Monday, May 30, 2016

~Does Time Truly Heals?~

Time Begins

There is a  cliche' that states, time heals all. But at this point in my life, I beg the differ. If there is anything certain in life it is this, time does not heal all. Not really.  Yet, many continue to make this statement, "time heals all".  But, I will continue to say,  thats not exactly true.

What I'm about to say may sound contradicting but, here it is. What time does is trick you us into believing that we've been healed, that you are over the hurt from a great loss. But, what time does is lessen the pain. Deep down in your sub-conscious lingers the memory, and when a single song, a picture, video, a fragrance, maybe a tiny light that shines across an empty room, an epiphany can trigger a memory.

Either one of the things I've just mentioned can take you back to that one moment in time that you never really forgotten, but you thought you did. I like to compare our minds to our homes.

  • Our minds have a living room where we allow people to come and visit for an open time of conversations and sharing.

  • Then there is the bedroom; this is where in our in our minds, we allow limited access, but somethings are shared.

  • Then there is the closet; this is where we keep things locked up in our minds and where we maintain secrets not to be shared.

  • Then, there is that special room some call the hiding place. In this room and in our minds, we sit and think. And then, we discover  that even though time has moved on, the pain or hurt is very much alive. But, because of elapsed time we've learned to move forward  and live a promising life, even though the wound is still open, it's not bleeding any longer.  (This room should have limited re-visitations). smiling...

These small things are agents of memory. And, they can render pleasant, sad, terrorizing or unexplainable thoughts and emotions. It all depends certain moments in time. I guess you can label this as being the sharp needle points piercing the living fabric of your life.

Listen, life isn't linear. Meaning life is not one dimension only. It is not always straight, direct and undeviating where the heart and mind is concerned. It is filled with invisible threads that reach from your past to your future. These threads connect every second we have lived and breathe. As your life moves forward and as the decades pass, more of these threads are cast. Your task is to weave them into a tapestry, one that tells the story of the time you shared with that special person, etc.

Now, does time heals all?  I don't think so. But what you must do as an individual is make a conscious decision to let go, look forward, and live a joyous, complete and fulling life regardless of these memories. LEARN TO LET GO ... remember the good times, but do not look back if it causes you to stumble.

 ...  LIVE ...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

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