Tuesday, April 22, 2014

~Times and Changes~

The paradox of our time in history is that things change and along with change we need to develop broader viewpoints. 

So often we want to stay in a place where we are comfortable and where we deem peaceful. We want to keep things as they were. Never seeing the importance of thinking out the box. 

But with change comes a new perspective, a new thought process. 

I have learned when times are changing and the future is unclear, fear is the biggest motivator.  When fear enters our hearts and minds know that we are much stronger than fear could ever be.

President John F. Kennedy said these words in 1963.
"Danger written in Chinese represents two characters:
  1. Danger 
  2. And the other is Opportunity
Please hear this: Change = opportunity if you have the stomach for it.

Ask yourself this question, when are you tired  or learning new stuff? Be someone that understands that change is inevitable. And, if there no change, then there is no growth.

Also, change is accompanied by lots of noise. People murmuring, complaining, Etc. This is because people by nature are fearful of the unknown.

Don't you get distracted by the noise around you. Stay focused and move forward.
Remember, when change comes it gives us:
  • A time to reflect.
  • A time to be thankful.
  • A time to welcome changes and except new challenges.
  • A time to be focused and not allow distractions to send us in disarray.
  • A time to cease from complaining.
  • A time to call for teamwork. (Find someone you can trust and share your fears. Trusting that he or she will aid in keeping you encouraged). Remember to reciprocate.

Change is good. It brings with it Challenges, Innovations, Opportunities, Successes.  

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~

Thursday, April 17, 2014

~The work place~ and My Attitude...

"Can we find anyone like this man, one whom is the Spirit of God?" (Gen. 41:38

Most of us have a concept as to how the workplace should be. But, few of us understand God's point of view of the workplace with you and me in it. I sincerely hope that this will enlighten you and change what maybe a bad attitude into a good attitude.

The bible says that God has defined the place and time in which we are to live. "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance" (PS 16:5-6)

 God has uniquely gifted you to bring His presence and power in the area of your calling. Once you begin to realize this, God will use you just as He did Joseph with his employer, Pharaoh. Your life should be a testimony of the power , creativity, and and servant-hood of Jesus that it impacts your employer to the degree that he or she say the same thing about that Pharaoh said about Joseph: "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?".

 When God accomplishes this in your life He gives you authority in your workplace. You will begin to see others drawn to you. You may begin to be ostracized as well. This too is part of your calling. Do not fear this. Embrace it.

 We should not be seeking to remove ourselves from the pressure cooker of life, but use that pressure cooker to reveal the power and grace of God through our lives to others. It is here that we will received our inheritance as we fulfill our purposes in and through our work life call.

Please keep in mind, Pharaoh was against God, but he saw the Spirit of God in Joseph because of:
  1. His attitude when it came to his job.
  2. His dedication when at work.
  3. His work ethics.
  4. His willingness to handle any task presented to him and not complain.
A: Please note: It is okay to inquire.

 Today ask God to give you supernatural wisdom and discernment to express the Spirit of God through you to your employer.

~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~