Tuesday, July 28, 2015

~When Things Seems Wrong~

We've all encountered issues in our lives. Some of these issues seems bigger than life itself, but are they? It is so easy to get lost in inside of problems, especially when these problems seem to cover us with fear. They appear to mount as high as mountains, as deep as the ocean and run as swift  as a river.

It's as though you are being swallowed up with no where to turn, and with each turn or wiggle you sink deeper. You worry, your heart pounds, you even lose your appetite. Your thoughts are consumed with whatever issues are. You seem to be paralyzed in thoughts and surrounded by fear.

Stop for a moment as ask yourself this question: Can I change my situation? If I can, then why am I worrying? Listen, life is passing you by while you are sitting around worrying about things you cannot change. Worrying about all the wrong things while time is passing you by.  The time you are wasting by worrying you can't get back. And when its all said and done you will realize that the mountain you've been climbing was just a little hill or maybe even a grain of sand.

Do you know that what you've been worrying to obtain to resolve your issues were already within your reach? But fear and worry has blinded you, causing you not to see it.

When we realize that everything we will ever need God has already supplied, it makes everything including our worries seem so small.

Being not afraid is a secret of life. Fear paralyzes you to the point of not thinking clearly, causing you to close yourself off from others. With each fearful thought its like quicksand causing to to sink deeper in depression. Fear stunts your growth, narrows your ambitions, and kill your dreams.

Food for thought, when things seem to be going wrong, they just could be going right because when you are in God's plan or will, negatives things to you just maybe part or God's positive program for your life.

So don't fear, fret or worry. These will cause you to age and possibly die before your time!!! Your help is a prayer away, but only if you truly believe!!!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, July 20, 2015

~Everyday Matters~

Some may think that life is made up of jobs, meetings, lunches, etc.  People enter into your space and lives everyday. we say good morning, hello, good evening, good bye and good night. Some of these people stay around for a short period of time, some for months, some for years and some for a life time. Bottom line is this, people come, people stay and people leave. But, how does your life affect those that enter your life?

What you do everyday matters more than you know. The way you perceive yourself, your though process, your attitude towards others including family and those whom you work with on a daily basis. Yes, everyday matters...

No matter what we do, each instance contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, what we choose to say  or hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it contains the quality of our communication and in the quality of our everyday life.

Every single day is a good day no matter how bright or how dark it is, because each day brings an opportunity to start a new positive beginning in your life. The truth of the matter is, what you do matters. What you do each today matters. What you do everyday matters.

I've learned that what we do is recorded in God's book of life. Detail upon flawless detail. Everything we do everyday matters. Nothing is just trivial. It is all profoundly significant, and life is meaningful and full of purpose, making everyday matter. I believe that when you truly realize that everyday matters we will cease to minimize what is going on in our lives. We will see that everything we do has an eternal worth.

We must retrain our thinking capacity concerning ourselves. We are not just simple individuals with little or no impact on the world or the people that are in our inner circle. Understand that everything we do has import - (meaning what we do can affect other lives),  and God is involved in the details of our lives!

The illustration above shows an Eagle soaring and gliding to new heights. Let your life do the same. Don't continue in the same path everyday, thinking dull thoughts of yourself, the world and others. Understand that everyday matters and you truly make a significant impact on the world, family and everyone who enters your life, your space and within your overall inner circle.

 Be the best you, see each day as a new opportunity, seize the moment to make a difference. Honestly, you are very special.

You know what? It's difficult to think highly of others until you think more highly of yourself! Believe that God has placed you here for a specific purpose, believe you make a difference, and everything you do Everyday Matters!!!

Now, do this for me:
Think of someone in your family and outside of your family that you don't really care for. The secret to this is, usually the first names and faces that come into mind are the ones you do not like or care for. But, please hear this: Your beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts, good or bad. Negative thoughts of someone can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves a more pleasant surroundings within ourself and have a different and more positive impact on the people around us!

So, free yourself of bondage - think out of the box concerning you and your life - believe that you are special - believe that you make a tremendous difference wherever you go. 

*Everyday Truly Matters and how we live and think makes a tremendous difference*

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Sunday, July 12, 2015


There is a cliche' that says: "opposites attract." Being opposite is a positive thing, especially in a relationship. If both parties in a relationship are the same I don't think the relationship would be as exciting as it could be. You need to be different for the relationship to work. Being different doesn't mean you won't share the same likes. Love brings inconvenience to convenience.

Lets talk Equality:

Equality in a relationship does not means sameness. It means each person is valued for the contribution they bring to the table.  In fact, the very differences we have are perhaps our greatest strengths when they are recognized and used effectively instead of being at odds with one another.

All of us seek completeness when we feel incomplete. Therefore, the search begins to find that person to complete us, and when we do we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this person is the one.

However, when you're in a relationship and still feel incomplete, sometimes the companions are blamed. There is another cliche' which  states: "The grass looks greener on the other side." It doesn't mean that it is, but the search begins again for someone more promising and compatible.

This search can go on for years and years; while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives and help make us feel complete, we are ultimately responsible for our own fulfillment and happiness. No one else can provide that for us, and to believe otherwise is deluded ... which means (impose a misleading belief upon (someone) ... (deceive or fool yourself or someone else). And this can potentially  lead you to  eventual failure for every relationship you enter into.

Please don't get me wrong, your spouse, mate, partner ... who ever has entered your life as your companion should strongly contribute to your happiness and completeness and should make you feel very special, and you should fit together like a hand and glove, but you are the person to make you happy and complete. 

~The ultimate of course is God!~

...I hope this reading makes sense to you...

