Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Growing Older....The Right Way...

Growing older can be exciting, adventurous, fun, scary, and sometimes depressing!!! However, that being said aging is a natural process of life. Sadly, many of us live as though we will never get old.

And... when old age hits us we are usually unprepared.

As you know, aging is simply The natural order being reversed. Even though we think we do everything we can to hold on to our youth, trust me getting older is inevitable.

So why not age gracefully, happily, joyously and simply LIVE!!!

When you and I confront this reality and the sooner you and I confront this reality we can then began a healthy relationship to life, getting older and even death.

Don't invision yourself sitting in a rocking chair, peeking out of a window, remembering what was and what use to be. Age should never be treated as a disease but as a cure, a joyous cure of no longer being young.

Growing older is a joyful priviledge and honor!!!

So, use the wisdom that you have gained over the years to be a better you. Stop being concerned  about wha others think of you!!! take life by the horn and dictate the destiny God has issued to you before you were ever conceived...... And.... Live!!!

Rebuke thise so call aches and pains that hits you because of aging. Listen, according the The Word of God Moses lived to be an Hundred and twenty [120} years old. The Word of God also states that the countenence was Moses was not changed, meaning that he still looked young, and he was healthy and agile.

So, the question I ask is why do we let ourselves go, waste away, collapse, degenerate?

Because we grow old does not mean that we should let our bodies go to waste.




You don't need to fight to stay young, you don't need to fight from growing older ... But you need need to fight to be the best you can be and to take the inevitable, which is growing older -- by The horn and lead it to aid you in becoming a better man or woman and not let it lead you on a downward spiral.

 Here is something many have issues with  that growing older in wisdon can cure

When you are young you get worked up about what people think about you. The good thing about getting older is that you realize what people think doesn't matter. it is what you think of yourself that matters most!!!

There is so much more we can talk about when it comes to growing older. So make your growing older fun, exciting and enjoyable.

Understand, as we get older we don't have to compete with the younger crowd, we don't need to force ourselves in  their world. Because when you grow old the right way if the younger crowd will love having us around.

Just be who you are,  and venture out when you please and grow older The Right Way!!!

Bottom line, take care of yourself and grow older gracefully....

These are my thoughts ...... I welcome yours!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Walk the Talk...

Just click the above link, then click the go to link when it appears...

                                                              There was an incident that happened on my job that required credibility. I chose the truth over friendship. As a result my upper management awarded me with the link you see above.

After all was sad and done, the friend I was prepared to lose came back and apologized for putting me in that position. Our friendship remained and My credibility was kept in tact.

I was proud of myself for making the correct choice of choosing truth over a lie, even to the tune of loosing a friend and proud of my friend for having the guts to ask my forgiveness, which I gladly gave.

Yes, my friend was fired, but our friendship remain!!!

Recently I was awarded The Silver Award and yes it contained a monetary value. The same manager that presented me with the link above congradulated me on The Silver Award and reminded me of this link that he sent to me more the two years ago. And yes I forgot above it. But the amazing thing was that, he remembered and sent it to me again.

Credibility, Honesty, Fair play, Trust will take you a very long way. And, even when you forget, others will remember because the words I mentioned above are Powerful, penetrating words that will last ... even  if you forget and when you are gone...

Choose truth over a lie!!!

Nothing more need to be said!!!

These are my thoughts.... I welcome yours!!!

The weight of life.....

This may be a little difficult so stay with me. How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you are carrying a backpack. I want you to pack all the stuff that you have in your life.

Now you start with the little things, shelves, drawers and knick knacks. Then you start to add larger stuff. Clothes, table top appliances, lamps, T.V, etc. Your back-pack should be getting a little heavy now.

Then you go bigger. Your couch, car, your home. Stuff it all into that back-pack.
Now fill it with people. Starting with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office.

Then you move with people that you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your brothers , Your sisters, children, parents and finally your husband, your wife, your home, boy-friend and your girl-friend.

Get them into that back-pack. Feel the weight of that bag. These things weigh us down until we can barely move. Make no mistake; your relationships are the heaviest components in your life.

All of those negotiations, arguments and secrets, compromising. How much to they weigh?

Listen .... The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals are meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a life-time. Star-cross lovers, monogamous Swans.

