The Treadmills of life can take place without ever taking a step.The treadmills of life most times begins within the mind. We sit, we think, we wonder and then we form opinions. And we still fail to come to a conclusion. And when we do, well, many times we form the wrong conclusion.
Lets take for instances an unknown bad situation that has taken place. What do we do? What opinions or conclusions do we form?
The Mind’s Reality – Our mind always makes unknown situations worse than they actually are. Its goal is to dwell on pain and problems. Often when we find out the truth, we feel instantly relieved that the “reality” of events wasn’t as bad as what we had imagined.
Lets take for instance things are not going well on our job, at home or within a relationship. He has left you or you have left him. What happens then?
We need to think things through before falling into a Pity Party, that can lead to a wrong decision.
– When others behave in ways that you are not happy with, drop the self-pity story, bring in compassion, and try to understand why they are behaving in certain ways toward you. There is always a reason. Often times, we’re so wrapped up in defending ourselves and making our own side be understood that we fail to truly see things from other people’s perspective, and we miss the chance to heal others and ourselves.
Remember this:
Everything is Auspicious – No matter how bad things seem there is always a reason that contributes positively towards us. There always exists an incredible gift in any “bad” situation, trust that you are always being taken care of by the protective arms of Existence. More importantly ... God care about you!!!
Auspicious: Marked by lucky signs or good omens, and therefore by the promise of success or happiness. ..
Listen: I for one do not believe in luck. I believe in Blessings and you should too. Why? Because every good and perfect gift comes from GOD!!!
Listen: The next time someone offends you, deeply hurt you and cause you to feel very low in spirit... Don't curse them or think ill thought towards them. This will only destroy you from within.
Parting Words
When things get low, do all that you can to come back to your center, and remember that you are a luminous and empowered being. You have the power and choice to bring the light into any situation that may appear dark.
No matter how unfair a situation may present itself, remaining in self-pity, blame and resentment will only hurt ourselves, and draws us deeper into that darkness. In fact, we only have two choices – to remain in darkness or to bring in the light. You have the choice to prolong the suffering, or to end it and move on.
Regardless of what is happening, the ups and downs of life will continue to prevail. So, deal with the down times and welcome the coming of the up times.
Next time you hit a down time, remember that it is only temporary, focus on what can be learned, trust that it is the best thing that could happen to you right now, and know with certainty that the up time is just around the corner.
Fluidity of Life – Life is always fluid. The unexpected and even unimaginable can and does happen at anytime. And all things, scenarios, events can shift their course at any time: from bad to good, from good to bad.
There is no good or bad, there just is. In other words, forget about good or bad and understand that circumstances happened.
Never focus on your problems, but rather think on a solution to your problems. Make a decision as to how you are going to your present issues. Even, if its- just to walk-away and leave the issues behind, a decision was made.
Hey listen... Either you learn to make a decision concerning your issues or one will be made for you. Smiling...But either a decision is going to made. So, why not you be in control of your situation.
Hey listen... Either you learn to make a decision concerning your issues or one will be made for you. Smiling...But either a decision is going to made. So, why not you be in control of your situation.
Moving on:
Surrendering to whatever that happens, without placing unnecessary importance or investing excessive emotions holds the key to lasting happiness. At any moment, we have the choice to choose bliss, to see the light. Surrender to rigid thinking and choose to live a conflict free life. {Although conflicts will occur.}
Surrendering to whatever that happens, without placing unnecessary importance or investing excessive emotions holds the key to lasting happiness. At any moment, we have the choice to choose bliss, to see the light. Surrender to rigid thinking and choose to live a conflict free life. {Although conflicts will occur.}
Bliss: Perfect happiness...
Remember this ...We create habits, then habits creates us and then we become the habit(s) that we've created.
If you change the way you think, I promise you, that you will change the way that you live!!!
And... If you can see yourself through the eyes of God, you will then see how large and important you truly are:

Get the picture???
Lastly: Trust in The Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways Acknowledge Him (GOD) and He shall direct your paths. (Show you, the direction you should go)
These are my thoughts .. I welcome yours!!!
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