Two nights ago I was sitting in my office thinking about past events that happened to me and remembering the emotions I felt, based on the things I heard, saw and was told.
I also remember being told that a man wasn't suppose to cry. Over the years that statement has been proven to be a gross misconception, that if a man cries, it is a sign of weakness. {Totally False}
I remember when painful issues arised in my life as a young boy. All I knew to do was find away to close down. I felt that I had to close down my mind, in order to deal with that present situation. I'v seen so much in such a small town where I lwas rasied. So many heartaches, so many dirty things, you wouldn't ever believe.
I kept those things inside, not knowing how to release the pain, not being able to cry, never telling a single soul. I did not understand how to handle my own emotions.
Let us view the definition of the word emotion.
I - A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.
2 - A state of mental agitation or disturbance:
3 - The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility.
Sense we see that emotions can in fact affect all of us, lets continue to explore Man and His Emotions...
Many men fail to understand that emotions are an intracate part of who we are and as men we must learn when to express - release the correct emotion (s) at the precise time.
We hold things inside that hurt us the most, trying to maintain a macho state, and deep down we are in pain.
The greatest pain is the lack of knowledge of expression.
Where is the source of emotions to be found in a man. is it in his Physical or Animal nature? Yes I said animal nature, and if you think for a moment you will conclude that man does have an animal like nature.
Question, Do we cry because we are sad, or are we sad because we cry? This is of course is a twofold question. We do cry because we are a sad, and we are sad because we have the physical ability to cry.
Yet, most men would choose not to - {cry}.
It is healthy for a man to cry!!!
Lets look at anger:When man becomes angry he will either enter an aggressive state of attack or a state of discuss and retreat.
Lets look at fear:If a man becomes afraid, he will either go into an attack mode or a mode of retreat.
Lets look at sadness or hurt:If a man becomes sad or hurt, he will either become passive, aggressive, or retreat.
As men we must learn to properly handle: * Dissappointment, Hurt, Pain, Jealousy, Fear, Guilt, Hate and Emotional Expressions.
As men we are responsible for the Spiritual welfare in our homes, the rearing of our children, and we are responsible for our own emotions.
As men we must understand when to be a man of - Velvet - { Soft-Tender-Understanding-Forgiving}, and when to be a man of - Steel - {Firm-Direct-yet always with an understanding, merciful and forgiving heart}.
The way we handle our emotions can also help determine the state of our health.
Lastly, We must always be ready to say 'I'm sorry when we are wrong {Men}.
Men, please listen very attentively to this last statement. And understand this. Whatever situation you are in or have been in. Whatever emotions you are feeling or have felt. The right decision and the right attitude must always in be in order.
Therefore:Every man must live with the decisions he make in this life. And, you have two choices; {1} to excercise the spirit of a boy or {2} the wisdom of a man.
The choice is yours...
Happy reading....
thanks for this inspiring article
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