I started thinking about my father. As a child, whenever my father would come home from work, my brothers, sisters and I would always run to his car to greet him home. It was always an exciting time when came home.
He brought home a sense of stability, security and strength. Even though my mom and dad's marriage did not survive, my dad's presence was positively felt. {In our early years}.
Moving on ... I was in the 8th grade when my mom and dad separated. That was a very devastating time for me. It was so devastating that my 8th grade math teacher came to visit my mom to tell her my grades were dropping drastically. Oh, I was an A student in Math in the 8th grade only! :)
My mother explained to Mrs McMath {my math teacher} that she and my father had just separated and that could have been the reason, which it was. My teacher cared about me.
Later on I met a teacher who's name is Mr. James Redmond. Mr. Redmond was my Driver's Ed and History teacher. He was also a neighbor. After my dad left us, Mr. Redmond became a father figure to me. He gave a sense of worth, security and a sort of protection when I was around him.
After finishing High School I would visit him often. One day I went back home to Hartsville, S.C. to visit my family and I stopped by to see my old friend, father figure and, teacher Mr. Redmond. I began to explain to him just how important he was to me and how much I needed him in my life back then.
He said and I quote "Edwards, I had no idea of the role I was playing in your life back then, but I am glad to know that I helped you so much, and you have proven my worth to you, by always coming by to visit me each time you come back home".
I don't recall to many other men being in my life that made such an impact, except my instructor at DeVry Institute of Technology, which was Mr. Adolphus Sams, who always encouraged me by saying "Edwards you will do well in this industry".
I guess Mr. Sams was correct, because the industry I am in, is the industry that I am still in and I guess you can say I was successful.
Now, let's examine what I've just stated concerning "What makes a man a man".
A man gives the people and family around him a sense of Stability
He brings a sense of Security
He brings a sense of Strength
He shows that he Cares
He displays Confidence
He Protects
He provides
He makes wise Decisions
He Prays
He has a way of making others feel good about themselves
He has Integrity
He admits when he is Wrong
He is quick to say I'm Sorry
He is patient
He is a Giver ... and don't look for repayment
He is forever learning
He is always a Thinker
He Sacrifices
These are just a few examples that depicts the attributes of a man.
Listen.....I no longer wonder what you are about to read below,,,, Now I know!!!
Well, what make a man I once wondered. Is it his Origin, when he comes to life? I don't think so!
It is the choices that he makes. ------ It is not how he start things, but how he decides to finish them.
I understand now, that a man becomes a man only when he secures himself with Honesty and Integrity.
I've said this in a previous blog and that is: .... Somehow I believe, that a man becomes mature, when he no longer allow these two choices to co-exist: and that is to allow The spirit of a boy to over-ride The wisdom of a Man!!!
I am so thankful for the people God allowed to enter my life, from my youth and as an adult.
Remember this..... Age does not constitute being a man. Wisdom dictates that!!!
These are my thoughts ..... I welcome yours!!!!!!!
Happy reading......