We all have secret sorrows that family, friends and the world knows nothing about; and when you choose to be on an island, alone and separate yourself from family, friends and the crowd, many times people call you cold, mean and selfish, when you are only sad and need time alone. In that type of situation , to have a deep close friend during those moments, who understands without constant questioning, but to be there in silence close to you, ensuring that you feel their presence and closeness, is truly a favorable friend to have.
But know this: a true friend will and should always speak the truth to you in love, even when you are hurting, if it is necessary. I know that I'd rather be hurt by the truth, than to be comforted by a lie.
As beautiful as life is, it can be a awful, ugly or lonely place not to have a best friend or someone that you sincerely love, that just happens to be your best friend, that wants to be near you when your pain seems unbearable.
Over the years there is something else I've learned. I've learned that in life, its not the ladders you climb that makes us successful, but rather the service we offer in this life that truly make us great. I've also learned that we all love competition, I know I do. And, winning is fun, but should I truly be fulfilled by beating someone? Sometimes I wonder! Now, this was a very hard lesson to learn: Gratification at another's expense is not always a commendable truth, but building up others at my own expense is.
Lets face it, the most important relationship your you will ever have in this life other than God is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself. But, to have someone always in your corner, who understands your difficult times, who appears without being invited, who looks into your eyes without saying words, knowing the stare into your eyes ensures you a clear and concise understanding, that they are there for you.
I don't know if this makes sense. Heck, I couldn't even come up with a subject. Maybe the subject should have been ... {The Way I Feel} ... I hope you find some solace in this writing.
~I truly welcome your thoughts~