Tuesday, September 8, 2015

~Negative Thoughts~

We've heard the term or phrase " you need to balance your life". Well, life is about a balance.  The good and bad, right and wrong, pretty and ugly and the highs and lows. we must understand that there is a key to happiness, and the master is up to you to act once you discover what it is.

Happiness comes from within. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are; happiness comes from within and you have control. You have the power to change your mindset so that all the negative, horrible and punishing thoughts that try to invade your mind can be replaced with positive, joyous and happy thoughts.

Remember, life is series of moments and these moments are always changing. These moments consists of good and bad, positive and negative. Yes, its human nature to dwell on things that are not conducive to our well being, but this channel must be broken!

Listen, moments are precious, so please don't let negativity linger in your mind and heart. As soon as negativity arrives you have the power the change it to positive.  Negative thoughts can create a crisis in anyone's life.

Late President John F. Kennedy made this statement in 1963, before he was assassinated.  "Crisis written in Chinese represents two characters:  The first is Danger, and the other Opportunity: So, lets be positive. By being positive we can save a life, change a mind, or turn a crisis into an opportunity.

Negative thoughts are the causes of all depression and stress. Therefore, never allow your mind to be infected with negative thoughts.

    ~Change your thoughts .... Change your Life...

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Saturday, September 5, 2015

~The Power of Words~

Fabric Painted Chakras

We live and breathe words and this is why I know and believe that words are very powerful. I now understand that words travel and they carry weight. I do believe that life and death are in the power of the tongue. I also believe that success and failure lies in the power of the tongue as well.

Understand that life is under no obligation to give us what we expect, but the words we speak are. Words have the power to bring greatest of happiness or the deepest despair. Words can transfer knowledge from one person to another. Words can bring healing. The right words can lift a spirit up or destroy that very same spirit.

Therefore, speak with integrity, avoid using negative words that speak against yourself and others. Use the power of your words to speak truth, love and the will of God! Not knowing the force and power of words can be so detrimental.

The power of words can speak things into existence. We are reminded by God to speak things that are not as though they are!

The correct words bring understanding,  soothe emotions, create creativity, can cause positive imaginations, open doors of success and prosperity, bring healing and increase knowledge! The power of words can change any outcome in your life, good or bad. Just remember, negative words can bring defeat, misery, and even death. While positive words will  bring opposite of what I've just stated.

Are your words more Negative or Positive when you speak?

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~