Wednesday, May 14, 2014

~Crisis or Opportunity~

Your surroundings and circumstances can cause a crisis, but with the right attitude,  Opportunity can sprout in the midst of the circumstances around you.

{Change your thought process ... Change your circumstances}


We may not be able to control some events that happen in our lives, but we can determine if these events take control of who we are and how we are to live, moving forward.

Several years ago I was self-employed. I had an employee by the name of Percy Griffin, who later became a very dear friend and confidant. We all know what a confidant is: (A person someone trusts and discusses personal matters and problems with).

We use to call Percy Pops. That's because he was the elder on our team.  Percy had been through a lot. I recall stories he told me of things that happened to him.

As you know, in business and in life so many things can go wrong.  One day I had a major issue to occur. Wouldn't you know it, it was a big financial issue. One thing in particular I recall Percy saying to me during that time. He said "Bernie, don't look at the problem, think on a solution". These words still ring in my heart, loud and clear unto this day.

I learned through my friend, complaining don't help and being scare (afraid) paralyze you ability to think. If you cannot change what has just happened, then change the way of your thinking. You just might find the solution.

Remember, in an earlier blog I shared with you a statement made by the late President, John F. Kennedy in 1963, a few months before he was assassinated . He said Crisis written in Chinese represents two characters. (1) Danger and the other (2) Opportunity.

There are opportunities in everything that happens to us. We will only be able to see those opportunities when we cease to focus on the circumstances and start thinking on a solution.

Each of us have or have had dreams. We've seen these dreams fall by the wayside. But, you know what? There is always tomorrow to get started again.

I've had my share of ups and downs in life, just as you. I've felt the burden and pounding of my heart for something seemingly I could not control. I've acquired and I've lost. But thank God Almighty, I'm still here, just as you are, still here.

Moving forward, never look at your circumstances independently of thinking on a solution. Remember, fear is not from God. And, there is a solution to every problem, even if the solution is walking away and letting go.

Don't be afraid of the unknown. The only One that knows our future is God. But continue to persevere with the right mindset. Pray, Seek Him, Trust Him and trust the ability God has given you and in the person He has ordained you to be.

I was heading in another direction, but instead the road I was writing on lead me this way.

~I hope this makes sense to you. Nevertheless: These are my thoughts ... I welcome Yours.~ 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

~Defining Beautiful~

How do you define beauty in a woman?  Beauty for most is something very good to look at.  Someone or something pleasing to the eyes.

The initial stage of beauty in a woman is her physicality.  Such as, what she's wearing, her body shape or even her hair.  But should it begin there? Should it stop there? I think not.

I think the beauty in a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs and wears her hair.

The beauty in a woman is seen in her eyes, because this is truly the doorway of her heart, the place where love, sensitivity and compassion is stored.

True beauty in a woman is reflected deep inside of her. Her soul. It's the caring that she so lovingly gives, that passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. Meaning, as she ages.

I believe you can see beauty even when it's not pretty. I believe everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Most men look at the beautiful surfaces of a woman. But, there is no beautiful surface without a beautiful depth (Heart).

Kate Angell stated this: "Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates".

Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't matter how attractive a woman or anyone else is. The statement above by Kate Angell is the absolute truth.

Moving forward, A friend sent me a picture of her and her grand-daughter. I replied "Nice; beautiful picture". She replied by saying "not. Don't lie".

She was sitting in a chair holding her grand-daughter. She looked tired, her hair was not fixed, just combed back. I said to her "why would I lie, why would you say I'm lying"? I went on to say to her, you're looking at the physical, I'm not. I'm looking at a grand-mother, holding another generation in her lap. I saw a very beautiful picture.

She later caught on and could see that beauty runs deeper than the physical.

Lastly, Just because something is beautiful doesn't mean it's good. Equally, just because something is not beautiful to you, doesn't meant it's bad.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Monday, May 12, 2014

~Defining Moments~ ... Events that can Change Your Life!

Each of us have had defining moments in our lives. Some of these defining moments have been enlightening, exciting, mysterious and life changing.

For Moses, it was the burning bush.

For Peter, it was walking on water.

For Paul, it was being blinded and spoken to by Jesus on the Damascus road.

For Shadrach, Messach, and Abednego, it was walking through the burning furnace untouched.

For Daniel, it was deliverance for the lion's den

For Joshua, it was parting the Jordan river and crossing into the Promise Land.

Listen, there have been many defining moments in the lives of human beings that changed their lives forever.

We could go on and on. Each of these men of God had years of preparation leading up to their defining moments. These moments forced these men of God to be involved in something beyond their human experiences. It took them outside their own understanding. God had to move them outside their own boxes. And when He did, their lives were forever changed and never the same.

You may be in one of three stages of life. You may not had your "defining moment" yet - God maybe preparing you with many important life experiences. You may have had your defining moment and you are living out your calling. Or, you may be toward the end of your journey and you may have already experienced what I'm speaking of. We are all called to a relationship with God; and we are called vocationally. ( That means to work). Which is often ushered in by a defining moment. And there can be more than one defining moment, each pointing you down a path that God has predestined from the foundation of the world. Believe it or not,  God knew who you were even before your father and mother ever consummated their relationship.

The secret of a great life is often a man's or woman's ability to discern the defining moments give to him or her. Understanding them, and learning to walk in the paths that leads him or her to his or her ultimate destination.

Once you have had a defining moment, you are different and will never be the same. Pray that  you have eyes to see and ears to hear when The Spirit of God brings a defining moment into your life.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome Yours ...~ 

Monday, May 5, 2014

~When God Seems Far Away~

Why, O Lord, do You stand far off? Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?" - Psalm 10:1

 One of the great mysteries of God is His ways. Some of His ways almost appear to bring us into the most difficult places, as if He were indifferent to our circumstances. It would appear that He is turning His head from our sorrows. These events in our lives have a particular objective to perform for us. That objective is to bring us to the end of ourselves that we might discover the treasure of darkness. "Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness" (Job 30:26). 

When we are taken into these dark periods, we begin to see light that we never knew existed. Our sensitivities become heightened and our ability to see through spiritual eyes is illuminated. Unless we are taken into these times, our souls never develop any depth of character. We do not gain wisdom, only knowledge. Knowledge is gained through understanding; wisdom is gained through the experience of darkness.

After we go through these periods, we discovered that God was, in face, with us throughout the entire times. It does not feel or appear the He is there when we are in the midst of the dark periods. However, He is there walking with us. He has told us countless times that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

However, when we are in those dark periods, it does not feel like He is there because He does not rescue us from the circumstances. He does this for our benefit in order that we might become more like Jesus. Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered (see Heb. 5:8). What does that say about you and I? We too will learn obedience through the things we suffer.  Embrace the dark times and gain the wisdom that God intends for to learn during these times.

Trust me, just like you  I've gone through dark periods and yes, it appeared that God was not there. But Deep in my soul I knew he was, but I still became frustrated with Him because it did not seem that He was going to move on my behalf. But, He allowed my circumstances to be worked out and in my favor.

God is.......

~Please, your feed-back is welcome~