Thursday, February 27, 2014

~To Know and To Do~

"I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection...." - Philippians 3:10

If I asked you the purpose for which God made you, what might you say? You might give a lot of answers that required some action on your part. You see, most believers believe that it is what we do that makes the difference in being a Christian. Many believe that if they do good things we are okay.

The Christian walk is easy , but it is not easy because we don't know how or we refuse to yield ourselves to Christ and to the power of His Holy Spirit. We fail to understand that it is in our yielding we gain the strength and power to walk effectively. 

 However, the simplest answer to that question relates to one primary thing: fellowship. The most important thing God desires from us today is to have a deep and intimate fellowship with each of us.

You see , even in our secular lives, when we love someone we want to spend time alone with that person. By spending time with the person we love, we get to know them better and more deeply. We began to understand them. Their likes and dislikes. their needs.

Christ is no different. Because if you love Him you want to spend more time alone with Him in Fellowship, Praise and Prayer. Then, the more time we spend with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him the more we understand Him and Love Him. Lastly, the more we understand and love Him the more we desire to obey Him.

The apostle Paul said he wanted to know Christ, and by knowing Christ he could experience the power of His resurrection. I find this to be the hardest thing for many of us workplace believers to do. 

So often it is much easier to be busy with the urgent (or even Christian) activity in church, than spending quiet times before the Lord. Before we realize it, days have passed since our last quiet time with Jesus.

Jesus understood how important quiet moments were with His Father. Listen to what the word of God says.

 "After He had dismissed them, ( meaning the multitude of people He was preaching to) He (Jesus) went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone" (Mt. 14:23). 

This is why many of us stay midgets in the Lord, because we don't spend enough time with Him in fellowship and in prayer. 

The more mature I become in my relationship with the Lord, the more precious this time becomes to me. It is a time I look forward to almost daily. It offers me a time to reflect, to share my concerns with my Lord, and to hear Him speak. 

Set aside time daily to fellowship with The Lord Jesus in prayer and praise. It will changed your prayer life.

 I have come to understand that Jesus views us as His friend and He wants to spend time with us. We are depriving Him of His time with us when we put Him aside for other matters. 

Interesting things happen when we spend time with Christ and make prayer a priority:  By praying to Him before we focus on urgent matters, will make those so call urgent matters fall into place and seem minor.

Are you taking the time to get to know Him today?
As a believer, God has provided the Holy Spirit for you and I so that we can experience the power of the gospel that allows us to live the Christian life.

Today, if you have not done so, invite the Holy Spirit to fill your life to overflowing so that you can be a witness in your home,  workplace, church. 

I know this was long, but I was compelled to write it. 

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

~The Weight Of The World~

Hidden pain...
Often we either know people or have been in the presence of someone that we knew in our hearts were in emotional pain. We could feel and see their pain with our hearts and eyes. And still we were paralyzed as to what we should do.

Many people are simply hurting and wanting someone to simply take the time to ask "how are you"? "Can I assist you with anything"? "Would you care to talk"? or  a simple " You were on my mind and I wanted to call to say hello", or "are you okay"?

I'm writing this because of a recent event that happened. I was in a meeting and people were opening up and sharing what was on their hearts. All of a sudden a sister began sharing about the mental and physical abuse she encountered from her ex-husband.

As she began to open up, tears began to fall and she leashed out at her sister for something she had done sometime ago. The more she spoke, the more tears flowed and the more the tears flowed the hurt and anger came forth.

Listen, she was hurting inside, the pain was ever present, although this abuse happened some years ago. She had encountered a broken finger, broken arm and a broken toe from her ex-husband.

She went on to say she was living in her home feeling as though she was exiled. She stated that she just wanted someone to call her just to check on her, but no one did.

She said that she had thoughts of suicide, the tears continued to fall. All of a sudden, her sister attacked back, hitting the table and virtually calling her a liar and telling her that nothing she was saying was the truth.

But you know, if she believed that her sister offended her by something had done years ago, I believe the sister should have taken the time and compassion to hear her out and try to resolve the issue.

Bottom line is this, if you feel that I offended you, it doesn't matter how strongly I deny your accusation. Because in your heart that's what you feel I've done. Then I should listen and try to reach a point of reconciliation. Not attack back!

