Monday, June 30, 2014

~ ...Far away...~

 I often sit, close out my surroundings, and take private journeys in my mind. These private journeys cause me to smile, in spite of who I am. My mind is my comfort zone, my hiding place from a world that can be so chaotic, mischievous, and cruel.

My thoughts take me far away from a world that can be unforgiving, and places me in world of hopes and dreams. There are so many dreams I would love to see come to past. I sometimes fine myself  feeling lonely due to the many thoughts that run through my mind.

But loneliness is a temporary condition, a cloud that blocks the Sun for a spell and then makes the Sunshine seem even brighter after it travels along. It's like when you're far away from home or someone you love and you miss them, and it seems as though you will never see them again, but you will, and you do, and then you're not lonely anymore.

 I look back over the years and remember friends that have either passed away, while others, I  wonder where they are. Yet I cherish those who are still in reach.

I realized that things have changed from yesterday, today is still better. I may not like some things, but still today is better , and tomorrow will be even greater.

I know that time stops for no one, unless it is deemed by God. No one stays in one place. We are all constantly moving. Yet, I find myself moving even when my body is still. For I am constantly moving in thoughts. Again, my mind is me secret hiding place.

There are things that I know, but I don't share them. Why? because no one enjoy being lied too. So, I hide that knowledge in the banks of my mind.  And, as a cow chews it's cud under a shaded tree, I bring up the things I know to be true, and ponder them, and try to decide when to make my decision.

I believe now that everything has strings that leads to everything else. We're all tied together, in some way. We are all in a net, and the net is waiting , and we're pushed together into one single desire. You want something and that is precious to you.

I believe that when someone dies, a child is born. I believe that when a love one passes on, there is someone set aside to enter one's life. But the heart must be opened and attentive to receive them. I believe sometimes, things fall apart  ... so we can put them back together in a new way. It is time to make things right.

Lastly, I don't know the weight of everything I've said, but I can feel the weight of that one thing, so I keep it to myself. You know that things aren't going well for you when you can't tell anyone the simplest fact about your life. The one thing that bothers you more than anything else.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

~Every Picture Has A Story~

A portrait can take you to a secret place where only you can understand.

Remember this ... Every portrait painted, every picture taken with deep feelings, says more about the artist or photographer than the person sitting, or the image taken.

My eyes have seen many pictures, just as yours. Rarely does one forget a picture he or she has seen. You see, a picture is a visual diary. And just as we reopen a diary to read what we've written, our minds can recall from memory what we have seen.

Memories are moving pictures in which meanings are constantly in flux. The word flux here means ...condition of continuous change. I have surmised that rarely does two people see a picture the same.

We must understand, that there is a story behind everything, and there is usually a story behind every picture.

Stories such as, how a picture got on a wall, how a scar got on your face, legs or arm. Sometimes these stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking.

A picture to me is a secret about a secret.

Some things you will forget - Some things you won't. But it's not - Places, places are still there. If a house burns down, it's gone, but the place, the picture of it -stays, and not just in your memory, but out there in the world. What I remember is a picture floating around out there outside my head. I mean, even if I don't think, even if I die, the picture of what I did, or knew, or saw is still out there. Right in the place where it happened.

Sometimes staring at a picture can catch your imagination so much, until the story behind it leaps out at you, and it has to be told. It lets the images in your mind burst forth into words drawing a vivid picture that takes you away on a journey that would otherwise be impossible.

The mind is powerful organ. It can see an image, and have the ability to hold on to it for a life-time. And, it can take you places that would only seem possible in a fairy tale.

Behind every picture hides a true story. You just have to be willing to look, and look very deep.

I honestly hope that this writing makes sense to you. Use your imagination, use your mind. Think deeply. Remember a portrait of something or someone that caught your eye, and pierced your mind.

These pictures or images burned in your mind, once recalled, can make you silently smile, or inwardly cry!
Or, openly smile or openly cry...

These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours...