We see other people's successes and seek to obtain the same. That being said, please listen to what I believe is sound advice.
Our attitude is - live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself. But you know what? Tomorrow is right around the corner and will be here before you know it.
Many of us were never taught how to save for our future because many of our parents were never taught and therefore could not teach us. But that is still not an excuse, so please don't you let it become an excuse you will use.
Listen, no matter what you accomplish, and in all of your accomplisments, do not let your family slip by the wayside. Always guard and protect the sanctity of your home. No matter how wealthy you want to be or may become.
We want to buy bigger house and raise smaller families. We work to achieve more conveniences, but we spend less time enjoying them. When we do have an excess funds we spend reckelessly without any thought for tomorrow.
We work hard to multiply our possessions, but we reduced the value of who we are. We fight hard to learn how to make a living, but we fail when it comes to building a life of quality.
We say we want the best for our family, but we give them things to compensate for our giving them the best of who we are.
Listen, it is okay to get wealth, but without wisdom it is like a fool with a gun, it's like Poison Ivy in a child's ice cream cone, it could be as bad as a rapist in an all girls dormatory. It can be very dangerous, if you don't understand wealth.
In all our profitable achievements, our relationshipships can become shallow, if we are not careful. we now have two income families, more divorces, more unhappy people living in beautiful houses, and please notice I said beautiful houses , because a home is a place of completeness, warmth, Joyfulness, comfort and fulfilment.
Understand that life is a gift from God and is a chain of moments and enjoyment. Life consists of much more than just survival. A relationship when it is healthy can make you feel rich and fulfilled.
I hope you understand this statement- A home is built from the foundation up, not from the roof downward. therefore make sure you have a solid foundation before you build anything. {including wealth}
I wasn't trying to discourage you from being wealthy, or not to plan. I just want you to understand that whatever you do, please be Wise. And, Wisdom comes from God. Wisdom creates wealth.
Please read: II Chronicles chapter 1: 7-12...See what King Solomon asked God for, and then see what all God gave him... Aslo James chpt. 1: 5-6
So, plan and build wealth, but please remember the things that were mentioned above.
Now ... lets talk about planning...& Saving...
This is what I've learned over the years. The best and safest initial investment and savings plan is to invest in the kingdom of God.
Here this:
Proverbs 3:9 - 10 says: Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruit of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
In other words when you honor God first with your finances, He will seal up the hole in your finances that you do not see and may never see. This is a fact, He will always provide in a time of need. But, you will need to trust in Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledeg Him and He will direct your path.
Luke 6:38 (Whole Chapter) Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. So you see, giving also builds wealth.
Our problem is that we trust more in the World's system, than in God's system. Now you must have a relationship with God to understand what I'm talking about here.
So, honor God first with your finances, invest in yourself second. I didn't mention about paying bills because I am sure you know to do that already.
If you can, at least pay yourself 5% per pay period, and more if you can. Use credit cards only as a last result, pay cash if you can. This is something you must decide and it is called discipline.
Investing in yourself is just as important as paying that bill, so do both! But remember, God comes first...
In this order:
1 - God
2 - Me
3 - Bills
You can save so much more when you have less bills to pay... So pay them off...
Remember, we were created to have fellowship with God. God's method verses man's method is far more rewarding, safe and secure.
Lastly, this is what I have learned, so please read and listen to this with a sifter in your mind. Keep what you think is right and throw out what you think is bad.
I would talk about investing, but sense I'm not an expert I think it would be wise for me to withhold my opinion and suggest that you seek professional assistance in this area...