I come to realize that silence is very loud especially when it is accompanied with thoughts.
Believe it or not, but we live and breathe words. Mahatma Gandhi stated: "A man is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes". You will have to be the judge of that statement as it relates to you.
At this point, I remind myself of some of the most remarkable people in my life. These people that I know are no doubt some of the same people in your life. You know them as Parents, Grand-Parents, aunts and uncles, sisters, brothers, teachers and lastly friendships!
Our thoughts can lead us down a downward path or on an upward spiral!
In thoughts we find answers to many issues and problems that plagues us and mankind as a whole. For sure we cannot help ourselves or the world upon which we live with negative thoughts or belittling others. However, positive things can be accomplished by hard work, humility, faith and hope in mankind and ultimate trust in God!
My advice to myself and to you is this; Stay mentally alert to everything that goes on around you; be curious, imaginative and observant. Strive to increase the range of the eyes and ears, and take time to listen, and understand. I believe its through a growing awareness that a person can and will succeed!
Remember, thoughts can be our enemy as well as an asset to each of us. The Bible states in Proverbs 23:7(a)... "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". So, think positive thoughts. It doesn't necessarily matter where you live, but how you live. Viewing the pictures above, your thoughts and attitude can place you in poverty or place you in a High-Rise in Manhattan. Thoughts can lift you from depression into a life of joy and happiness and excitement!
Thoughts can be your friend or they can be your enemy!!!
This I know personally; therefore, I make my mind my friend and not allow it to be my enemy!
Which do you choose?
Live through a clean and positive mind, filled with positive and beautiful thoughts! I say this because we are snared (entrapped) by the words we speak and the thoughts we think... So again, Be, Speak and Think positive!
Time waits for no one; so continue pressing until you reach the highest possible goal. Through thoughts you will play many roles in your life, so act your part well. Be a star performer and pursue the tasks that God has placed in your life. If things seems hopeless before you, just know that it is just another challenge to overcome!!! ... God sees everything!!!
Lastly, The world, more than ever before is in need for enlightened, responsible men and women ... boys and girls with quality leadership. Leadership that involves integrity, moral soundness, honesty of purpose and courage of conviction enrooted in knowledge, understanding and dedication to the welfare of others.
Even more ... Our government is in need of the same, in a Desperate Way!
I can not control how you interpret this writing any more than I can control what you think of me...
~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~
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Private Math Tutor
thanks B!