The paradox of our time in history is that things change and along with change we need to develop broader viewpoints.
So often we want to stay in a place where we are comfortable and where we deem peaceful. We want to keep things as they were. Never seeing the importance of thinking out the box.
But with change comes a new perspective, a new thought process.
I have learned when times are changing and the future is unclear, fear is the biggest motivator. When fear enters our hearts and minds know that we are much stronger than fear could ever be.
President John F. Kennedy said these words in 1963.
"Danger written in Chinese represents two characters:
- Danger
- And the other is Opportunity
Please hear this: Change = opportunity if you have the stomach for it.
Ask yourself this question, when are you tired or learning new stuff? Be someone that understands that change is inevitable. And, if there no change, then there is no growth.
Also, change is accompanied by lots of noise. People murmuring, complaining, Etc. This is because people by nature are fearful of the unknown.
Don't you get distracted by the noise around you. Stay focused and move forward.
Remember, when change comes it gives us:Don't you get distracted by the noise around you. Stay focused and move forward.
- A time to reflect.
- A time to be thankful.
- A time to welcome changes and except new challenges.
- A time to be focused and not allow distractions to send us in disarray.
- A time to cease from complaining.
- A time to call for teamwork. (Find someone you can trust and share your fears. Trusting that he or she will aid in keeping you encouraged). Remember to reciprocate.
Change is good. It brings with it Challenges, Innovations, Opportunities, Successes.
~These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours~