can work if the love is strong enough...
~And...both are honestly willing~
Rules I think you should follow: if you Should part...
- You cannot erase the past; you must let it go.
- You cannot change yesterday; you must accept the lessons learned.
- You cannot stop time or stand still in a world racing around in circles;
- you must dance with the wind and sing with the songs that are playing.
- Let whatever mistakes you have made remain in the shadows of times gone by,
- and let love be the answer to the mysteries of life, because love in itself is a mystery...
From a personal point of view certain things takes time and can linger seemingly almost forever...
However, I believe the storm, no matter how severe will cease. I believe the rain will soon be over. I believe God will see each of us through. He has to because sometimes pain can be unbearable.. And confusion can creep in...
"There are four kinds of people in everyone's life; those that Add and Multiply; Subtract and Divide".
I'm sure the one you loved added and multiplied, yet circumstances has caused the two of you to subtract and divide. I say this because there has to be a reason for your letting go.
Therefore...... "Life is truly a journey. Travel it safely, honestly and with a purpose"
And Always Be honest to Yourself and to the one You Love... Always.
Because, if you love her and she loves you, then you are in tune with each other and being in tune indicates that one can sense when something is not right and when truth is not being spoken...{Believe it or not}.
Remember... always listen to what I am saying with a sifter in your mind. If what I'm saying is not consistent with the truth, then cast it out, but if it is and it applies to you, then ponder it and continue to examine yourself, just as I am examining myself.
True love will always prevail, even if it means "Letting Go ....... or .... Holding On!!!
Love can start very early and it can last a lifetime...
Happy reading...
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