Monday, December 17, 2012

Speak It!!!

When we we children we believed we were invincible. We could do anything, accomplish any task and we always found a way to turn the negative into positive!

How far would you go if you could thrust yourself into the mind of a child to recapture the clear-eyed vision of the world and the positive thoughts of yourself again.

As children when issues or problems arose we would look for solutions to find a way to resolve our conflicts.

As children when we needed a hug or love, we didn't wait to be hug by our moms, we would go and hug her leg or lay our head in her lap or simply hug her waste without a doubt that she would return the needed hug or embrace that we longed for.

As children, the world was beautiful, fun, exciting and presented itself as a window of opportunity. 

 And It STILL IS!!!

As children, our vision was so clear, unclouded with a sparkle of innocence!

Our problems began once we matured.  You see, once mature, we seem  lose the ability to see problems and holes in our plans,  as just a bump in the road.  Instead we perplex things with our adult vision. You know, make things more complicated.

As children we would watch T.V.  and if a cowboy picture were showing, we knew that the good guy was dressed in white and the bad guy was dressed in black.  And, we learn that simply by watching.

And we realized that no matter how tough the bad guy in black was, the good guy dressed in white was going to always WIN!!!

Now.... lets become children again. put on that white suite, lets pretend that we are invincible, that no problem can defeat us, and that there is always a solution to any issue.

Concerning love.... when we need a hug, lets revert back  to that child and go initiate a hug or say I love you to someone and believe you will receive back.

Sometimes as adults our thought process can cloud things, we see things in a more perplexed way!!!

This my suggestion is this:

~See yourself as God sees you~

  • Say I am Wonderfully and  Fearfully made!
  • I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!
  • I am a Perfect human being,, yet subject to make mistakes!
  • There is no problem that cannot be resolved --- even if it means walking away!
  • My day will a Great day!
  • My nights will be sweet .. even as I sleep!
  • My problems only presents opportunities!
  • I shall not fail ... Because I am not a failure!
  • I am not defined by my job... it is simply a means to provide!!!
  • God is my TRUE PROVIDER!!!
Speak positive of yourself and others .... Be an adult, but let the childlike thinking excel and stop looking at your problem, but think on a solution.

There is a constant battle in the mind. Victories are won or lost by the power of the mind. We can  win the battles of life, first, by how to THINK, and then by how to SPEAK.

~I hope this writing  made sense to you~

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Remain True and Love yourself!!!

Love Yourself

~When you are true to yourself ....... It breathes freedom within~

Relationships most have had. Good relationships many have experienced and many have not, thus resulting cordial breakups and sometimes in bitter breakups.

Regardless of the relationship you are in you must always remain true to yourself. Note, if you cannot remain true to yourself, then you will rarely remain true to anyone else.

Always remember this, in any relationship, if your partner, husband or wife refuse to except you at your worst, then he or she do not deserve to be with you at your best.

Many relationships fail because the other partner, husband or wife desires that the other change. Now lets be honest if you have a bad attitude, bad habits, etc, then you should change.

But, I'm speaking of your spouse or partner wanting you to change to be the person that they wants you to be and compromise your character by doing things that you dissapprove of.

Just because you like or love someone or something, doesn't mean you have to give up who you are to be with them or have certain things.

If, in any case, someone or something requires you to be unfaithful to your values, beliefs and integrity, question it.

What can you offer to life if you have given yourself up for something that's not true to you?

If you negotiate your dignity and your principles, then you might as well kiss happiness goodbye.

You must respect and love yourself, accept what sustains you and dismiss what threatens you and compromise your-self worth

 When we are willing to leave where we are most comfortable and when we are willing to travel roads that have been left untouched by many, then we will be able to find what is great, because we will find ourselves.

Take a chance and look for the person that you desire to be. You will experience troubles and adversity on this road, but never fret, because it sometimes requires pain to grow.

People will talk about you, and life will try its best to beat you down, but remember to keep pushing. There will be times of confusion, and times of loneliness, but remember to do what is in your heart, and to listen to what God tells you.

If you are never lost, there is a good chance that you will never be able to find who you really are. Remain true; learning how to drive your heart takes much practice and much time.

~Remember secrets can help ~ and they can Hinder~

These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just Be You!!!

So often we live our lives trying to be like someone else. We attempt to dress, look and act like someone other than ourselves.

We spend time that we don't have, we spend money that we cannot afford, all for the sake of trying to be someone we are not.

But why? Why is it so important to be someone else? Why is it so difficult just to be who you were created to be?

Please understand, God knew you and who you were destined to be, before you were ever conceived in your mother's womb.

He created you to be you!!! There will never be another you.. You are Special... No.. you are Very Special, because there is no one else like you. No one!!!

We all at one time or another ask the question.. What is life? And my answer to that question is "Life is a gift from God".

But equally, What is your purpose in life? Why are you here except to be who you are, and no other. This is what I believe, if you are trying to be someone you're not would result in a wasted life. Period!!

