Many of us live imaginary lives. We enjoy living in a world where we are comfortable and feel safe. We dislike disruptions and do our very best to avoid them. We look at the way others live and say to ourselves or to others, "I wish I could live like that (If what we see is a good life to have). We don't realize that to get somewhere requires effort, a different thought process and a desire. To settle for mediocrity is a direct insult to yourself and to those who rely on you and look to you for leadership.
Either way, many of us spend a lifetime wishing our lives were like someone else. We exist in a world with all the possibilities we can think of, to acquire a life-style we fathom in our minds, Yet we venture only so far, desiring to stay in our comfort zone and fearing to go any farther.
Fathom: To understand something, usually something profound or mystifying.
Many of us never step off the curb of life, to experience new things. Many of us never step out of box that we live in. We remain in our own little comfortable worlds, thus causing ourselves to miss out on so much.
As we prepare ourselves to step out to experience something new; we must feel the Phoenix inside of us.
Phoenix: A supremely beautiful, rare, or unique person or thing.
Each of us march alone to a different beat. And as we slowly swallow down our fears, we make ourselves ready for the roads less traveled. From there we must suit up for battle. We must prepare for the things that we will encounter, as we prepare for something new. This is a test of our own cross to bare.
We were all put here on Earth for a reason. Therefore, it's never easy to be chosen and never easy to called. You must understand that when you are called or chosen it is like standing on the front-line, when the bombs starts to fall. You maybe able to see Heaven, but you will still hear the bombs and feel the heat of flames.
There are times when you know you need to do something new or different and you fear what others will think. The question to ask yourself is "Who Am I Living for"?
Hope is in your eyes. Keep hope alive and in your hearts. You are a different being, therefore you must be different. Never allow yourself to be trapped in the clutter and shadow of others.
Dare to stand apart from the crowd.... Be willing to soar like The Eagle!!!
Challenge yourself to higher heights. Never settle for Status Quo (the condition or state of affairs that currently exists).
"Write down your goals and plans in pencil, not in ink and, then give God the eraser, to make the necessary changes best suited for your life" !!!
Lastly.... Whatever your challenges, fears or doubts; remember this:
"God has the answers to your problems even before they arise. Remember to lean on Him, in all that you do." .......>{Thanks Mitch for sending me this in an email, during a time of need.}
We all need strength to handle pressure, because there is always a price to pay for change!!!
These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!