As the tears flowed and the pain and hurt were expressed back and forth between both sisters. I sat, looked and listened. I surmised that many people, men, women, boys and girl are carrying what they feel to be the weight of the world on their shoulders because their personal problems.

And, sometimes the heavier the weight they are carrying lead them to Isolation, depression and yes, suicidal thoughts that are sometimes carried out to completion.

Granted I'm not an expert on relationships, but I am an expert on hurt, pain, disappointment and suicidal thoughts. People need to reach out to those that are hurting and are in pain emotionally. AND, you cannot be afraid to get involved and so many of us are.

This could fall under the category of a family member or a friend or even a friend of a friend. Why are we so afraid to get involved? Why are we so paralyzed as to what we should do?

Get involved, but PRAY first that God will give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Remember, we have not because we ask not. Is there someone you know that could very well be in this same category?

Weight of the world in a relationship:
In a relationship, whether it be a husband, wife or a significant other, it is important to understand that your words have a tremendous impacting power in your wife's, husband's or significant other's life. Kind words need to be spoken to him or her. He or she has given his or her life to love and care for you, to partner with you, to create a family together, to help raise and nurture your children.

If you are always finding fault in what your partner is doing , always putting them down, then he or she will have serious issues in the marriage, relationship and in life.


Both husbands and wives and significant others today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because the ones they love and care for do not bless them with positive words. One major reason for relationships breaking down is due a wife, husband or significant other not feeling valued, needed, wanted or respected.

Start giving each other approvals, compliments, appreciations. Just start speaking positive, kind words and encourage one another.

There is so much more we could say and write on this subject, but time will not permit.

~Hey, these are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Freedom-A-Reality of Self~

Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. (Synonyms)

For many freedom is to do what you, go where you please, the right to choose and live where you desire. All this is external. Externally is where many of us live. We acquaint freedom with the statement I just stated.

But the freedom I'm speaking of consist of reality of self. Because when we come to grips with who we truly are, then and only then are we truly free.

To me, please notice, I said to me ... The most important kind of freedom is to be what and who you really are. You trade in your reality for role play. You trade in your sense of ACTING.

You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. Why?

Listen, there cannot be a large -scale revolution in your life until there is a personal revolution, on an individual basis or level.

It's got to happen inside first!

For true change starts on the inside. The mind acknowledges what is true and what is a lie. The heart must agree. Thus starts the revolution in your life.

We constant say to ourselves, "I need time for my self". But in spending more time for and with ourselves, many times we still fail to allow the real us to come forth.

Spend more time being you and less time trying to create an image that is not you!

Remember, it's okay being the true you. It's okay to be afraid, It's okay to cry, It's okay to show hurt and It's okay to share your fears, hurts and concerns!

Be you, Be true and allow yourself to experience freedom within.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, February 17, 2014

~Too Busy too Pray~

you must hear and understand what you are about to read. It is imperative that you comprehend, because by doing so you will gain a new appreciation about the need and privilege we have to pray to God.

~When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you will learn to Pray and then you will hold this reading close and dear to you hearts and mind and one to stand in the gap!~

What you are about is a key to success and I believe the one of the most important keys to success you can own and share:

 Now what you are about to read does not mean that you are to be poor, have nothing and not have the best. As you read ask God to open your hearts and minds to understand what is being said here because I believe this writing is anointed by God.

No Angel was ever invited to share this high privilege. No archangel was ever invited into  the throne room of the universe. Only redeemed humanity has this privilege. And many of us are too busy to pray. why --- were are busy watching television, sports, hunting, fishing boating or engaging in business. we are so busy with care and pleasures of this wonderful life. Trying to keep up with trends in new cars, new homes, new appliances, new furniture, that we do not have time to pray.

We can describe a modern American as a person who drives a bank -finance car over a bond financed highway on credit card gas to open a charge account at a department store so he or she can fill their financed home with installment purchased furniture. May this not also be a description of many modern professing Christians? And may this not be one reason why Christians have so little time to pray?

Perhaps some may be thinking : Are we not to have anything ourselves?The answer is no. Christ is to be all and in all. You are not your own. You were bought with a price ( 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20). "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all in to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

If you can buy a new car, the new home, the new furniture, the new gadgets, hold down two jobs, and so on, for the glory of God ---well and good. But if we didn't have to have such a high standard of living would we not have more to pray? If we were not so drunk with travel, pleasure, vacations, and recreations, would we not have more time to pray?  If we were not so enamored of sports and entertainment, would we not have more time to pray?