We are not Swans. A swan can move as slow as they like and live. A Shark, if it moves slowly, will die. It is important that Sharks move in order to channel water through its gils to allow it to breath. Therefore we are Sharks. How do I know? Because we are constantly moving trying to accomplish this & that.

We think if we sit still something will pass us by. Because we take little time to share ourselves with those who loves us and whom we love.

We are busy with the rat race of this world's life, its economics, its politics, etc. But even Sharks will take a moment to glide and enjoy the moment. Why don't you?

Therefore, how much does your life actually weighs? Do you honestly know?

Listen, when it is all over here, when your love ones are looking at you for the last time; and if God allows you the time to reminisce over your life, what will be more important? your worldly accomplishments, the money you accumulated, your home, cars you've purchased?  Relationships??????

What? ... What? ...What?.....

What kind of legacy do you intend to leave behind. These are good thoughts to ponder ... these are good questions to answer.....

I stated this in a precious blog:
Every man must live with the decisions he make in this life.  And you have two choices ...  -To exercise the spirit of a boy or The wisdom of a man. 

The same applies to women.  ... You too have two choices ... To exercise the spirit of a girl or The wisdom of a woman.

These are good thoughts ....And good questions to answer... What do you think?

Be Yourself.......


How does it feel when life doesn't feel real and you're floating about on your own? You life is uncertain so you draw the curtain pretending there is nobody home.

But don't be arise, open your eyes - they can't tell lies, so don't you disguise what you see, the mirror is free.

I sometimes strip naked just as I came into the world and look at myself in the mirror -- directly eye to eye. I sometime ask the question:

Lord, are you pleased with me, are you grieved with me. I want an honest report as to how you see me?  The one person you can never lie to is God. This I know. But you can lie to others, including yourself.

Why do we lie? Why do we seek an image that is not true? Why do we hide who we really are? What is the real reason?

Remember we do have a Saviour, Even though, by our behaivor He was killed and they thought He was gone; song birds are talking and The runners are walking and The Prodigal son is coming home.

When he does come home, look in his eyes, they won't tell lies, but if he defies what you see, he will give you the key.

Always Be yourself .......

We need choosers, so we build computers and we program ourselves not to see; The truth and the lying, the dead and the dying a silent majority.

But ..... don't be arise, look in their eyes, are they telling lies - The ones that they learn on T.V?

What a way to be free......

When you begin to see the skin you are in --- then you will know that you are the only one of its kind. So if I cease to be myself ... then who is going to be me?

Listen, we have The Grace og God to run this race....

See yourself .... Be yourself .... Free yourself ....

I getting old and I need to have a Heart of Gold .... Therefore I choose to Be myself!!!!

You strive for the same.......

Lastly... When you and I walk in the shoes that God has given us from birth and when you look at yourselve in the mirror, we may be amazed at what we see: Hint... 

These are my thoughts ..... I welcome yours!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Chess Game of Decisions....

As I sit and wonder, I hear the beating of my heart. Not only can I here it's beating, but I can feel it as well. There is also a nervous tension. I would be lying if I told myself that I did not know what was going on, because I do.

Written on the date below ...Posted 11-29-2011
So, today is truth day-dated May 4, 2011 at 12:21pm.

I have lived for a short period of time to me and maybe a long period of time to you, but in my living I have seen so many things. Some good, shocking, hurtful. Somethings what I've seen  has had little bearing on my emotions. Only because I refused to let it.

What I'm experiencing now, has been brewing for a long time. So, why do I let it bother me so?

Not my childhood rearing, but my life as an adult...


I grew up in a home where truth was at the bottom of the list when it came to very important things.  I would sit, watch and hear my parents argue. I would stand back and see the fear on my siblings faces as I stood in a corner feeling and hearing my heart pound.

And one day at the age of thirteen I came home from school and my mother informed me that my dad had left us. I WAS DEVASTED....HURT...and ANGRY!!!

In my own little world I began to understand the words "inner peace"... I know that having inner peace doesn't mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or heart-ache. I've learned that it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

I discovered a world that I could resort to even though the world around me was chaotic.

From there I began to live my life on the basis of what you are about to read below:

The person who Smiles on the outside, when he is crying on the inside; who wears a smile on his face when there are tears in his heart, has mastered the art of all arts-Self-control...
There is nothing final about a mistake, except that mistake is taken as final.

 I held on to this most, if not all of my adult life. Not wanting anyone to see me hurt, disappointed, or discouraged. It became my way of life. 

