Friday, December 14, 2012

Remain True and Love yourself!!!

Love Yourself

~When you are true to yourself ....... It breathes freedom within~

Relationships most have had. Good relationships many have experienced and many have not, thus resulting cordial breakups and sometimes in bitter breakups.

Regardless of the relationship you are in you must always remain true to yourself. Note, if you cannot remain true to yourself, then you will rarely remain true to anyone else.

Always remember this, in any relationship, if your partner, husband or wife refuse to except you at your worst, then he or she do not deserve to be with you at your best.

Many relationships fail because the other partner, husband or wife desires that the other change. Now lets be honest if you have a bad attitude, bad habits, etc, then you should change.

But, I'm speaking of your spouse or partner wanting you to change to be the person that they wants you to be and compromise your character by doing things that you dissapprove of.

Just because you like or love someone or something, doesn't mean you have to give up who you are to be with them or have certain things.

If, in any case, someone or something requires you to be unfaithful to your values, beliefs and integrity, question it.

What can you offer to life if you have given yourself up for something that's not true to you?

If you negotiate your dignity and your principles, then you might as well kiss happiness goodbye.

You must respect and love yourself, accept what sustains you and dismiss what threatens you and compromise your-self worth

 When we are willing to leave where we are most comfortable and when we are willing to travel roads that have been left untouched by many, then we will be able to find what is great, because we will find ourselves.

Take a chance and look for the person that you desire to be. You will experience troubles and adversity on this road, but never fret, because it sometimes requires pain to grow.

People will talk about you, and life will try its best to beat you down, but remember to keep pushing. There will be times of confusion, and times of loneliness, but remember to do what is in your heart, and to listen to what God tells you.

If you are never lost, there is a good chance that you will never be able to find who you really are. Remain true; learning how to drive your heart takes much practice and much time.

~Remember secrets can help ~ and they can Hinder~

These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!

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