Enamored: means captivated, charmed, or fascinated by someone or something.

We have more leisure than ever before---but less time to pray. We are not only cheating God and the world but we are cheating ourselves. By our failure to pray we are frustrating God's high purpose in the ages. We are robbing the world of God's best plan for it and we are limiting our rank in eternity.

Also, we are robbing our children, grand-children, the sick, the lame, the blind by not praying. Again, prayer is a privilege, an honor and our right to enter the throne of The Living God!
and the devil hates it when we pray because prayer thwarts his plans.

God said " I looked for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none". (Ezekiel 22:30).

Today is February 17. I sat in my chair, at my desk to work. The Spirit of God impressed me after I read the Word of God to Pray and Praise Him. My flesh was reluctant, but my spirit within was stronger. As I began to pray and praise God there came a sharp pain at my heart. The pain was painful and getting sharper but I would not stop praying and praising God.

While I continued praying and praising God I saw in my spirit this emblem ---). I do not know if I was about to experience a heart attack or not, but in my spirit I saw this as a spear --- and this as a shield ) which protected my heart from what could have been fatal. Finally the pain went away.  But what if I wasn't obedient  and refused to pray and praise God. Could this pain have been fatal? Was God protecting me from what could have happened. It was too easy to be obedient that disobedient. Pray and praise Him then not.

You may or may not believe me or you may or may not understand. But hear and understand this: DON'T cheat you, your family, friends, the sick, lame, and the blind from your praying from them. Prayer is our strongest weapon against the fiery darts of the devil. Prayer covers you, your children, grands, your home and all that you are associated and not associated with.

So ....... Pray without Ceasing!

I honestly welcome your feedback

Saturday, February 15, 2014

~The Mind and Relationships~

All relationships began with eye contact or a feeling in the heart. From there our minds compute what our eyes have seen and proceed to make a decision on pursuing or not.

There is a relationship between the eye contacts we make and the perceptions that we create in our heads.

A relationship between the sound of another's voice and the emotions that we feel in our hearts, a relationship between our movements in space all around us and the magnetic pulls we can create between others and ourselves.

All of these things (and more) make up the magic of every ordinary day and if we are able to live in this magic, to feel and to dwell in it, we will find ourselves living with magic every day.

These are the white spaces in life, the spaces in between the written lines, the cracks in which the sunlight filters into. Some of us swim in the overflowing of the wine glass of life, we stand and blink our eyes in the sunlight reaching unseen places, we know where to find the white spaces, and we live in magic. 

Our minds can take us wherever we desire!

The mind is so creative. It is so imaginative. It can take you places where our bodies have never physically gone. It can send you into a space where no man or woman has ever gone before.

When the mind is at peace in a relationship and the heart agrees the sky is the limit with that person.

The mind can make you believe you are rich or think you into the poor house. It is the mind which help create the world around us. We can hide ourselves in our own private world, via our minds.

The mind as stated, “Is a terrible thing to waste” So, think positive.

Listen, our hearts set about finding other hearts the moment we are born, and between them, they weave nets so strong and tight that you end up bound forever in hopeless knots, even to the shadow of someone you knew and loved long ago, in your imaginary mind!

Love is beyond reason. Love is not measurable in words. Love cannot be partial; it cannot have owners. Love is essentially beyond definition or concept.

I hope this writing makes sense to you, if not, please let me know...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

~A Key To Success~

Back in 1970, I was attending a Church revival where the preacher was speaking on success from God's point of view. As he began to talk I began to write. The preacher  began to give the definition of success from a biblical stand-point and I began to write like a thirsty Camel drinking water.

I memorized the definitions in 1973 because the definition caught my attention and got my mind and heart pumping for this knowledge.

 This is what I remember the definition of success is, as a believer in Christ:
  • Success is having all that you need and the capacity to enjoy it.
  • It is the ability to get God into action at the point of your needs.
There are so many stories in The Bible that prove the definitions above are truly God's will for each of us.

Now, if you and I can get God to move on our behalf at the point of our needs, then we are far more richer than Bill Gates or Warren Buffett could ever be. Why? Because The God who made Heaven and Earth, who knew you and I before we were ever conceived and protected us once we were conceived and growing inside our mother's womb is working on your (my) behalf and at the very point of our needs. That makes you and I very RICH.