The Power of The Mind is a very Powerful thing...As the picture above can so vividly illustrate, it can set you free, even if it is only temporary. 

However, without going any deeper, as I grew older I began to understand why my Mother and Father could not continue.

But there is a secret behind the secret....{ That I don't care to discuss}...

I know now that sometimes love can withstand and endure a storm, but sometimes the hurt is so devastating until the only thing left to do is to leave or separate...

No one ever know the worries, regrets and mistakes that memories make. Nor does anyone know how sweet or bitter a relationship can be for an individual.

Deception  is devastating. It can destroy a heart, a relationship and anything else in it's path. Much like a Hurricane and a Tornado.

Especially when someone already know the truth...

Can you relate to what I'm saying? Do you understand? Do you have the faintest idea?

My mom and dad needed to be free of each other. Well, at least they thought so. I personally felt that, by the two of them separating, they robbed themselves of each other.

Even though my mom told me that my dad was her first love... They were robbed.

Sometimes you wonder, how can you have a beautiful relationship end without making beautiful mistakes. Sounds strange what was just stated, does it not?

But some mistakes are fatal to a relationship, at least it was to my parents.

 Leaving is hard and it always is, when you deeply love someone, but sometimes, staying can be worst than leaving..and sometimes freedom can feel like treason when you have left someone you deeply love.

Sometimes leaving someone in sorrow can surprise you and become treasured gold. And in a long run, can be a blessing and not a curse.

Decisions when in a relationship can be very difficult to make and sometimes people give up to soon. Nevertheless we all make decision that we are faced to live with; whether they are good or bad; right or wrong. But some decisions Must be made.

And .... Sometimes no decision can the worst decision of all.

But, he who has no sin, let him cast the first stone.

These are my thoughts ......I welcome yours...  Happy reading...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Truth ..... Justice ..... And Leadership...


So much of our time is just lost. We spend our wheels doing things that we think are important to us, but seemingly not as important to others.

We desire honesty and truth, but somehow those two words get lost in bureaucratic lies. Truth and Honesty are foreign terms today. To many lies are truth because lies have become their oath.

Example: Some use their status, office and positions the way they see fit, as appose to using their power for the purpose intended. We forget that Leadership is Service to others and not for personal gain and joy of bossing others around because of status.

Where is Honesty, Trust & Integrity ---- Where has real Leadership gone?

Wrong Leadership is one who uses his or her position as dictator-ship, but true leadership is that of servant-hood. Helping the people around you to become better; and you being the example.

But today to many in a leadership role think of their position as you do what I say, I'm the boss, I'm in charge. TOTALLY WRONG!!!

An honest and wise leader will understand the need to separate from his old way of doing things and the need to seek the face of God for direction and Wisdom to do the best job possible...

a leader must know when to be firm and when to soft ....  Let's move on...

We ask please God tell us what is Right ... tell us what is Truth, but we don't listen to His answer.

This is why....

There is no justice ... The Rich continues to win and The Poor continues to lose. The Rich gain power & The Poor become more Powerless.

We become tired of hearing people's lies and often times we become as dead people, because the truth to the powerful is on longer welcome.

We think of ourselves as victims and we become victims; we become weak. We doubt ourselves and many times we doubt our belief,  faith and our trust.

We have now reached a point where we doubt our institutions and we question our trust in our laws.

But, when it comes to truth we should never sway. We should always believe truth. We must remember that even though the laws of our Townships, States and Country governs our land, these laws sometimes fail us.

We must also remember that many laws are created by man and are based on the Biblical Word of God, yet they still fail us because the truth to some of those in a decision making authoritative position refuse to be honest.

Not all, but some.

But listen we are the law, because if truth reigns in our hearts, the Truth is law. Not some some book, not some lawyer, not some statue. These are all symbols of our desires of being just.

We must stick to basics. And the basic truth is: We believe in Prayer, Facts that the word of God is Truth, and Justice will be rendered.

maybe it seem as though I was rambling and maybe I was. Either way you have the opportunity to give your opinion, so I would advise you to do so.

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours... Happy reading!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Mind ...... A Book of Secrets

As I sat recently the thought of the mind and how it works left me wondering. I began to wonder about the elements of the mind, in how it can play an  intricate part of one being happy or sad, encouraged of discouraged, good or evil.

It was once stated that The mind is the psychological holdings of the brain that house the development of emotion and learning as well as identity and consciousness.