...These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

~Being Different~

~Somestimes its hard to except being different ... but you are~

All of us have a unique personality. We are different in the movies we like, foods we enjoy, people we enjoy being around and even the way we decorate where we live. God never made two things alike. No leaf on a tree is the same. If you don't believe me, then go to a tree in your yard and compare leaves. They are all different for a reason. Even identical twins have unique differences.  Thats because we are different. And, we are different for a reason. This is why it is so important to be who you are and not attempt to be or be like someone else. You have a responsibility to yourself to be you!

Each of us are unique in this life. Each of us live in a private world different to others who we associate with And, reality differs from person to person .  Never forget that you are one of a kind. Understand that there is a need in the world for your uniqueness. You have a purpose. And, if there were not a need for you and your uniqueness you wouldn't be here in the first place.

Listen, it doesn't matter how difficult or overwhelming life's challenges are, you are the one important person that can change a situation, because of who you are. We fail at being different
 out of fear and non-exceptance.  You have a gift, you are different, except this and relish the fact that God made you different from everyone else. So tell me, what's hard about you being you?  Except your failure to acknowledge you are different and that is a good thing.

Your life is a book. People enjoy reading good books. Good books tell good stories and good books tell the truth. The people that read good books are family, co-workers, even strangers. So, be a good book with an interesting honest cover!

This is the beginning of the second half of this year, will you except the joy and challenge of being different by being the good you that God has created? Show love, caring and concern. Be the patient person you are ordained to be. Be forgiving of others who have wronged or offended you. Truth be told, you may have wronged or offended them as well.

This is a topic that can get very deep. I have not touched the surface on Being Different. But my advice to you is simple: Be the different you the God ordained you to be... and make a difference whatever you go. (A GOOD DIFFERENCE).

Relationship wise:
This statement may sound strange, but the most important relationship you will have in this life is the relationship you will have with yourself; because no matter what happens;  you will always be with yourself... So know and understand who you are, except the difference in you and make a difference in the world and in the lives of those you encounter.

I thank God so much right now, for my being here and being who I am. I've learned to except me, have you learned to except you? If you are bad or have a bad attitude then change it. It's in your power to do so.

...Sometimes I wonder if people are afraid of themselves and of their own reality...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~
!!!Happy Fourth of July!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

~Matters Of The Heart~

Somestimes it is easier for a man to know other people better than knowing himself. And, sometimes the rules of logic simply does not apply.

I say that because, nothing ever goes away until we learn what we need to know.  I'm sure most of us have seen individuals fall into the same pitfalls over and over again. This is because they have yet to learn the lessons those pitfalls are trying to teach.

So often the things we need to learn are shoved under the pillows of our minds, thus we continue to fall into the same trap(s) over and over again. I've come to understand that life and circumstances are good teachers and friends, once we learn the lesson(s) they are trying to teach us.

The essence of life can be very challenging. These challenges can be labeled obstacles. And, the obstacles that life produces can way very heavy on the heart. But whatever decisions you make to resolve these obstacles, be determined and stand, even if your decisions were wrong!

Matters of the heart deals with so many things. It can cause you to sit, think and search to feel your soul. This I know for sure, things are simple when they are right. So, work to make things right in your life. And, if you have wronged someone or someone has wronged you seek to reconcile. (Even if you feel you are right and they are wrong). I didn't say you have to build or maintain a friendship, but keep you heart clear, clean and free!

Understand, there is an inner strength that allows you to face reality and reconciliation. God has equipped you with such a strength!

 I've come to know that there is a presence of not knowing for sure and there is an understanding of letting go of a matter if there is a need too. Life is very short. So live a stress free life. I hope this makes sense...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

...~Truth vs Lie~...

Beware, we always have to think about the decisions we make; not just for our own point of view, but how it affects other people. A lie's true power cannot be accurately measured by the person who believes it's deception when it is told, it is measured by the pain it produces once the truth is discovered.

No lie can live forever. A lie has a temporary life span. Personally I would rather hear the ugly truth than an obscure lie!

Lets look at truth: The truth can be messy. It's raw and can be very uncomfortable. And I guess sometimes you can't blame a person for resulting to less than the truth.

As I sometimes burn the midnight oil, I'm accompanied with pondering thoughts. These thoughts can sometimes reveal obvious and unknown truths. Truth can be painful, but it is still welcomed.

I understand the pain and discomfort of knowing partial truth. Yet partial truth can ignite the search engines of our minds and create curiosities.

After the truth is revealed to any of us, the next step is making a decision to change yourself and or the situation, because you cannot change anyone else.

I've come to understand that trust and truth are synonymous  and are sacred. And, when trust is violated it produces a gulf.  The gulf that is produced can make it very difficult to fully re-connect to the person or persons that told the lie.

I say this from the depths of my heart: A lie has no place, no home and is unwelcome wherever it shows up. The moment a lie leaves our lips it sprouts roots and spreads a cancer that is initially unseen, but eventually becomes visible and is deeply painful.

I use to be afraid of what I was unsure of, but no longer. Again, truth at best is in part. And, I believe knowing the complete truth of a matter can be more devastating. That statement makes me smile, because truth can sometimes bring pain and humor. But I still prefer the truth!

Making decisions is our God giving right. And, we all have the capability to make decisions.

Decisions can sometimes lead us down a path of good and bad; right and wrong, success and failure. I'd like to believe that most decisions are carefully thought out and then moved upon, but we know that is not always the case.

Non of us are infallible. Meaning we've all lied at one time or another. All relationships are built on this major ingredient, Trust. At least they should be.  And, if one lie can destroy a Nation, then we all should be aware of what it can do to a relationship.

My advice is this: Tell the truth...Always ... eventually the truth finds the the correct door to enter in. And, it usually enters at an inopportune time when the truth is revealed.

Love conquers  all. At least thats what the cliche' says. And I believe that it does. But I also say, feed the truth and starve a lie!

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~