Listen to this: This is the same God who took you and I out of our mother's womb; made us trust while on our mother's breasts. We were cast upon Him (God) from birth. From our mother's womb He has been our God and has never been far from us.

I just describe God to you. Please read it again, because He has our best interest at heart and you and I were destined to be successful. You must believe that. We were not created to for failure.

Tell that to your children, spouses, friends, to yourself, ETC.

Moving forward: This is what I believe about you; I believe that you are great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world. This power will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence, if you allow. Now, that's what I know for sure.

This something within you, you cannot always explain, but there is an inner drive that continues to draw and pull and push the greatness out of you.

That something is the very Spirit of The Living God, that we must learn to trust totally.

Along with that:
I advise you of this, stop sharing your dreams and goals with people who try to hold you back, even if they're your parents, siblings or so called friends. Note: Always make sure your friend is your friend.

If you are the kind of person who sense's there is something out there for you, beyond whatever it is you are expected to do - if you want to be Extra-ordinary  - you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you, you're not extraordinary or this or that is out of your reach.  If you listen to them, you probably will become as ordinary as they expect you to be. 

Hang around positive people, people who encourages you, have your best interest at heart and is not afraid to speak truth to you whether you like it or not or want to hear it or not. Associate with people that speak health, wealth, positiveness, prosperity into your life. That will have your back and stand by you even when you are wrong, but never condone your wrong, yet will still encourage you to strive to do what is right.

Lastly, before success comes in any man's or woman's life, he or she is sure to meet with temporary obstacles and perhaps some failures. When obstacles or failures enters a man or a woman's life the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.

Quitting is what many men and women do when obstacles, defeat or failures come their way. But remember, the darkest time of the day is just before daybreak. And, many times success comes one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken you. In other words, along with success comes perseverance and determination.  So, take the next step anyway.

This is the bottom line and its just this cut and dry ... Trust God, Trust God and continue to Trust God. Depend on Him in every situation. His Spirit, His Holy Spirit is that something within you, but only if you allow Him to enter into your hearts and take full control, as you surrender all of you!!!

True Success awaits you. This writing is not meant to sound good, interesting etc. It was written for you to take charge of your life, by surrendering to Him. After all, He sent His Son so that you and I can have true success while we are in life. This is true success.

Read The Book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 8.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Why did I choose to write about images? Well, I was getting dressed one day and the mirror I was looking into didn't reflect the image I wanted to see. So I found another mirror.

I didn't stop changing mirrors until I found the mirror that reflected the image I wanted to see.

After that I sat and thought. I ask the question, what was I trying to accomplish? what did I want to see, or of a better question, what was I trying not to see.

I then decided to look up the word image: 1) A physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible. 2) An optical counterpart ...

After obtaining the meaning I focused on the second meaning ... An Optical counterpart.

I have surmised that although a mirror reflects my image, it does not depict who I truly am. Yet many people when you ask them who they are will reply by giving you their occupation. But, your occupation is not who you truly are.

Now back to our image: Our image can prove to be a great and detrimental enemy.  Or, it could be an asset, but only if the image I'm portraying is honest. Many of us hide behind our an image. We display what we want people to see, knowing quiet well that sometimes the image we are displaying is not who we truly are.

And yes, both men and women sometimes hide behind false images. The  enemy has only images and illusions. Behind which he or she can hides his or her true motives and self.

My question to you is this:
  • Is the image you are seeing or portraying your true self?
  • Do you think the image you are portraying make it difficult for you to live up to?
  • Is your image your enemy?
  • Is your image keeping you away from family, friends and finding true and honest love?
  • Is the image you're seeing in the mirror the person you want to be, trying to be, need to be?
  • Are you your biggest enemy?
The transparent  life is the life we should desire. The attitude should be, I know who I am and others know me. There is nothing hidden. We should be able to say ... I have come to know who I am as an individual and basically people get what they see in me.

Hiding your true self, pretending to be what you  are not can lead you to embarrassment. Don't let you become a farce.

Destroy the image that is not you and you will destroy at least one of your biggest enemies.

~These are my thoughts ... As always I welcome your thoughts~