The Mind is comprised of three divisions; the conscious, the subconscious and the super-conscious mind each having a unique and equally important duty and purpose to the whole mind. 

The Conscious Mind works with the five physical senses, receiving what exists in our world.  Sight, sound, taste, touch and smell coupled with an aware Conscious Mind enable one to fulfill the reason for incarnation.

The human mind is an interesting thing; it is capable of incredible acts of creativity and compassion. With the mind  {you} can either set yourself free or allow yourself to be placed into bondage.  The mind is a gateway to dreams and paradise, good and bad. It has been stated the eyes are the windows which aid the mind to record what it has seen. 

The mind is my hiding place, which allow me to dream dreams, to put me in a place where my feet have never stood. My mind allow me to touch things which I've never physically touched. The mind allows you to remember and can aid you in forgetting & forgiving....

I've learned that the mind is its own place and in itself, it stores desires, wants and needs.  The mind also stores an area with in itself that enables it to form illusions and mysteries.

These illusions may develop from something that the eyes may see or have seen. Mysteries can develop as a result  of your own thought process. 

With the mind we have the power to do great things, think great thoughts and live in places that we choose.

We all lie with our tongue. We lie to others as to who we really are, yet the mind if we allow will bring us back to reality as to who we truly are. The mind knows the truths.

Free your mind and the truth will always follow....... 

The mind is also a mechanism which God desires to enter.  Are you mentally free or are you in mental bondage?

With the mind we often compare ourselves to others, but don't ever compare yourself to anyone in this world, if you do so, you are insulting yourself and the workmanship of God!!! Strong words ... I know. But true.

Be proud of the person that God has made you ... Be proud of the mind that God has given you!!!

Think positive..... Travel to places where you have never been .... Experience the unexpected ..... all can be done in your mind and hopefully one day you will physically go to those places!!!

Listen up, the mind stores, restores, remembers, calculates numbers as well as opinions, forms conclusions, ETC...

Use the mystery that you were given from birth to propel you to higher heights. Your mind!!!

Know that you are a beautiful & intelligent person .... And go strive to be the person God has ordained you to be!!!

I've barely skimmed on The mind and it's attributes, it's power and it's pleasures, but take time to use your mind to the fullest extent that God has intended.

Sometimes you have to use your mind ... to find your freedom!!!

The mind if the thought process is correct can make you well if you are ill ... can make you strong if you are weak....

These are my thoughts ..... I welcome yours!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

"What makes a man a Man!!!!

I was again talking to a friend and the thought entered my mind, "What makes a man a man". I thought and tried looking up ideas to relate to my subject. But then I thought. I don't need to look for other's thoughts on this matter; I can reminisce based on my childhood and look within to determine "What makes a man a man".

I started thinking about my father. As a child, whenever my father would come home from work, my brothers, sisters  and I would always run to his car to greet him home. It was always an exciting time when came home.

He brought home a sense of stability, security and strength. Even though my mom and dad's marriage did not survive, my dad's presence was  positively felt. {In our early years}.

Moving on ... I was in the 8th grade when my mom and dad separated. That was a very devastating time for me. It was so devastating that my 8th grade math teacher came to visit my mom to tell her my grades were dropping  drastically. Oh, I was an A student in Math in the 8th grade only! :)

My mother explained to Mrs McMath  {my math teacher} that she and my father had just separated  and that could have been the reason, which it was. My teacher cared about me.

Later on I met a teacher who's name is Mr. James Redmond. Mr. Redmond was my Driver's Ed and History teacher. He was also a neighbor. After my dad left us, Mr. Redmond became a father figure to me. He gave a sense of worth, security and a sort of protection when I was around him.

After finishing High School I would visit him often. One day I went back home to Hartsville, S.C. to visit my family and I stopped by to see my old friend, father figure and, teacher Mr. Redmond. I began to explain to him just how important he was to me and how much I needed him in my life back then.

He said and I quote "Edwards, I had no idea of the role I was playing in your life back then, but I am glad to know that I helped you so much, and you have proven my worth to you, by always coming by to visit me each time you come back home".

I don't recall to many other men being in my life that made such an impact, except my instructor at DeVry Institute of Technology, which was Mr. Adolphus Sams,  who always encouraged me by saying "Edwards you will do well in this industry".

