This is a subject that could be difficult to write about, but, it could also be very informative...
Let's first define Dignity and Respect...
Dignity... Quality suited to inspire respect or reverence; loftiness and grace; impressiveness.
Respect ... To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.
Let's begin...
Why is it that so many women of today just except what a man does and do not expect or demand better?
It seems as though they allow men to obtain exactly what they want so easily. Why is this? is it because of low self esteem? Desperate to have a man in their lives? Weak for companionship? what is it?
This much I do know, that if a woman is not being treated with respect, then she has allowed that man to lower her standards and standardize her character. See definition....of character.
Character... The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.
Women understand this - You are very special, you have special qualities, You were created special by God, you deserve the upmost respect, so, if a man is to shallow to give you the respect that you deserve, and if in your demanding respect, he still falls short, then you must be willing to make a decision.
Sometimes the hardest thing in life, is to choose which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn...Also understanding that character is more easily kept, than it is to recover.
Zero respect in a relationship, is like forgetting sugar in a cake. A lack of dignity in a relationship is like a woman without grace...
So women, can you truly evaluate your relationship? On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate it?
When you met this guy, and went on your first date, did he blow his horn and you came out? Did he walk up to your door to get you? Did he open your side of the car door to let you in? Did he assist in seating you when you arrive at your destination?
Never settle for less than who you are ... Always expect the best .... Never compromise your character ... Expect to be treated with Dignity ... and ... Respect.
Does he look you in the eye when the two of you are talking? Does he become angered when you are expressing to him how he makes you feel? Does he become impatient during your discussions? These are just a few tell-tale signs of the quality of a relationship or lack thereof...
Listen up...a man will always show who he is, if you would only open your eyes to see.
Look into his eyes, feel him with your heart, listen to him with your ears, watch his body language... You could learn an awful lot.
So, once again, on a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate your relationship?
Now... To my fellow brothers, when there is an issue in your relationship, and when you and her are discussing that issue or those issues:
1 - Look her in the eyes
2 - Listen to what she is saying
3 - Watch her body language
Reason being, Her eyes may display one thing, her mouth may say another, and her body language could present a totally different senario. So, if you don't understand, then ask questions...
Women are different, they have different emotions, they express themselves differently, so be patient, very patient...
By the way, this is a one-sided view and this does not apply to all women. However, if you fall into this category, then it is up to you to expect and or demand better from him within your relationship...
One more thing to ponder guys. Treat that woman the way you would want someone to treat your mother or sister. I'm sure with the greatest respect and patience.
Women deserve the respect of men...
Ladies, please remember, if you truly want to be respected, then always carry yourself in a respectable manner...
I would like to say this. If what I've said here is not consistent with the truth, then let your mind become a sifter. Keep that which is true and throw away that which is not....
Happy reading...
thanks BE