I haven't written on my blog in along time.
Where do I began? I truly don't quiet know. I stated the in the previous blog:There is a battle in every man and every woman... And, there are two worlds that exists in each of us... One of, evil and anger, and Love and Hope...
Do you know which one wins? The one you feed the most!!! So, my question to you is... Which one are you going feeding more?
So, let me start... I'm so disappointed in the leaders in our country right now. I'm so disappointed our once seemingly strong leaders have become weakened. How our leaders call what is right wrong ... and wrong, right! I'm hurt to see that men and women choose politics and party over Love and Unity. I recently watched Senate hearings and heard Senators use profanity towards another, openly on television without any regards for the children in our country. That use to not be!
I've observed Senators and Congressmen ( Men and Women) who would stand for right, even if, it meant standing alone, they would still Stand. But now, times have changed. Instead of having a backbone, they have developed a wishbone instead. I've observed a businessman, change, once strong men into mice. We brag that our economy is booming economically, and our goal is to make America great again, but our integrity has become bankrupted.
HEAR THIS CLEARLY... No one man in this country is larger than The OFFICE of The President of The United States of America. The OFFICE is much Larger! Good Strong Leaders do not call women Dogs, and use twitter to berate another . Where are the strong leaders? Politics doesn't matter when truth cries to be heard.
I looked at Puerto Rico in wake of Hurricane Maria. Yes, our leadership has failed them. When help is needed,We Should PROVIDE IT.
Brace yourself for this one: Congress stated and I quote: "While they desperately wish they could lend aid and assistance to the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico while it struggles to recover from Hurricane Maria, the fact remains that the island is all the way over there." End Quote! They said more, but reading it pains my heart. Puerto Rico is still part of The USA.
Donald Trump is not the only issue here. He is only a man with a bullhorn in his hand All he has done is expose the racial side of America. He has aided us and the world in seeing that racism is not dead in America. Bigotry and Hatred still remains. Women are treated and talked about with disrespect and used as sexual objects. Even if, a woman comes forth to tell what happened to her in the past, concerning sexual assualts, her word is discredited, not only by men, but even their own gender turns on them. WHY? What has happened to us?, I heard a lawyer for the President say, and I quote: "The truth is not really the truth." End quote...; Remember the initial statement I made at the beginning of this blog? If not, read it again and choose the one you are feeding!
Politics and B.S. can be synonymous.
I believe that people generally good, and will give Strong Follow-Ship when Strong Leadership is present, and driven by Integrity and Honor and Respect for others!!!
Strong leadership promotes unity not separation...
- "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it".
~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~