I guess Mr. Sams was correct, because the industry I am in, is the industry that I am still in and I guess you can say I was successful.

Now, let's examine what I've just stated concerning "What makes a man a man".


A man gives the people and family around him a sense of Stability

He brings a sense of  Security

He brings a sense of  Strength

He shows that he Cares

He displays Confidence

He Protects

He provides

He makes wise Decisions

He Prays

He has a way of making others feel good about themselves

He has Integrity

He admits when he is Wrong

He is quick to say I'm Sorry

He is patient

He is a Giver ... and don't look for repayment

He is forever learning

He is always a Thinker

He Sacrifices 

These are just a few examples that depicts the attributes of a man.

Listen.....I no longer wonder what you are about to read below,,,, Now I know!!!

Well, what make a man I once wondered. Is it his Origin, when he comes to life? I don't think so!

It is the choices that he makes. ------ It is not how he start things, but how he decides to finish them.

I understand now, that a man becomes a man only when he secures himself with Honesty and Integrity.

I've said this in a previous blog and that is: .... Somehow I believe, that  a man becomes mature, when he no longer allow these two choices to co-exist: and that is to allow The spirit of a boy to over-ride The wisdom of a Man!!!

I am so thankful for the people God allowed to enter my life, from my youth and as an adult.

Remember this..... Age does not constitute being a man. Wisdom dictates that!!!

These are my thoughts ..... I welcome yours!!!!!!!

Happy reading......

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reach For Your Dream .........

"Some of this writing ... I have endured" {Personally}

The reason I chose this picture is because I wanted you to see that dreams can be accomplished, if we would but reach high and dig deep, with a mind that is as determined as a hungry Lion seeking his prey.

I've learned in life that when, it comes to having aspirations and setting goals, disappointment will occur, but the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one who endures until the end.

When I view the picture above I think of Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King and so many individuals who fought for and gave their lives for equality. To be treated as human being and not like animals and slaves.

The Bible makes it clear that the poor will always be among us, but God never intended for wealthy men to treat those who are less fortunate as slaves. We all serve someone. We are all servants to someone in this life, but not to the point of being De-humanized by another human being.

The picture above represents two scenarios. The first lets us see just how far America has come.  How?

A young white girl, wearing on her shirt, the picture of a black man, whom she wishes to become President of these United States of America.

For so long racism has separated mankind. Where black men and women had to say "yasser  massa" to these slave owners.

Where blacks picked cotton, cropped tobacco, chunked water melons, picked peaches, cleaned houses, ate the left-over food eaten and left on the plate of massa and his family.

Black men had to endure massa coming into their shacks desiring to be with their wife and daughters. Realizing there was nothing they could do about it.

Where they had to endure watching theirs wife and daughters being Impregnated by slave owners and then having to endure them nursing the children.

And the wives and daughters of these black men having to endure shame and embarrassment  to their husbands and and the daughters shame and embarrassment having to face to their fathers for having babies by these slave owners.

Yes, we as a people have endured an awful lot through the years. Yet God strengthened our ancestors and because of their strength we have survived, by the Help and Grace of God!!!

In life, the highlights we experience teaches us what is possible.

The hard times reinforces the consequences of not being true to our character, of not living up to our own expectations.

I believe we all have a responsibility  to each other. A responsibility to create more than we consume; A responsibility to build things that will out last us; A responsibility to find our own limits and push through them to accomplish even more.

Even when life challenges weigh us down, make us unrecognizable even to ourselves, we can always began again.

There is always time to thrive, As long as we have life, it is not to late to be inspired, It is no to late to change.

We are here to do good quietly; To shine in secret. To give when no one pats us on our backs or praises us.

To give of ourselves to someone, when they can offer nothing in return.

Yes ... There is no match for the Human Spirit!!!

So, reach for your dream ... Why? Because, if  Medgar Evers did not have a dream, if Martin Luther King did have a dream, and the hosts of others not mentioned did not have a dream and reach so high that it cost them their lives, then the change with the young white girl wearing the T-shirt, with the picture of a black man- in the above picture, may not ever have occurred.

And The First Black President may still have been our hopes. But today....this Great day!

  • Slaves are now freed

  • Blacks and Whites are now eating from the same table

  • Ours schools are now integrated

  • The First Black President is in Office  .... Where would he be without a dream, hope and without Change!!!

Dare to dream .. Dare to reach for your dream . . . Dare to believe in yourself and in God!!!

