So often in life we severe relationships, keep secrets, lie and we often lie to ourselves. We find it difficult to be honest, straight forward and sincere. therefore, we choose the easier route not realizing that the easier route will sometimes cause tremedous damage.
I was talking to a friend recently and as I listened to the words that were being spoken, my mind drifted off into a place where I've been before. Still listening to my friend speak, I thought of hurtful events, dissappointments and the many messes I've created in my own life.
I also thought of four things, that as long as we live, our lives will circle:
1- Relationships
2- Committments
3- Money
4- Sacrifice
Relationship: Connection, association, or involvement.
There is no getting around the four things I've just mentioned. In relationships there are breakups, but this is what I've learned.
A clean break is easier if you can reset it. And it heals and you move on. But, if you leave things messy or things don't get put right .... then it just hurts ...... And ... sometimes .... forever!!!
There are times within a relationship, even when there is an arguement and you are the winner ... Please understand, sometimes, even when you win .... The cost can be high and the victory hollow.
We learn and understand each other better when we explore each other. And when we explore we may see that the line between right and wrong can sometimes become blurred.
In the search for truth you might realize that you may have become a lie. Perhaps, some secrets should remain a secret.
John Lennon said these words "Life Happens When You Are Busy Making Other Plans".
Sometimes in life we may get a little bruised, a little humble and hopefully a little smarter. J
Somehow I believe we write our own stories by the way we live. And each time we think we know the end we don't.... because it changes.
Perhaps life exists somewhere between a world of planning, a world of chance and in a place that we really don't know at all.
You know life is funny that way, but once you let go of the wheel and cease to drive - You just might end up where you rightfully belong!!!
Have you ever really wondered who your biggest enemy is. I know we always talk about the devil, thugs, thieves, but your greatest enemy may be yourself.
Think About It!!!
Lets look at commitment: Commitment is something that many people have a hard time with.
This simple term means that you are dedicated to one thing and one thing only, in whatever instance is at hand.
We know that there are levels of commitments. Example ... One might say I like our relationship and I want it to continue, but another might state .. I want our relationship and I will do whatever it takes to make it work.
The second statement signifies the willingness to compromise, to sacrifice my right for your wrong. The willingness to stand together in the mist of a gigantic storm.
Commitment, Marriage and Relationships works best when I turns into WE.
If one's attitude is you have to change and be nicer to me and thats the only way things are going to get better, then things are not going to get better.
The attitude should be: We are bigger and our marriage and/or relationships are bigger than the problems that we are dealing with.
SACRIFICE is a Powerful word, but must also take place in a relationship.
When a sacrifice takes place, it indicates an act of love. Sacrifices are a must for relationships to work. Remember, you are two people, with different personalities, wills and desires.
We could say so much more, but time won't permit.....
Commitnent is healthy, because it yields a sense of trust, obligation and sincerity. And, with the four ingrediences mentioned earlier will allow growth and fulfilment for both persons.
In any worthwhile and lasting relationship Commitment is an absolute MUST! EXPLORE each other.
Money: Issues can lead to great big arguments and in many instances relationships can't get off the ground until money issues are discussed and agreed upon.
When it comes to money, (some) men tend to take more risks and don't save for emergencies. Men use money as a scorecard and can struggle with self-esteem when there are financial problems.
Women on the other hand tend to see money more as a security issue, so they will gravitate toward the rainy-day fund. Because of their need for security, ladies can have a level of fear.
Men... Listen up--- Women love the feel of security. Remember this!!!
I believe that bills should not be separated, meaning you are responsible for this bill and I'm responsible for that bill. Separating the money and splitting the bills is a bad idea.
As you work on your money together, you will begin to change your family tree. One of your main goals in your marriage or any relationship should be to pass a legacy down to your children and grandchildren.
That legacy is: How to financially work together and in doing so you can teach your children and grandchildren The Legacy and Secrecy of financial freedom -- By working together as a TEAM!!!
My advice to you is -- Please do not let money become The Most Important thing in your relationship... Learn to work together...
Remember this :
People die, life moves on, but memories lasts as long as you let them!!! And in memory they live forever!!!
So, Love, Live and Laugh .....
I hope this makes sense to you!!! And please remember, I am not an expert, but I do believe what I am stating is the truth and nothing but the truth. But you be the judge!!!
These are my thoughts .... I welcome yours!!!
thanks BE!