Listen, you have a whole lifetime to be you, to discover new things, to remember past and present things, and to assist where ever needed.

That being said, why on Earth would you throw this down the sewer and take on someone else's role? There is already someone else for that role in existence! But only you can fulfill being you.

There is a saying, it is better to be not so good at doing your duty than excel at doing someone Else's. Of course, in other words, but you get the point. Think about it.

What drives you? What is important in your eyes? What do you think you're here to do? How can you add to life and the world? What are you good at?

Start listening to your truth. And flow with it ... Allow Yourself the opportunity to Discover You!!!
Get a mirror ... Get naked ... and stare at yourself and ask yourself the question ... Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?

Lastly: In The Bible, in the 29th chapter and the 13th verse of The Book of Jeremiah, these words are spoken:

"And you shall seek Me, and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"

 Also in The 33rd chapter and the 3rd verse of Jeremiah these words are spoken:

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou know not".

So, Seek God's face ... and... Find your purpose in Just Being You!!!

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Regaining Strength!!!

In a world of  distractions, noise, competition, those that fight for recognition and a host of other chaotic events, a part of you still remain untouched.

It is that in which you become the observer. You become the spectator of all that spins and dances around you.

Again, we live in a chaotic world. A world where things come together, bubbles of confusion, crying because of separation and happiness because of reuniting. All mingled with going to and from, of hot and cold, of night and day, being still and being in motion.

Yet no matter how troubled our surroundings seem to be, at your core there is still a peace. There is a disconnected connection, there is a unity with all that touches you, but does not get to you. It is there where you find the ability to retreat, to put on pause that which so wraps you into thinking that all of that is truly life.

I believe that we are strong, even when all around us is caving in. When we cannot distinguish between night and day because of chaotic issues.

I believe each of us have a hiding place deep within our hearts, that when chaos enters we can retreat long enough to gain strength to carry on. It is from there that you regain your misplaced courage.

It is from there that you draw your renewed strength. It is from there that you regain your misplaced courage.

When you are there, no one can see you, yet you are on the front row. It is from there that you recover the sense of your true essence.

It is there, where you are everything you are meant to be and more.

Lastly --- There is a dream that I've had for years now. This dream that I've since I was a kid. The dream is my being in a world where chaos surrounds me. And, there an old white house. Very junky inside, but I know this like the back of my hand.

There is a very clean room that only I know how to find. And, it is that room where I always go to to find peace. And once my peace is restored, I then gain a renewed strength to re-enter that disturbing world that caused me to retreat there to gain strength to persevere.

I hope this makes sense to you, because it is so clear to me.. Find your hiding place, love yourself and regain your strength.

These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thoughts are invisible!!!!

A thought is the activity or process of thinking:

A thought is also: An idea, plan, conception, or opinion produced by mental activity.

often with think and our thoughts are invisible to others, until we act on them. Then and only then are they visible!!!

A thought can be good, bad or indifferent.....

Every action begins with a thought. Whether it is a build a home, going to a movie or making a phone call, the original seed is born inside somebody's mind before it is three-dimensionally manifested. And when i say three-dimensionally, we do many times process the dimensions of height, width, and depth of what think!

The content of our minds determines what we end up doing with our reality. We can see it in our preferences. For instance, those who like sports will seek sports related activities, musicians will create and share music, basketball players will follow a pick-up game, those who enjoy exercising will seek out a gym and so forth. 

We can see it in our career goals, which lead us from one step to the next in our endeavors. We can see it in our romantic interests and how we carry ourselves depending on how we perceive each other to be and feel about relationships.

We are not always conscious of what goes on with our thoughts. Many times we end up saying things we did not mean to or end up sabotaging our own efforts. 

This might be the case with those who wish to be rich, yet resent those who floats in a river of money. 
Instead of choosing to identify with the positive aspects of the Rich; their security and success. On one hand, apparent efforts are made to escalate on the financial ladder, yet on the other hand, the same person sets strong limits by focusing on Lack, Envy or Criticism.

Would it not be smarter to learn from those who have reached a goal that you desire? Maybe that time spent being envious and jealous could be better used to network, achieve and appreciate.

Who knows, by learning from those who have reached a goal that you desire; you just may find yourself there as well!!!!

Let's use our thoughts to our advantage. Becoming aware of the themes in our heads can help us decide whether that is the direction in which we wish to lead our lives.

Thoughts don't only become things. They are subtle actions, invisible things  ... That can:
  • Help 
  • Heal 
  • Hurt
  • or Destroy
Think about it.....

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

We Make It Difficult!!!!

Truth be told we make things more difficult than they really are. And we do this based on habits! Mostly bad habits....

We create those habits through constant repetition... consciously and unconsciously. But listen, if we can create bad habits through repetition, we can also create new, better habits through the same process.