Lastly, to dream is good, but to reach and touch your dream is GREATER!!!

Also understand this, hope is a desire accompanied by expectation. Therefore, hope big,  desire strong and maintain high expectations.

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!

Happy reading...    "YES WE CAN"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Why ......Do .. We .. Lie........ !!!

"What does it mean to lie?," "Are secrets the same as lies?," "Why do people lie?," "What are the consequences?," "Can you lie to yourself?,"

Can one live an ethical life in an ethical world?

We lie at times to save face, that is to make ourselves look good or not guilty.  We lie to shift blame.

Whatever the reason we lie. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, and sometimes we lie for so long until it can feel like the truth.

Maybe we are the person that we con the most. We all do this. We all keep a little bit of ourselves hidden.

Because, it we didn't, then we would have to look at who we really are, and if we didn't like ourselves then we would have no one to blame except ourselves.

So, the question is, does my lie excuse who I am or what I've done.

Listen, if someone is deeply in love with you, then the lie you tell can truly destroy a person's life.The lie you tell can cripple a person's ability to love again. And ..... when that happens, it becomes a terrible thing to take away someones ability to trust and love again.

Especially, when that person have given you all that they have .... Their Heart, body and mind.

Remember, love is one of the most important things that we have. Both to love and to be loved.

Hey look .... Love is Simple, but people are complicated!

I believe that no matter how bad a thing looks or is, the truth is always the best route to go. Especially, when a relationship is at state, when love is about to really be tested.

It is noted that the eyes are the window to the soul. In other words, when you lie, the eyes reveal so much  when looked into by the one who deeply loves you. Because when love is real, he or she has the ability to see what you are attempting to hide or coverup. Provided he or she really want to see.

I guess  looking in a mirror before we lie can be a good thing.

As you know, there is so much more we could say about lying, but whats the use? We know the effects a lie can cause....  A good lie or a bad lie can hide the truth for a very long time!!! It is like climbing a ladder.
And Never Reaching The Top!!!

So the question is Why Do We Lie?

 These are my thoughts ..... I welcomes yours!!!

Happy Reading ...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Love versus Sex .........

 Love and Lust are inextricably intertwined.
Now inextricably mean:
Difficult or impossible to disentangle or untie.
Intertwine mean:
 Spin or twist together. 

Lust is ground zero for hormones -- it's nature's way of bringing the sexes together to mate.

In fact, without Lust or shall I say some form of physical attraction, it's doubtful that Love between our species would have a chance to prosper at all.
The driving force of the sexual imperative  {Absolutely necessary} bridges the gap between the almost incompatible brain styles of the two sexes. 
Men fight wars over Lust, but they make homes and families for Love.
For men, Lust is a heady experience; the brain goes on hold and red-hot surges of testosterone run the show.
It is said the Lust -- like Love -- is truly blind. 
However, I do not believe love is blind. Not true love. Men and women many times choose to see what they want to see. A man or a woman will always show you who they really are, it you would but open your eyes to see! Especially if they have the wrong intentions in mind for you.
This is why, especially at the beginning of a relationship, it can be hard to tell whether you're in Lust or in Love.
Lust says I want it now ... lust does not care where, but it does care when, lust does not care if it is wrong. Lust simply want what it wants right then. Lust is very impatient.
On the contrary, love is patient, kind, considerate, and love cares. Love want the best for you and loves cares that  right always win.
So how can you tell the difference between Lust and Love?

Here are a few tips to help you sort things out:
If it is lust:
1 - You're totally focused on looks and body.
2 - You don't care about anything she/he has to say.
3 - You only want to be with her/him to have sex.
4 - You make excuses not to spend time with her/him, except for sex. 
5 - He/She is your booty call.
6 - You leave after sex.

If it is Love:

  •  The chemistry between you is remarkable.
  •  You get lost in your conversations and the hours pass like minutes.
  •  You're more than willing to listen to him/her when he/she talks about his/her day.
  •  You find him/her beautiful when they wake up in the morning.
  •  You want to spend time with him/her.
  •  All you want to do is to be with him/her, whether you're having sex or not.
  •  You see or fantasize a future together.
  •  You introduce him/her to your family.
  •  Lust is short-term fun; 
  •  Love is the long haul.
  •  Even though the two sometimes masquerade as each other, 
  •  you should be able to tell the difference.
 But remember ..... God has a master plan already for you and that
 special someone. So, be patient and wait on the Lord to reveal his plan to you for your life.
......The real trick is in deciding what you want and that's up to you;

Happy reading!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

To My Daughter Christina ..... Persevering ... I Love You!!!

