I reminisce over past events that happened in my life. Some things I would really like to share openly, but others may be offended by my honesty.
That being said, some things are better off kept inside than revealed, yet, those events have haunted me for years.
Some things I've shared in a round-about way, but never being specific or direct.
I have locked in my mind old pictures and scenes that I have visualized and played over & over.
oddly enough, most are sad....Yet I enjoy holding on to them, because it helps me to see just how far I've come.
It never mattered how sad, bad or indifferent things were, because I have always found a hiding place deep inside of my mind.
My imagination was and is very vivid and I have always been able to relax and hide myself in pleasant thoughts and dreams.
My mind really became my best friend.... And my hiding place.
I recall sitting in a room for hours, never mindful of time - wishing things in my child-hood home was different from the way it really was...
I would visit friend's homes, that seemed to be the way a home should be and imagine my home being the same or better.
Somehow things worked itself out, yet not necessarily to my approval.
amazing, sometimes you think you can't go on, until you reach the point of no return...
Now...this I know is true...
I am so glad for the disappointments, sad, bad and indifferent moments that took place in my life....because I know, now, that I was always in his {God's} hands.
I know, now, that nothing could touch me, except Him {God} when I am in His Hands. I could bring all of my burdens, all of my failures and place them in His hands... but I did not know this back then...
Listen..... I will have more problems and disappointments and so will you, yet, through all of our problems, failures, disappointments, bad and sad times, we can place each in His {God's}hands.
I realize now, that there is no cause to worry; there is no cause to fear, because in His {God's} hands there is always safety and we are always safe...
Each of us will deal with our situations differently... but His is always the best way.
Moving on...
I've stared death in the face on more than one occasion, I've felt breath of God breathing on my lips...saying these word ... "For what is your life; it is even a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow".
I would not lie on God. What I am telling is true.
I've had encounters with strangers, that told me things that only God could have revealed to them...because, what they told me was nothing but the truth...
As an adult, God has reminded me of prayers that I prayed as a teenager. He has warned me of things not to do and of things I should do; and no, I've not always listened.
But His Grace still kept me safe.
This is what I've learned ... There are no middle roads when it comes to God. Either we are totally for Him or we are totally against Him. Revelations 3:15-16 (please read).. He uses the terms cold or Hot ...
I've also discovered that my life and your life can be and is suppose to be Super -natural, according to Exodus Chapters 3: verses 1-5; then Exodus Chapter 4: verses 1-7.
I am including my number in the event you would like to discuss any of what I've written. {678-462-1450}
Lastly..... We choose to walk in darkness, when we refuse to walk in the bright light that God has provided...
As always, if what I've said is not consistent with the truth, then please discard it. But, if it is, then hold on to it and use this to your advantage......
Happy reading...
thanks again BE
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