But the true challenge is taking the necessary action to repeat the good habits over and over again.

In order for anything to manifest, we must first make a conscious decision to want it to happen... this may be one of the most difficult things we do.

Making that solid decision isn't easy, and in many instances not making solid decisions is what holds many of us back from achieving new and better habits. We know we "want" something different, but too often, lack the courage to commit to that decision that will create a shift in our mindset.

The biggest mistake I see within myself is my trying to "change my bad habits." Trying to change the habit actually makes us focus more attention on it, resulting in an even stronger bad habit. We spend so much time on the habits we don't want, until we sometimes make the habits more powerful.

 I believe we should concentrate on Creating new habits....

We should figure out what we want ... and repeat it over and over again...

Sounds so simple doesn't it?

As a matter of fact this is so simple, until many of us overlook how easy new habits materialize....

 "Clarity is very often too clear to see".

These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The D and B word!!!

What do you make or think of this picture?

 To be good is great. To have passion is wonderful. To want more is outstanding. All of those qualities aren't enough... we must have something else to make them come together and stick for the long term.

We need Discipline... lots and lots of discipline ... We need Boldness ... Lots of boldness!!!

Want to lose weight, become healthier, and live a new life? What's going to stop us from eating those chocolate chip cookies, fried chicken or drinking Starbucks coffee? What's going to make us get out of bed and run those miles when we'd rather keep sleeping? How do we say no to those offering us a soda... especially our favorite soda that we used to drink by the case, you know --- That Ice cold Coke?

The answer isn't passion, that desperate need for change, or a specific talent we were born with. Discipline is the glue that connects our wants and needs, turning them into long term reality.

I work from home ... I sit all day .... looking at two computers and three computer screens. There is an exercise gadget just outside my office. I pass by it every day and glance at it, realizing that I need to get on it every time I make a trip to the rest room, to get a bite to eat or to go get that Ice Cold Coke!!! 

Unfortunately, discipline is underrated and rarely talked about in the same sentence as , passion and talent. Those two guys are famous for creating change, yet if you ask them, they'll tell you the truth (if they could speak, but wait -- they can!!! ... they'll tell you who the real hero is. Without discipline, passion and talent can only go so far ~ will only reach a few. And the people they do reach will most likely experience their new success for a short time because they failed to reach out and introduce themselves to discipline.

What separates the good from the great? Talent plays a part, passion takes that talent to the next level, but what allows that next level to keep breathing and striving for even more?

What do you need right now in your life? What is starring you right in your face eye to eye and you refuse to respond? What are you truly hungry for? or should I say, what should you be hungry for?

Listen, we all need Discipline and Boldness in our lives. That being said... Lets reach for it together. It is attainable!!!

Like the picture above:
Be Discipline and know when to face your enemy ...
Be Bold enough to go out and cross their paths...

"Self-discipline is an act of cultivation.
It requires you to connect today's actions to tomorrow's results.

There's a season for sowing a season for reaping.

Self-discipline helps you know which is which."
~ Gary Ryan Blair

These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!

Internal Injuries!!!


 Most of us have gone through physical pain. And physical pain can hurt for a long time. Even though physical pain can take us through a long healing process, there is another pain that can last even longer and effect our lives in such a way that we can no longer cope.

That pain is known as Mental Pain!!!

Physical pain is real. People can understand it. When it comes to mental pain, no one really gets it and a majority of the time you feel alone. The effects last longer because mental pain is always harder to deal with.

  • Mental pain can lead to confusion
  • Doubt
  • Fear
  • Suicide
  • Broken relationships
  • alienation
 Mental pain can lead us a cross-road of indecisiveness!!!

With most physical pain you're able to recover from it, physical pain can heal, most times, but mental pain can linger. Mental pain can take more effort and time. Plus not everyone recovers from it.

Listen don't let past events or past relationships ruin your life ... Remembering that God did not give you a Spirit of fear, but of Love, Power and a Sound (strong) Mind!!!

We all go through thoughts of :
Quit. Don't quit! 

Work. Work harder! 

Want. Want more!

These are all choices we must make at one point or another... doesn't matter what our path, goals, or future destination. We must choose one of these, and live every day with our decisions. Which one is going to be?

Mental Pain comes in many different shapes, sizes, tastes, and visuals...

Like you I'm well acquainted with both Physical pain and Mental pain. I remember so much that I would love to forget. I still see so much that I wish would fade away!!! Instead I choose to take the solution of a very dear friend by the name of Percy Griffin (deceased) once said... "Bernie, think on a solution and not the problem"!!!

Don't stare at your mental pain. Mental pain can cause internal injuries that you may never recover from. But rather think on this: I can do all things through Christ, who strengthen me"

One last thing: What we fail to realize is, Pain's power is increased when we spend great amounts of energy trying to avoid it.  JUST DEAL WITH IT and OVERCOME!!!

We could say so much more about Mental pain!!!

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours!!!