Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Relationship .... & .... Love!!!

Relationship as it relates to love. And, here is the definition of a relationship:

Relationship: the connection between two or more people or groups and their involvement with one another, especially as regards the way they behave toward and feel about one another.

Love: An emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions.

Let’s go a little farther concerning love: Love is patient, kind, unselfish, un-possessive and freely given.

If the definition given above concerning love as it relates to love, then why is it that some many relationships fail?

Why do so many couples start out seemingly the right way and end up wrong?

Is it because the couples are selfish? Or one of the partners are selfish? Could it be because they really don’t understand what a relationship is all about?

Could it be because their relationship is based on sex and not love?

always question a relationship when it takes you away from who you are and blends you into the person your partner wants you to be.

He or She should be willing to except you for who you are and not for who they wish to mold you into being.

Listen up.... change is okay, as long as you have the strenght, courage and freedom to refuse something you are being asked to do that is totally against your charcter.

No matter how long or how much your partner begs, pleads and coherse you to do something, if that which you are being ask to do is against who you truly are,  then - DON'T.

If it continues, you may need to consider a relationship change.....

Relationships are about giving and taking. Sometimes giving 50/60/70% and higher. But trust me, if your partner truly loves and cares for you, then he or she will get the picture or risk losing you all together.

There are love stories that can be told that are like no other. Whether you live in a small country town in South Carolina, Georgia or a big city like New York or simply anywhere, it makes no difference.

Love is never simple … because there are those who are always interfering; such as neighbors, parents, friends and those who wish to see you and the one you love breakup. However, if your love is deep and strong enough, you can overcome those that interfer.

Another reason why love is never simple ... is because of the forgiveness factor. So hear this!!! when you are hurt in a relationship, deeply hurt ... understand that Love is truly forgiveness... Love is when you are willing to forgive someone for something that you thought they would never do to bring you pain. And the willingness to open your heart to allow the healing process to begin.... Which may not be easy ... At All.

The greater issue is - can the two of you overcome your differences and incompatibilites. And, be willing to give up your right for the other person's wrong......

Think before you answer....
"Love is Simple .... People are Complicated"

Lastly ... True love is unconditional and therefore, it does not intentionally cause hurt .... What hurts, is the action and attitude of the one you love, after they have caused you hurt and pain ...

Relationships are never simple!!!
It takes work!!!


These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours !!!!!!!