There are two types of people in the world, the pessimistic and the optimistic. Unlike the pessimistic persons, the optimistic people always set their goals high, no matter what challenges come about.

When a challenge comes up to a pessimistic person, they put themselves They can end up having low self esteem. Optimistic people would welcome those challenges and overcome them. Know this Christina, you are an optimistic person.
The other is : Fear and Caution.
 Fear and Caution may both have a similar way of operation.While one has the ability to prevent you from reaching up for your dreams and goals by masking your vision with false evidences that in your minds eye may appear real, the other one allows you to take your time in every step of the way till you reach your goals and make your dreams a reality.

Which of these two does what is described in the two instances above is what you have to search deep inside yourself to find. Be sure which one you are allowing into your soul. Know this, never give in to fear.

You have accomplished so much in such a short time of living. Continue to press on.

Never forsake God' wisdom and guidance ..... forever seek His face ... forever hold His Hand.

Life is about overcoming, persevering and believing, and you Christina DeLoris Edwards have embraced each.

Lastly, women who seek greatness will never be great without being honest.  Therefore my darling youngest daughter always allow integrity to reign high in your heart and life. By allowing this, you will go along way in life and you will bridge many bodies of  opportunity.

I love you,
Your dad,

Happing reading...

Friday, May 27, 2011

To My Daughter Deidre.....Overcoming Fear...I Love You!!!

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Most of us have been afraid one time or another. We can always look up the definition of fear, but do we really understand it?

Many of us have fear that we don't know we have and once that fear is upon us, it can seem so overwhelming.

The wonderful thing about God is this; He understands and knows all of our fears even though we don't. And the more time we spend with Him the more He will reveal to us about us.

You see, God always prepares His children for the unexpected and the expected.

Let's look at fear:
Fear is an aversion to a person, place, activity, event or object that causes emotional distress and often avoidance behavior.

I want you to hear this and apply to your mind and your heart.

God did not give you the Spirit of fear or intimidation, but a Spirit of power, Love and a sound and discipline mind. Timothy 1:7...Remember that.

All through the word of God we see victory after victory of men conquering awesome obstacles in their paths. And these victories were complished because they trusted in God all the way.

God calls each of us to engage in spiritual warfare at times. Whenever satan wants to come against God's children, he does so by trying to intimate through fear...

Take a look a David and Goliath. Look how big, arrogant and boastful he was.  And remember, because God's anointing and fallen from Saul , he was unable to respond to Goliath challenge.

Listen sin stiffens the power of God in your life and obedience increases the power of God in one's life.

Also fear paralyzes and torments. That's why Saul could not respond.

However the anointing had fallen upon David, who was just a young boy, but the word of God's tells us that David was mighty in spirit...

David did not punk out because of Goliath's size, tone or his threats. As a matter of fact David saw Goliath through the eyes of God, who then saw Goliath as a pimple on a cheek.

David was righteous, the Spirit of The Lord was upon him. He defied Goliath challenging God' authority and His power.

1 - David rested totally in God
2 - He over came fear by totally trusting in God's power and not his own

These are some of the World, Flesh and the devil's fear ground

1 - Bills
2 - shakey relationships
3 - Lawsuites
3 - Unstable jobs
4 - The economy

I'm sure you have more to add.  But you must stand firm in The Power of God to Overcome.

Never fear sudden calamity if you are walking uprightly before God.  It maybe a preparation for a great victory that will bring praise and honor to God. Remember Deidre, these battles and training ground for greater victories to come.

I want to say this to you as well. So often when gain victory in a matter, we look for some monetary value. Please when your victory comes, let it bring glory to God and trust me whatever you need, God already knows.

Deidre, you are strong, gifted and reliable. Go and reach the destiny God has for you. Reach your potential.

I Love you...
Your dad,,,

Happy reading...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

To My Daughter Shana.....Avoiding Detours ... I Love You!!!

So often in life we are confronted with detours. Sometimes the detours we take end up safe and sometimes they don't. Nevertheless, Life consists of so many detours that can easily take us down the wrong path, making it very difficult to get back on the main road.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

These detours may be compliled by bad attitudes, wrongful accusations, selfish decisions, lying, deceiving, disobedience of some form, just to name a few.

Detours in the world's system are excuted to give us safer routes or to lead us down a spiral path.

They could be obstacles to prevent us from seeing or listening to the voice of God, as He gives us direction.

I'm reminded of a story of someone who exited the interstate to get gas. It was late and he was very tired. As he attempted to get back onto the interstate he couldn't find it, as it was very dark. He could not see any signs.

He made a turn that appeared to be correct, but it wasn.t. He continued down that road, he could see the interstate on the his left. However it soon became obvious it was not the entrance road but rather a frontage road. He continued to travel that road and determined that the road he was on was turning away from the interstate.

As it grew darker and darker the road then became a dirt road. He became frustrated and made another wrong turn. Then he decided to turn around losing valuable time.

Sometimes you have to go back to go right!!!

The moral of the story is this:

It is easy to make assumptions about the path we are on. If God's Spirit has not enlightened our reasoning, we are inclined to make the wrong choices. Our choices seem right at the time, but later we discover these choices have led us away from God because they were based on our own reasoning.

Acknowledge God in all your ways today. Lean completely on Him to reveal His direction for your life. If you do so, He will direct you to the desired destination He has for you.

Also the word of God states this:

II Timothy 3:16-17 ---- All scritpure is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous.

That the man {woman} of God may be complete, throughly equiped for every good work.

Lastly, the word of God lets us know when we are off track, where we have gotten off track, how to get back on track and how to stay on track.

Yet, you still have a free will to choose God' s will to stay on track or your will to get off track.

Always strive to be the best you can be, and that requires you trusting God with every aspect of your life.

Go and reach the destiny God has for you. Walk closed to him and he will free you of you. And then you will become more Him...

I Love you...
Your dad,,,

Happy reading...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


"Friends of Butler High School"

As I look back to see how far we've come as a class, one part of my heart is filled with joy and the other with sadness and contentment.

I'm saying that because, when we are young we strived to be successful, find love and contentment, which is a very vital part of success and failure. 

Then as we aged, those things that we fought so hard to achieve has become mere memories, except for those we love and care for so deeply.

After all, when all is said and done love will last longer and those we care about and those of care about us will be the real subtance that truly matters.

Many of our friends has sinced crossed over and are no longer with us. In our minds, some died to young, but when you love and care for someone death is never timely, and always seems to soon.

So, who's to know what might have been, for you have left behind a life and time we will never know again. 

Some of you seemingly never had a chance to get started, because death found you so early in life.

 And...  some of you suffered in pain causing death be become a friend.

So, listen to what is said below and let me know what you think!

But, you read Remember, Imagine and Think...About your life and where you are at this moment. Think about what and who is important to you and what should be important at this time in your life...
Think of friends and family members whom you have love and are now gone!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There is a time for love and laughter; the days will pass like summer storms;
The winter wind will follow after, but there is love and love is warm.
There is a time for us to wonder, when time is young and so are we.
The woods are greener over yonder, the path is new and to some the world is free.
snow will come and the geese are calling, you will then need a fire against the cold.
So, do your roaming in the spring time and find your love in the summer Sun; The frost will come and bring a harvest and then you can sleep when the day is done.

Time is like....... a river flowing with no regrets as it moves on. Around each bend the shinning morning you greet the friends you thought were gone.
And, of all the friends  we know who has passed, we will see them again when the breath we take will be our last.

Life for all of is like a vapor. We are here today and we are gone tomorrow. So please live your life to it's complete fullness.

Do that which is right, Love and respect yourself, value your friendships and cherish your love ones.


Because time just slips away, and your are left with yesterday's memories.

To my friends that have crossed over...I will always think of you and smile...And be happy for the time I had with you... I will never forget the memories we made.

I will never forget the times when you were there for me and when I was there for you.

You will always be remembered, Because there is no word as sad as good-bye.

So, I will say to you good night - I will see you in the morning!!!

{For we all will travel this road one day }

Gary Bevel-Presley Pauley-Chales 'O' Jackson-Miranda Holmes Sumblin-Angela Carolina-Alphonso McLeod-Dennis Roderick-Deborah Bright Austin-Randy Wheeler-Henry Wright
Betty Davis-Irma Blackstalk ---Just to name a few....Please remember those I may have missed.

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!